
664 lines
40 KiB

## Vulnerable Application
This module attempts to use a password cracker to decode Linux
based password hashes, such as:
* `DES` based passwords
* `MD5` based passwords
* `BSDi` based passwords
* `bf`, `bcrypt`, or `blowfish` based passwords
* `SHA256` based passwords
* `SHA512` based passwords
| Common | John | Hashcat |
| -------- | ----------- | ------- |
| des | descript | 1500 |
| md5 | md5crypt | 500 |
| bsdi | bsdicrypt | 12400 |
| blowfish | bcrypt | 3200 |
| sha256 | sha256crypt | 7400 |
| sha512 | sha512crypt | 1800 |
Sources of hashes can be found here:
[source](, [source2](
## Verification Steps
1. Have at least one user with an `des`, `md5`, `bsdi`, `blowfish`, `sha512`, or `sha256` password hash in the database
2. Start msfconsole
3. Do: ```use auxiliary/analyze/crack_linux```
4. Do: set cracker of choice
5. Do: ```run```
6. You should hopefully crack a password.
## Actions
### john
Use john the ripper (default).
### hashcat
Use hashcat.
## Options
Crack Blowfish hashes. Default is `false`.
### BSDi
Crack BSDi hashes. Default is `true`.
The path to a John config file (JtR option: `--config`). Default is `metasploit-framework/data/john.conf`
The absolute path to the cracker executable. Default behavior is to search `path`.
The path to an optional custom wordlist. This file is added to the new wordlist which may include the other
`USE` items like `USE_CREDS`, and have `MUTATE` or `KORELOGIC` applied to it.
### DES
Crack DES hashes. Default is `true`.
### DeleteTempFiles
This option will prevent deletion of the wordlist and file containing hashes. This may be useful for
running the hashes through john if it wasn't cracked, or for debugging. Default is `false`.
### Fork
This option will set how many forks to use on john the ripper. Default is `1` (no forking).
Run the cracker in incremental mode. Default is `true`
The max-run-time for each iteration of cracking.
Apply the [KoreLogic rules]( to Wordlist Mode (slower).
Default is `false`.
### MD5
Crack MD5 hashes. Default is `true`.
Apply common mutations to the Wordlist (SLOW). Mutations are:
* `'@' => 'a'`
* `'0' => 'o'`
* `'3' => 'e'`
* `'$' => 's'`
* `'7' => 't'`
* `'1' => 'l'`
* `'5' => 's'`
Default is `false`.
### POT
The path to a John POT file (JtR option: `--pot`) to use instead. The `pot` file is the data file which
records cracked password hashes. Kali linux's default location is `/root/.john/john.pot`.
Default is `~/.msf4/john.pot`.
### SHA256
Crack SHA256 hashes. Default is `false`.
### SHA512
Crack SHA12 hashes. Default is `false`.
Show the command being used run from the command line for debugging. Default is `false`
Use existing credential data saved in the database. Default is `true`.
Use looted database schema info to seed the wordlist. This includes the Database Name, each Table Name,
and each Column Name. If the DB is MSSQL, the Instance Name is also used. Default is `true`.
Use the default metasploit wordlist in `metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/password.lst`. Default is
Seed the wordlist with hostnames from the workspace. Default is `true`.
Use the Common Root Words Wordlist in `metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/common_roots.txt`. Default
is true.
Run the cracker in dictionary/wordlist mode. Default is `true`
## Scenarios
### Sample Data
The following is data which can be used to test integration, including adding entries
to a wordlist and pot file to test various aspects of the cracker.
echo "" > /root/.msf4/john.pot
echo "fakeV6xlcXxRM:55" >> /root/.msf4/john.pot
echo "\$1\$O3JMY.Tw\$AdLnLjQ/5jXF9.fakegHv/:password" >> /root/.msf4/john.pot
echo "test" > /tmp/wordlist
echo "password" >> /tmp/wordlist
echo "toto" >> /tmp/wordlist
creds add user:des2_password hash:rEK1ecacw.7.c jtr:des
creds add user:des_password hash:rEK1ecacw.7.c jtr:des
creds add user:des_55 hash:rDpJV6xlcXxRM jtr:des
creds add user:des_pot_55 hash:fakeV6xlcXxRM jtr:des
creds add user:des_passphrase hash:qiyh4XPJGsOZ2MEAyLkfWqeQ jtr:des
creds add user:md5_password hash:$1$O3JMY.Tw$AdLnLjQ/5jXF9.MTp3gHv/ jtr:md5
creds add user:md52_password hash:$1$O3JMY.Tw$AdLnLjQ/5jXF9.MTp3gHv/ jtr:md5
creds add user:md5_pot_password hash:$1$O3JMY.Tw$AdLnLjQ/5jXF9.fakegHv/ jtr:md5
creds add user:bsdi_password hash:_J9..K0AyUubDrfOgO4s jtr:bsdi
creds add user:sha256_password hash:$5$MnfsQ4iN$ZMTppKN16y/tIsUYs/obHlhdP.Os80yXhTurpBMUbA5 jtr:sha256
creds add user:sha512_password hash:$6$zWwwXKNj$gLAOoZCjcr8p/.VgV/FkGC3NX7BsXys3KHYePfuIGMNjY83dVxugPYlxVg/evpcVEJLT/rSwZcDMlVVf/bhf.1 jtr:sha512
creds add user:blowfish_password hash:$2a$05$bvIG6Nmid91Mu9RcmmWZfO5HJIMCT8riNW0hEp8f6/FuA2/mHZFpe jtr:bf
### John the Ripper
We'll set `ITERATION_TIMEOUT 60` for a quick crack, `blowfish true`, `sha256 true`, `sha512 true` to handle the bfish, sha256 and sha512 hashes,
and `ShowCommand true` for easy debugging.
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg CUSTOM_WORDLIST /tmp/wordlist
CUSTOM_WORDLIST => /tmp/wordlist
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg ShowCommand true
ShowCommand => true
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_DEFAULT_WORDLIST false
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg DeleteTempFiles false
DeleteTempFiles => false
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_CREDS false
USE_CREDS => false
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_DB_INFO false
USE_DB_INFO => false
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_HOSTNAMES false
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_ROOT_WORDS false
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg ITERATION_TIMEOUT 60
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> use auxiliary/analyze/crack_linux
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> set blowfish true
blowfish => true
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> set sha256 true
sha256 => true
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> set sha512 true
sha512 => true
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> run
[+] john Version Detected: 1.9.0-jumbo-1 OMP
[*] Hashes Written out to /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
[*] Wordlist file written out to /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28293-19rhhdd
[*] Checking md5crypt hashes already cracked...
[*] Cracking md5crypt hashes in single mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=JKDS2w8U --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=md5crypt --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28293-19rhhdd --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Will run 8 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:20) 100.0g/s 76800p/s 76800c/s 76800C/s test3:::..tere!
Warning: passwords printed above might not be all those cracked
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed
[*] Cracking md5crypt hashes in normal mode
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=JKDS2w8U --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=md5crypt --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[*] Cracking md5crypt hashes in incremental mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=JKDS2w8U --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=md5crypt --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[*] Cracking md5crypt hashes in wordlist mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=JKDS2w8U --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=md5crypt --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28293-19rhhdd --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[+] Cracked Hashes
DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method
----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------
1303 md5crypt md5_password password Single
1304 md5crypt md52_password password Single
1305 md5crypt md5_pot_password password Already Cracked/POT
[*] Checking descrypt hashes already cracked...
