
263 lines
9.4 KiB
Executable File

# Written by JoMo-Kun <jmk at> in 2007
# and placed in the public domain.
# The purpose of this script is to aid with cracking a LM/NTLM
# challenge/response set, when part of the password is known. It
# was written with John's NetLM/NetNTLM formats and "halflmchall"
# Rainbow Tables in mind.
# Example Scenario:
# Let's assume you've captured LM/NTLM challenge/response set for
# the password Cricket88!. You may be able to crack the first part
# (i.e. CRICKET) using "Half LM" Rainbow Tables. This script will
# use that value as a seed and attempt to crack the second part
# (i.e. "88!") via an incremental brute. It'll then use the NetNTLM
# response hash to crack the case-sensitive version of the entire
# password.
use Getopt::Long;
my $VERSION = "0.2";
my %opt;
my %data;
my $JOHN = "john";
GetOptions (
'seed=s' => \$opt{'seed'},
'file=s' => \$opt{'file'},
'help|h' => sub { ShowUsage(); },
sub showUsage {
print " v$VERSION\n\n";
print "JoMo-Kun <jmk\>\n\n";
print "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]\n";
print " $0\n";
print " --seed [RainbowCrack/HalfLM Response Password]\n";
print " --file [File Containing LM/NTLM challenge/responses (.lc format)]\n";
print " Ex: Domain\\User:::LM response:NTLM response:challenge";
print "\n";
print " Ex:\n";
print " $0 --file\n";
print " $0 --seed \"GERGE!!\"--file\n";
print "\n";
# Main
if ( !defined($opt{'file'}) ) { &showUsage; }
# Parse accounts to audit
open(HAND, $opt{'file'}) || die("Failed to open response file: $opt{'file'} -- $!");
@{ $data{'pairs'} } = <HAND>;
# Load information for any accounts previous cracked
print STDERR "\n\n";
print STDERR "###########################################################################################\n";
open (HAND, "$JOHN -format:netlm -show $opt{'file'} |") || die("Failed to execute john: $!");
print STDERR "The following LM responses have been previously cracked:\n";
while(<HAND>) {
next if ( /\d+ password hashes cracked, \d+ left/ );
last if /^$/;
print "\t$_";
push @{ $data{'cracked-lm'} }, $_;
print STDERR "\nThe following NTLM responses have been previously cracked:\n";
open (HAND, "$JOHN -format:netntlm -show $opt{'file'} |") || die("Failed to execute john: $!");
while(<HAND>) {
next if ( /\d+ password hashes cracked, \d+ left/ );
last if /^$/;
print "\t$_";
push @{ $data{'cracked-ntlm'} }, $_;
mkdir("/tmp/john.$$") || die;
my $tmpconf = &createConf();
my $tmpsession = "/tmp/john.$$/john.session";
my $tmpsessionlog = "/tmp/john.$$/john.session.log";
my $tmplog = "/tmp/john.$$/john.log";
#print STDERR "Created temporary configuration file: $tmpconf\n";
# Crack case-sensitive version of password
my $tmpdict = "/tmp/john.$$/john.dict";
#print STDERR "Created temporary dictionary file: $tmpdict\n";
foreach $credential_set ( @{ $data{'cracked-lm'} } ) {
my ($account,$lmpass,$bar,$netlm,$netntlm,$chall) = split(/:/, $credential_set);
next if ( grep(/^$account:/i, @{ $data{'cracked-ntlm'} }) );
print STDERR "\n\n";
print STDERR "###########################################################################################\n";
print STDERR "Performing NTLM case-sensitive crack for account: $account.\n";
open(HAND, ">$tmpdict") || die("Failed to option file: $tmpdict -- $!");
print HAND "$lmpass";
open (HAND, "$JOHN -format:netntlm -config:$tmpconf -wordlist:$tmpdict -rules -user:\"$account\" -session:$tmpsession $opt{'file'} |") || die("Failed to execute john: $!");
while(<HAND>) { print; }
unlink $tmpdict || warn("Failed to unlink $tmpdict -- $!");
print STDERR "\n\n";
print STDERR "###########################################################################################\n";
print STDERR "Isolating accounts which have only had their LM response cracked.\n";
foreach $credential_set ( @{ $data{'pairs'} } ) {
$credential_set =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
my ($account,$foo,$bar,$netlm,$netntlm,$chall) = split(/:/, $credential_set);
if (lc($netlm) eq lc($netntlm)) {
print STDERR "LM response is not unique from NTLM response (skipping):\n\t$credential_set\n";
push @{ $data{'pairs-ntlm'} }, $credential_set;
elsif ( @cracked = grep(/^$account:/i, @{ $data{'cracked-ntlm'} }) ) {
print STDERR "Account $account NTLM response previously cracked.\n";
#print "@cracked";
else {
print STDERR "Account $account LM response added to cracking list.\n";
push @{ $data{'pairs-lm'} }, $credential_set;
if ( defined($opt{'seed'}) ) {
