113 lines
5.6 KiB
113 lines
5.6 KiB
## Vulnerable Application
This module enumerates Elasticsearch instances. It uses the REST API
in order to gather information about the server, the cluster, nodes,
in the cluster, indices, and pull data from those indices.
### Docker
Docker install is quite simple, however it won't come with any data making the results rather boring.
However, we can use the the [oliver006/elasticsearch-test-data](https://github.com/oliver006/elasticsearch-test-data)
repo to help auto populate our data.
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
git clone https://github.com/oliver006/elasticsearch-test-data.git
cd elasticsearch-test-data
docker-compose up --detach
docker run --rm -it --network host oliver006/es-test-data \
--es_url=http://localhost:9200 \
--batch_size=10000 \
--username=elastic \
### Install Elasticsearch on Kali Linux
With this install, we'll install the free community edition of Elasticsearch, which does not require authentication to the API. However,
this is unrealistic in a production environment which will often leverage a support contract to gain authentication, a reverse proxy to
add basic authentication, and/or a host firewall to restrict access to this API.
The following instructions assume you are beginning with a fresh Kali installation as the root user.
1. `useradd -M -r elasticsearch`
2. `su elasticsearch`
3. `cd /tmp`
4. `curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-6.3.2.tar.gz`
5. `tar -xvf elasticsearch-6.3.2.tar.gz`
6. `cd elasticsearch-6.3.2/bin`
7. `./elasticsearch`
8. Open a new terminal
9. In the new terminal, `curl -X PUT` to create an index for validation purposes
## Verification Steps
1. `use auxiliary/gather/elasticsearch_enum`
2. `set RHOSTS [ips]`
3. `set RPORT [port]`
4. `run`
## Options
## Scenarios
### Elasticsearch 7.9.1 on Docker
msf6 > use auxiliary/gather/elasticsearch_enum
msf6 auxiliary(gather/elasticsearch/enum) > set ssl false
[!] Changing the SSL option's value may require changing RPORT!
ssl => false
msf6 auxiliary(gather/elasticsearch/enum) > set password esbackup-password
password => esbackup-password
msf6 auxiliary(gather/elasticsearch/enum) > set username elastic
username => elastic
msf6 auxiliary(gather/elasticsearch/enum) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf6 auxiliary(gather/elasticsearch/enum) > run
[+] Elastic Information
Name Cluster Name Version Build Type Lucene Version
---- ------------ ------- ---------- --------------
es01 es-docker-cluster 7.9.1 docker 8.6.2
[+] Node Information
IP Transport Port HTTP Port Version Name Uptime Ram Usage Node Role Master CPU Load Disk Usage
-- -------------- --------- ------- ---- ------ --------- --------- ------ -------- ----------
| 9300 7.9.1 es01 1.1h 5.4gb/5.7gb dilmrt - 12% 64.8gb/75.6gb
| 9300 7.9.1 es02 1.1h 5.4gb/5.7gb dilmrt * 12% 64.8gb/75.6gb
[+] Cluster Information
Cluster Name Status Number of Nodes
------------ ------ ---------------
es-docker-cluster yellow 2
[+] Indices Information
Name Health Status UUID Documents Storage Usage (MB)
---- ------ ------ ---- --------- ------------------
test_data yellow open Y2Qms9leTf2riFN89Lik6g 100000 8MB
[+] test_data data stored to /root/.msf4/loot/20230824172328_default_127.0.0.1_elasticserch.ind_635067.csv
[+] User Information
Name Roles Email Metadata Enabled
---- ----- ----- -------- -------
apm_system ["apm_system"] {"_reserved"=>true} true
beats_system ["beats_system"] {"_reserved"=>true} true
elastic ["superuser"] {"_reserved"=>true} true
kibana ["kibana_system"] {"_deprecated"=>true, "_deprecated_reason"=>"Please use the [kibana_system] user instead.", "_r true
kibana_system ["kibana_system"] {"_reserved"=>true} true
logstash_system ["logstash_system"] {"_reserved"=>true} true
remote_monitoring_user ["remote_monitoring_collector", "remote_monitoring_agent"] {"_reserved"=>true} true
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed