#!/usr/bin/env ruby msfbase = File.symlink?(__FILE__) ? File.readlink(__FILE__) : __FILE__ $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(msfbase), 'lib')) $:.unshift(ENV['MSF_LOCAL_LIB']) if ENV['MSF_LOCAL_LIB'] require 'rex' require 'msf/ui' require 'msf/base' # # Dump the list of payloads # def dump_payloads tbl = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( 'Indent' => 4, 'Header' => "Framework Payloads (#{$framework.stats.num_payloads} total)", 'Columns' => [ "Name", "Description" ]) $framework.payloads.each_module { |name, mod| tbl << [ name, mod.new.description ] } "\n" + tbl.to_s + "\n" end # Initialize the simplified framework instance. $framework = Msf::Simple::Framework.create if (ARGV.length <= 1) puts "\n" + " Usage: #{$0} [var=val] \n" puts dump_payloads exit end # Get the payload name we'll be using payload_name = ARGV.shift # Process special var/val pairs... Msf::Ui::Common.process_cli_arguments($framework, ARGV) # Create the payload instance payload = $framework.payloads.create(payload_name) if (payload == nil) puts "Invalid payload: #{payload_name}" exit end # Evalulate the command cmd = ARGV.pop.downcase # Populate the framework datastore options = ARGV.join(',') if (cmd =~ /^(p|y|r|c|j|x|b)/) fmt = 'perl' if (cmd =~ /^p/) fmt = 'ruby' if (cmd =~ /^y/) fmt = 'raw' if (cmd =~ /^(r|x)/) fmt = 'c' if (cmd == 'c') fmt = 'js_be' if (cmd =~ /^j/ and Rex::Arch.endian(payload.arch) == ENDIAN_BIG) fmt = 'js_le' if (cmd =~ /^j/ and ! fmt) fmt = 'java' if (cmd =~ /^b/) enc = options['ENCODER'] begin buf = payload.generate_simple( 'Format' => fmt, 'OptionStr' => options, 'Encoder' => enc) rescue puts "Error generating payload: #{$!}" exit end $stdout.binmode if (cmd =~ /^x/) note = "Created by msfpayload (http://www.metasploit.com).\n" + "Payload: " + payload.refname + "\n" + " Length: " + buf.length.to_s + "\n" + "Options: " + options + "\n" arch = payload.arch plat = payload.platform.platforms if (arch.index(ARCH_X86)) # Automatically prepend stack adjustment buf = Rex::Arch.adjust_stack_pointer('x86', -3500) + buf if (plat.index(Msf::Module::Platform::Windows)) buf = Rex::Text.to_win32pe(buf, note) $stderr.puts(note) $stdout.write(buf) exit(0) end if (plat.index(Msf::Module::Platform::Linux)) buf = Rex::Text.to_linux_x86_elf(buf, note) $stderr.puts(note) $stdout.write(buf) exit(0) end if(plat.index(Msf::Module::Platform::OSX)) buf = Rex::Text.to_osx_x86_macho(buf, note) $stderr.puts(note) $stdout.write(buf) exit(0) end end if(arch.index(ARCH_ARMLE)) if(plat.index(Msf::Module::Platform::OSX)) buf = Rex::Text.to_osx_arm_macho(buf, note) $stderr.puts(note) $stdout.write(buf) exit(0) end end if(arch.index(ARCH_PPC)) if(plat.index(Msf::Module::Platform::OSX)) buf = Rex::Text.to_osx_ppc_macho(buf, note) $stderr.puts(note) $stdout.write(buf) exit(0) end end $stderr.puts "No executable format support for this arch/platform" exit(-1) end $stdout.puts(buf) elsif (cmd =~ /^(s|o)/) puts Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_module(payload) end