# # $Id$ # $Revision$ # module Msf ### # # This class hooks all session creation events and plays a sound # ### class Plugin::EventSounds < Msf::Plugin attr_accessor :theme, :base, :queue, :queue_thread attr_reader :try_harder, :excellent, :got_a_shell, :exploit_worked, :wonderful include Msf::SessionEvent def play_sound(event) self.queue.push(event) end def on_session_open(session) sound = [ excellent, got_a_shell, exploit_worked, wonderful ].sample play_sound(sound) end def on_session_close(session, reason='') # Cannot find an audio clip of muts saying something suitable for this. end def on_session_fail(reason='') play_sound(try_harder) end def on_plugin_load end def on_plugin_unload end def start_sound_queue self.queue_thread = Thread.new do begin while(true) while(event = self.queue.shift) path = ::File.join(self.base, self.theme, "#{event}.wav") if(::File.exist?(path)) Rex::Compat.play_sound(path) else print_status("Warning: sound file not found: #{path}") end end select(nil, nil, nil, 0.25) end rescue ::Exception => e print_status("Sound plugin: fatal error #{e} #{e.backtrace}") end end end def stop_sound_queue self.queue_thread.kill if self.queue_thread self.queue_thread = nil self.queue = [] end def init_sound_paths @try_harder = 'try_harder' @excellent = 'excellent' @got_a_shell = 'got_a_shell' @exploit_worked = 'exploit_worked' @wonderful = 'wonderful' end def initialize(framework, opts) super init_sound_paths self.queue = [] self.theme = opts['theme'] || 'default' self.base = File.join(Msf::Config.data_directory, "sounds") self.framework.events.add_session_subscriber(self) start_sound_queue self.on_plugin_load end def cleanup self.on_plugin_unload self.framework.events.remove_session_subscriber(self) stop_sound_queue end def name "sounds" end def desc "Automatically plays a sound when various framework events occur" end end end