[*] Cracking descrypt hashes in single mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=TYlIcIco --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=descrypt --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28293-19rhhdd --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Will run 8 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:20) 100.0g/s 1102Kp/s 4410Kc/s 4410KC/s test3:::..t1900
Warning: passwords printed above might be partial and not be all those cracked
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed
[*] Cracking descrypt hashes in normal mode
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=TYlIcIco --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=descrypt --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Will run 8 OpenMP threads
Proceeding with single, rules:Single
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
3g 0:00:00:00 DONE 1/3 (2019-05-31 15:20) 300.0g/s 614200p/s 614400c/s 614400C/s des_pass..Dde_pass
Warning: passwords printed above might be partial
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed
[*] Cracking descrypt hashes in incremental mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=TYlIcIco --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=descrypt --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[*] Cracking descrypt hashes in wordlist mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=TYlIcIco --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=descrypt --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28293-19rhhdd --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[+] Cracked Hashes
DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method
----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------
1298 descrypt des2_password password Single
1299 descrypt des_password password Single
1300 descrypt des_55 55 Normal
1301 descrypt des_pot_55 55 Already Cracked/POT
1302 descrypt des_passphrase passphrase Normal
1303 md5crypt md5_password password Single
1304 md5crypt md52_password password Single
1305 md5crypt md5_pot_password password Already Cracked/POT
[*] Checking bsdicrypt hashes already cracked...
[*] Cracking bsdicrypt hashes in single mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=24lUijDR --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=bsdicrypt --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28293-19rhhdd --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Will run 8 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:20) 50.00g/s 102400p/s 102400c/s 102400C/s test3:::..Tere6
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed
[*] Cracking bsdicrypt hashes in normal mode
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=24lUijDR --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=bsdicrypt --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[*] Cracking bsdicrypt hashes in incremental mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=24lUijDR --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=bsdicrypt --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[*] Cracking bsdicrypt hashes in wordlist mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=24lUijDR --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=bsdicrypt --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28293-19rhhdd --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[+] Cracked Hashes
DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method
----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------
1298 descrypt des2_password password Single
1299 descrypt des_password password Single
1300 descrypt des_55 55 Normal
1301 descrypt des_pot_55 55 Already Cracked/POT
1302 descrypt des_passphrase passphrase Normal
1303 md5crypt md5_password password Single
1304 md5crypt md52_password password Single
1305 md5crypt md5_pot_password password Already Cracked/POT
1306 bsdicrypt bsdi_password password Single
[*] Checking bcrypt hashes already cracked...
[*] Cracking bcrypt hashes in single mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=YCMwoPbH --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=bcrypt --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28293-19rhhdd --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Will run 8 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:20) 33.33g/s 2400p/s 2400c/s 2400C/s test3:::..test::0
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed
[*] Cracking bcrypt hashes in normal mode
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=YCMwoPbH --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=bcrypt --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[*] Cracking bcrypt hashes in incremental mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=YCMwoPbH --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=bcrypt --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[*] Cracking bcrypt hashes in wordlist mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=YCMwoPbH --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=bcrypt --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28293-19rhhdd --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[+] Cracked Hashes
DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method
----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------
1298 descrypt des2_password password Single
1299 descrypt des_password password Single
1300 descrypt des_55 55 Normal
1301 descrypt des_pot_55 55 Already Cracked/POT
1302 descrypt des_passphrase passphrase Normal
1303 md5crypt md5_password password Single
1304 md5crypt md52_password password Single
1305 md5crypt md5_pot_password password Already Cracked/POT
1306 bsdicrypt bsdi_password password Single
1309 bcrypt blowfish_password password Single
[*] Checking sha256crypt hashes already cracked...
