789 B
789 B
The ipmi_cipher_zero module is used to find IPMI 2.0-compatible systems that are vulnerable to an authentication bypass vulnerability through the use of IPMI cipher zero, which means no cipher is used at all.
Vulnerable Devices
This is an error in the IPMI 2.0 specification itself, so any device BMC fully implementing IPMI 2.0 will possibly have the vulnerable non-cipher enabled.
Verification Steps
Set RHOSTS to the target device or range and run:
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/ipmi/ipmi_cipher_zero
msf auxiliary(ipmi_cipher_zero) > set RHOSTS
msf auxiliary(ipmi_cipher_zero) > run
[*] Sending IPMI requests to> (1 hosts)
[*] - IPMI - NOT VULNERABLE: Rejected cipher zero with error code 17