# -*- coding: binary -*- require 'bit-struct/char-field' class BitStruct # Class for char fields that can be accessed with values like # "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", where each xxx is up to 3 decimal digits representing a # single octet. The original string-based accessors are still available with # the _chars suffix. # # Declared with BitStruct.octets. class OctetField < BitStruct::CharField # Used in describe. def self.class_name @class_name ||= "octets" end SEPARATOR = "." FORMAT = "%d" BASE = 10 def add_accessors_to(cl, attr = name) # :nodoc: attr_chars = "#{attr}_chars" super(cl, attr_chars) sep = self.class::SEPARATOR base = self.class::BASE fmt = self.class::FORMAT cl.class_eval do define_method attr do || ary = [] send(attr_chars).each_byte do |c| ary << fmt % c end ary.join(sep) end old_writer = "#{attr_chars}=" define_method "#{attr}=" do |val| data = val.split(sep).map{|s|s.to_i(base)}.pack("C*") send(old_writer, data) end end end end end