[*] Cracking sha256crypt hashes in single mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=XVDR4pAU --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=sha256crypt --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28293-19rhhdd --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Will run 8 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:20) 2.173g/s 8904p/s 8904c/s 8904C/s test3:::..1foo
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed
[*] Cracking sha256crypt hashes in normal mode
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=XVDR4pAU --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=sha256crypt --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[*] Cracking sha256crypt hashes in incremental mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=XVDR4pAU --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=sha256crypt --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[*] Cracking sha256crypt hashes in wordlist mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=XVDR4pAU --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=sha256crypt --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28293-19rhhdd --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[+] Cracked Hashes
DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method
----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------
1298 descrypt des2_password password Single
1299 descrypt des_password password Single
1300 descrypt des_55 55 Normal
1301 descrypt des_pot_55 55 Already Cracked/POT
1302 descrypt des_passphrase passphrase Normal
1303 md5crypt md5_password password Single
1304 md5crypt md52_password password Single
1305 md5crypt md5_pot_password password Already Cracked/POT
1306 bsdicrypt bsdi_password password Single
1307 sha256crypt sha256_password password Single
1309 bcrypt blowfish_password password Single
[*] Checking sha512crypt hashes already cracked...
[*] Cracking sha512crypt hashes in single mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=nJBNk8dS --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=sha512crypt --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28293-19rhhdd --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Will run 8 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:20) 4.545g/s 4654p/s 4654c/s 4654C/s test3:::..test2::k
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed
[*] Cracking sha512crypt hashes in normal mode
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=nJBNk8dS --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=sha512crypt --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[*] Cracking sha512crypt hashes in incremental mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=nJBNk8dS --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=sha512crypt --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[*] Cracking sha512crypt hashes in wordlist mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=nJBNk8dS --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=sha512crypt --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28293-19rhhdd --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28293-u4ihgb
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
[+] Cracked Hashes
DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method
----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------
1298 descrypt des2_password password Single
1299 descrypt des_password password Single
1300 descrypt des_55 55 Normal
1301 descrypt des_pot_55 55 Already Cracked/POT
1302 descrypt des_passphrase passphrase Normal
1303 md5crypt md5_password password Single
1304 md5crypt md52_password password Single
1305 md5crypt md5_pot_password password Already Cracked/POT
1306 bsdicrypt bsdi_password password Single
1307 sha256crypt sha256_password password Single
1308 sha512crypt sha512_password password Single
1309 bcrypt blowfish_password password Single
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> creds
host origin service public private realm private_type JtR Format
---- ------ ------- ------ ------- ----- ------------ ----------
des2_password rEK1ecacw.7.c Nonreplayable hash des
des_password rEK1ecacw.7.c Nonreplayable hash des
des_55 rDpJV6xlcXxRM Nonreplayable hash des
des_pot_55 fakeV6xlcXxRM Nonreplayable hash des
des_passphrase qiyh4XPJGsOZ2MEAyLkfWqeQ Nonreplayable hash des
md5_password $1$O3JMY.Tw$AdLnLjQ/5jXF9.MTp3gHv/ Nonreplayable hash md5
md52_password $1$O3JMY.Tw$AdLnLjQ/5jXF9.MTp3gHv/ Nonreplayable hash md5
md5_pot_password $1$O3JMY.Tw$AdLnLjQ/5jXF9.fakegHv/ Nonreplayable hash md5
bsdi_password _J9..K0AyUubDrfOgO4s Nonreplayable hash bsdi
sha256_password $5$MnfsQ4iN$ZMTppKN16y/tIsUYs/obHlhdP.Os80yXhTurpBMUbA5 Nonreplayable hash sha256
sha512_password $6$zWwwXKNj$gLAOoZCjcr8p/.VgV/FkGC3NX7BsXys3KHYePfuIGMNjY83dVxugPYlxVg/evpcVEJLT/rSwZcDMlVVf/bhf.1 Nonreplayable hash sha512
blowfish_password $2a$05$bvIG6Nmid91Mu9RcmmWZfO5HJIMCT8riNW0hEp8f6/FuA2/mHZFpe Nonreplayable hash bf
md5_pot_password password Password
md5_password password Password
md52_password password Password
des_pot_55 55 Password
des2_password password Password
des_password password Password
des_55 55 Password
des_passphrase passphrase Password
bsdi_password password Password
blowfish_password password Password
sha256_password password Password
sha512_password password Password
### Hashcat
We'll set `ITERATION_TIMEOUT 60` for a quick crack, `blowfish true`, `sha256 true`, `sha512 true` to handle the bfish, sha256 and sha512 hashes,
and `ShowCommand true` for easy debugging.
