This is an experimental interface for lorcon, a 802.11 library developed by Joshua Wright and dragorn. This interface is only available on Linux and with lorcon-supported wireless drivers. For more information, please see the lorcon documentation and code: To build this extension: 1) Download, compile, and install lorcon The latest version of lorcon can pulled from SVN: $ svn co lorcon $ cd lorcon $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install -- or -- $ su # make install # exit $ cd .. 2) build the ruby extension.. $ ruby extconf.rb $ make $ sudo make install -- or -- $ su # make install NOTES: if Ubuntu 8.04 (and probably others) bitches about 'mkmf', you need ruby dev package. :~/metasploit/external/ruby-lorcon$ ruby extconf.rb extconf.rb:2:in `require': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError) from extconf.rb:2 :~/metasploit/external/ruby-lorcon$ sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev