
35 lines
831 B

.pt_gnu_stack rw // elf-specific instruction
//.interp none // request minimal elf, no section/dynamic/interpreter
#define __i386__
#include <asm/unistd.h> // can use the C preprocessor
stdout equ 1 // 'equ' constant definition
syscall macro nr // asm-style macros
mov eax, nr ; the syscall number goes in eax
int 80h
#define syscall1(nr, arg) mov ebx, arg syscall(__NR_##nr) // c++-style macros
#define syscall3(nr, arg1, arg2, arg3) mov edx, arg3 mov ecx, arg2 syscall1(nr, arg1)
.entrypoint // the elf entrypoint
nop nop
call 1f // 1f is the first label named '1' found forward
toto_str db "toto\n"
toto_str_len equ $ - toto_str // $ is the address of the start of the current instruction/data
pop ebp
syscall3(write, stdout, ebp, toto_str_len)
; hang forever
jmp $
syscall1(exit, 0)