# YAML:1.0 # Configuration file for enum_artifacts.rb module # This file contains a YAML formated list of artifacts used by the # enum_artifacts post module. Artifacts should be listed using the following # format: # # --- # malware_name: # files: # - name: path\to\file # csum: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff # - name: path\to\another\file # csum: 112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00 # # reg_entries: # - key: registry_key # val: registry_value # data: data # # Happy hunting --- test_evidence: files: - name: c:\ntdetect.comx csum: b2de3452de03674c6cec68b8c8ce7c78 - name: c:\boot.ini csum: fa579938b0733b87066546afe951082c reg_entries: - key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Selectx val: Current data: 1 - key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ACPI val: DisplayName data: Microsoft ACPI Driver