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg CUSTOM_WORDLIST /tmp/wordlist
CUSTOM_WORDLIST => /tmp/wordlist
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg ShowCommand true
ShowCommand => true
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_DEFAULT_WORDLIST false
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg DeleteTempFiles false
DeleteTempFiles => false
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_CREDS false
USE_CREDS => false
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_DB_INFO false
USE_DB_INFO => false
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_HOSTNAMES false
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_ROOT_WORDS false
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg ITERATION_TIMEOUT 60
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> use auxiliary/analyze/crack_linux
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> set blowfish true
blowfish => true
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> set sha256 true
sha256 => true
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> set sha512 true
sha512 => true
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> set action hashcat
action => hashcat
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> run
[+] hashcat Version Detected: v5.1.0
[*] Hashes Written out to /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28535-hi2lkf
[*] Wordlist file written out to /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28535-47c707
[*] Checking md5crypt hashes already cracked...
[*] Cracking md5crypt hashes in incremental mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=p5KJBBFs --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=500 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28535-hi2lkf
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
[*] Cracking md5crypt hashes in wordlist mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=p5KJBBFs --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=500 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28535-hi2lkf /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28535-47c707
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
[+] Cracked Hashes
DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method
----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------
1327 md5crypt md5_password password Wordlist
1328 md5crypt md52_password password Wordlist
1329 md5crypt md5_pot_password password Already Cracked/POT
[*] Checking descrypt hashes already cracked...
[*] Cracking descrypt hashes in incremental mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=8qLTJwqG --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=1500 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28535-hi2lkf
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
[*] Cracking descrypt hashes in wordlist mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=8qLTJwqG --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=1500 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28535-hi2lkf /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28535-47c707
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
[+] Cracked Hashes
DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method
----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------
1322 descrypt des2_password password Wordlist
1323 descrypt des_password password Wordlist
1324 descrypt des_55 55 Incremental
1325 descrypt des_pot_55 55 Already Cracked/POT
1327 md5crypt md5_password password Wordlist
1328 md5crypt md52_password password Wordlist
1329 md5crypt md5_pot_password password Already Cracked/POT
[*] Checking bsdicrypt hashes already cracked...
[*] Cracking bsdicrypt hashes in incremental mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=RShDcHzl --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=12400 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28535-hi2lkf
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
[*] Cracking bsdicrypt hashes in wordlist mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=RShDcHzl --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=12400 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28535-hi2lkf /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28535-47c707
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
[+] Cracked Hashes
DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method
----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------
1322 descrypt des2_password password Wordlist
1323 descrypt des_password password Wordlist
1324 descrypt des_55 55 Incremental
1325 descrypt des_pot_55 55 Already Cracked/POT
1327 md5crypt md5_password password Wordlist
1328 md5crypt md52_password password Wordlist
1329 md5crypt md5_pot_password password Already Cracked/POT
1330 bsdicrypt bsdi_password password Wordlist
[*] Checking bcrypt hashes already cracked...
[*] Cracking bcrypt hashes in incremental mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=wNHLTkTX --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=3200 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28535-hi2lkf
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
[*] Cracking bcrypt hashes in wordlist mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=wNHLTkTX --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=3200 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28535-hi2lkf /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28535-47c707
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
[+] Cracked Hashes
DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method
----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------
1322 descrypt des2_password password Wordlist
1323 descrypt des_password password Wordlist
1324 descrypt des_55 55 Incremental
1325 descrypt des_pot_55 55 Already Cracked/POT
1327 md5crypt md5_password password Wordlist
1328 md5crypt md52_password password Wordlist
1329 md5crypt md5_pot_password password Already Cracked/POT
1330 bsdicrypt bsdi_password password Wordlist
1333 bcrypt blowfish_password password Wordlist
[*] Checking sha256crypt hashes already cracked...