print STDERR "\n\n";
print STDERR "###########################################################################################\n";
print STDERR "Testing seed password to determine whether it is the actual password.\n";
open(HAND, ">$tmpdict") || die("Failed to option file: $tmpdict -- $!");
print HAND $opt{'seed'};
open (HAND, "$JOHN -format:netntlm -config:$tmpconf -wordlist:$tmpdict -rules -session:$tmpsession $opt{'file'} |") || die("Failed to execute john: $!");
while(<HAND>) {
next if (/^guesses: .*time: / || (/^Loaded .* password hash /) || (/^No password hashes loaded/));
my ($account) = $_ =~ / \((.*)\)$/;
# Remove accounts which just cracked from list
my $i = 0;
foreach $credential_set ( @{ $data{'pairs-lm'} } ) {
$account =~ s/\\/_/g;
$credential_set =~ s/\\\\/_/g;
if ( $credential_set =~ /^$account:/ ) {
splice(@{ $data{'pairs-lm'} }, $i, 1);
unlink $tmpdict || warn("Failed to unlink $tmpdict -- $!");
my $tmppasswd = "/tmp/john.$$/john.passwd";
open(HAND, ">$tmppasswd") || die("Failed to open $tmppasswd: $!");
print HAND @{ $data{'pairs-lm'} };
print STDERR "\n\n";
print STDERR "###########################################################################################\n";
print STDERR "The hashes contained within $tmppasswd have not been cracked.\n";
print STDERR "Executing the following (this could take a while...):\n\n";
print STDERR "john -format:netlm -config:$tmpconf -external:HalfLM -incremental:LM -session:$tmpsession $tmppasswd\n";
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR " *If the passwords successfully crack, use this script again to crack the case-sensitive password\n";
print STDERR " without feeding a seed password\n";
print STDERR"\n\n";
system("$JOHN -format:netlm -config:$tmpconf -external:HalfLM -incremental:LM -session:$tmpsession $tmppasswd");
#exec("$JOHN -format:netlm -config:$tmpconf -external:HalfLM -incremental:LM -session:$tmpsession $tmppasswd");
unlink $tmppasswd || warn("Failed to unlink $tmppasswd -- $!");
else {
print STDERR "\nNo seed supplied for testing.\n";
#print STDERR "Removing temporary files and directory\n";
unlink $tmpconf, $tmplog, $tmpsession, $tmpsessionlog || warn("Failed to unlink temporary config files -- $!");
rmdir("/tmp/john.$$") || warn("Failed to delete temporary john directory -- $!");
sub createConf {
my $tmpconf = "/tmp/john.$$/john.conf";
open(CONF, ">$tmpconf") || die("Failed to open $tmpconf: $!");
# Define character keyspace
print CONF "[Incremental:LM]\n";
print CONF "File = \$JOHN/lanman.chr\n";
print CONF "MinLen = 1\n";
# John compiled for MaxLen <= 8
if (14 - length($opt{'seed'}) > 8) {
print CONF "MaxLen = 8\n";
} else {
print CONF "MaxLen = ", 14 - length($opt{'seed'}), "\n";
print CONF "CharCount = 69\n\n";
# Add external filter to handle uncracked characters
if ($opt{'seed'} ne "") {
my $i; $j;
my @seed = split(//, $opt{'seed'});
print CONF "[List.External:HalfLM]\n";
print CONF "void init()\n";
print CONF "{\n";
print CONF " word[14] = 0;\n";
print CONF "}\n\n";
print CONF "void filter()\n";
print CONF "{\n";
my $len = length($opt{'seed'});
for ($i = 13, $j = 13 - $len; $i>=0; $i--) {
if ($i >= $len) {
print CONF " word[$i] = word[$j];\n";
} else {
print CONF " word[$i] = \'$seed[$i]\';\n";
print CONF "}\n\n";
# Add custom wordlist to utilize NTLM hash for character case cracking
print CONF "[List.Rules:Wordlist]\n";
print CONF ":\n";
print CONF "-c T0Q\n";
print CONF "-c T1QT[z0]\n";
print CONF "-c T2QT[z0]T[z1]\n";
print CONF "-c T3QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]\n";
print CONF "-c T4QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]\n";
print CONF "-c T5QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]\n";
print CONF "-c T6QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]\n";
print CONF "-c T7QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]\n";
print CONF "-c T8QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]T[z7]\n";
print CONF "-c T9QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]T[z7]T[z8]\n";
print CONF "-c TAQT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]T[z7]T[z8]T[z9]\n";
print CONF "-c TBQT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]T[z7]T[z8]T[z9]T[zA]\n";
print CONF "-c TCQT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]T[z7]T[z8]T[z9]T[zA]T[zB]\n";
print CONF "-c TDQT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]T[z7]T[z8]T[z9]T[zA]T[zB]T[zC]\n";
return $tmpconf;