[*] Cracking sha256crypt hashes in incremental mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=uNQu0c8S --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=7400 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28535-hi2lkf
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
[*] Cracking sha256crypt hashes in wordlist mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=uNQu0c8S --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=7400 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28535-hi2lkf /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28535-47c707
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
[+] Cracked Hashes
DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method
----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------
1322 descrypt des2_password password Wordlist
1323 descrypt des_password password Wordlist
1324 descrypt des_55 55 Incremental
1325 descrypt des_pot_55 55 Already Cracked/POT
1327 md5crypt md5_password password Wordlist
1328 md5crypt md52_password password Wordlist
1329 md5crypt md5_pot_password password Already Cracked/POT
1330 bsdicrypt bsdi_password password Wordlist
1331 sha256crypt sha256_password password Wordlist
1333 bcrypt blowfish_password password Wordlist
[*] Checking sha512crypt hashes already cracked...
[*] Cracking sha512crypt hashes in incremental mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=0GST7Eb1 --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=1800 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28535-hi2lkf
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
[*] Cracking sha512crypt hashes in wordlist mode...
[*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=0GST7Eb1 --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=1800 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-28535-hi2lkf /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-28535-47c707
nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported
[+] Cracked Hashes
DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method
----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------
1322 descrypt des2_password password Wordlist
1323 descrypt des_password password Wordlist
1324 descrypt des_55 55 Incremental
1325 descrypt des_pot_55 55 Already Cracked/POT
1327 md5crypt md5_password password Wordlist
1328 md5crypt md52_password password Wordlist
1329 md5crypt md5_pot_password password Already Cracked/POT
1330 bsdicrypt bsdi_password password Wordlist
1331 sha256crypt sha256_password password Wordlist
1332 sha512crypt sha512_password password Wordlist
1333 bcrypt blowfish_password password Wordlist
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> creds
host origin service public private realm private_type JtR Format
---- ------ ------- ------ ------- ----- ------------ ----------
md5_password password Password
blowfish_password $2a$05$bvIG6Nmid91Mu9RcmmWZfO5HJIMCT8riNW0hEp8f6/FuA2/mHZFpe Nonreplayable hash bf
des_pot_55 55 Password
des_password password Password
md52_password $1$O3JMY.Tw$AdLnLjQ/5jXF9.MTp3gHv/ Nonreplayable hash md5
sha256_password password Password
bsdi_password _J9..K0AyUubDrfOgO4s Nonreplayable hash bsdi
sha512_password $6$zWwwXKNj$gLAOoZCjcr8p/.VgV/FkGC3NX7BsXys3KHYePfuIGMNjY83dVxugPYlxVg/evpcVEJLT/rSwZcDMlVVf/bhf.1 Nonreplayable hash sha512
bsdi_password password Password
sha512_password password Password
blowfish_password password Password
des2_password rEK1ecacw.7.c Nonreplayable hash des
des_55 55 Password
des2_password password Password
md5_password $1$O3JMY.Tw$AdLnLjQ/5jXF9.MTp3gHv/ Nonreplayable hash md5
des_pot_55 fakeV6xlcXxRM Nonreplayable hash des
des_password rEK1ecacw.7.c Nonreplayable hash des
md52_password password Password
md5_pot_password password Password
md5_pot_password $1$O3JMY.Tw$AdLnLjQ/5jXF9.fakegHv/ Nonreplayable hash md5
des_passphrase qiyh4XPJGsOZ2MEAyLkfWqeQ Nonreplayable hash des
des_55 rDpJV6xlcXxRM Nonreplayable hash des
sha256_password $5$MnfsQ4iN$ZMTppKN16y/tIsUYs/obHlhdP.Os80yXhTurpBMUbA5 Nonreplayable hash sha256