# Copyright (C) 2008-2009 TOMITA Masahiro # mailto:tommy@tmtm.org require "enumerator" require "uri" # MySQL connection class. # === Example # Mysql.connect("mysql://user:password@hostname:port/dbname") do |my| # res = my.query "select col1,col2 from tbl where id=?", 123 # res.each do |c1, c2| # p c1, c2 # end # end class RbMysql dir = File.dirname __FILE__ require "#{dir}/rbmysql/constants" require "#{dir}/rbmysql/error" require "#{dir}/rbmysql/charset" require "#{dir}/rbmysql/protocol" VERSION = 30001 # Version number of this library MYSQL_UNIX_PORT = "/tmp/mysql.sock" # UNIX domain socket filename MYSQL_TCP_PORT = 3306 # TCP socket port number OPTIONS = { :connect_timeout => Integer, # :compress => x, # :named_pipe => x, :init_command => String, # :read_default_file => x, # :read_default_group => x, :charset => Object, # :local_infile => x, # :shared_memory_base_name => x, :read_timeout => Integer, :write_timeout => Integer, # :use_result => x, # :use_remote_connection => x, # :use_embedded_connection => x, # :guess_connection => x, # :client_ip => x, # :secure_auth => x, # :report_data_truncation => x, # :reconnect => x, # :ssl_verify_server_cert => x, } # :nodoc: OPT2FLAG = { # :compress => CLIENT_COMPRESS, :found_rows => CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS, :ignore_sigpipe => CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE, :ignore_space => CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE, :interactive => CLIENT_INTERACTIVE, :local_files => CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES, # :multi_results => CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS, # :multi_statements => CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS, :no_schema => CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA, # :ssl => CLIENT_SSL, } # :nodoc: attr_reader :charset # character set of MySQL connection attr_reader :affected_rows # number of affected records by insert/update/delete. attr_reader :insert_id # latest auto_increment value. attr_reader :server_status # :nodoc: attr_reader :warning_count # attr_reader :server_version # attr_reader :protocol # attr_reader :sqlstate def self.new(*args, &block) # :nodoc: my = self.allocate my.instance_eval{initialize(*args)} return my unless block begin return block.call(my) ensure my.close end end # === Return # The value that block returns if block is specified. # Otherwise this returns Mysql object. def self.connect(*args, &block) my = self.new(*args) my.connect return my unless block begin return block.call(my) ensure my.close end end # :call-seq: # new(conninfo, opt={}) # new(conninfo, opt={}) {|my| ...} # # Connect to mysqld. # If block is specified then the connection is closed when exiting the block. # === Argument # conninfo :: # [String / URI / Hash] Connection information. # If conninfo is String then it's format must be "mysql://user:password@hostname:port/dbname". # If conninfo is URI then it's scheme must be "mysql". # If conninfo is Hash then valid keys are :host, :user, :password, :db, :port, :socket and :flag. # opt :: [Hash] options. # === Options # :connect_timeout :: [Numeric] The number of seconds before connection timeout. # :init_command :: [String] Statement to execute when connecting to the MySQL server. # :charset :: [String / Mysql::Charset] The character set to use as the default character set. # :read_timeout :: [The timeout in seconds for attempts to read from the server. # :write_timeout :: [Numeric] The timeout in seconds for attempts to write to the server. # :found_rows :: [Boolean] Return the number of found (matched) rows, not the number of changed rows. # :ignore_space :: [Boolean] Allow spaces after function names. # :interactive :: [Boolean] Allow `interactive_timeout' seconds (instead of `wait_timeout' seconds) of inactivity before closing the connection. # :local_files :: [Boolean] Enable `LOAD DATA LOCAL' handling. # :no_schema :: [Boolean] Don't allow the DB_NAME.TBL_NAME.COL_NAME syntax. # === Block parameter # my :: [ Mysql ] def initialize(*args) @fields = nil @protocol = nil @charset = nil @connect_timeout = nil @read_timeout = nil @write_timeout = nil @init_command = nil @affected_rows = nil @server_version = nil @sqlstate = "00000" @param, opt = conninfo(*args) @connected = false set_option opt end # :call-seq: # connect(conninfo, opt={}) # # connect to mysql server. # arguments are same as new(). def connect(*args) param, opt = conninfo(*args) set_option opt param = @param.merge param @protocol = Protocol.new param[:host], param[:port], param[:socket], @connect_timeout, @read_timeout, @write_timeout @protocol.synchronize do init_packet = @protocol.read_initial_packet @server_version = init_packet.server_version.split(/\D/)[0,3].inject{|a,b|a.to_i*100+b.to_i} client_flags = CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD | CLIENT_LONG_FLAG | CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS | CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 | CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION client_flags |= CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB if param[:db] client_flags |= param[:flag] if param[:flag] unless @charset @charset = Charset.by_number(init_packet.server_charset) @charset.encoding # raise error if unsupported charset end netpw = init_packet.crypt_password param[:password] auth_packet = Protocol::AuthenticationPacket.new client_flags, 1024**3, @charset.number, param[:user], netpw, param[:db] @protocol.send_packet auth_packet @protocol.read # skip OK packet end simple_query @init_command if @init_command return self end # disconnect from mysql. def close if @protocol @protocol.synchronize do @protocol.reset @protocol.send_packet Protocol::QuitPacket.new @protocol.close @protocol = nil end end return self end # set characterset of MySQL connection # === Argument # cs :: [String / Mysql::Charset] # === Return # cs def charset=(cs) charset = cs.is_a?(Charset) ? cs : Charset.by_name(cs) query "SET NAMES #{charset.name}" if @protocol @charset = charset cs end # Execute query string. # If params is specified, then the query is executed as prepared-statement automatically. # === Argument # str :: [String] Query. # params :: Parameters corresponding to place holder (`?') in str. # block :: If it is given then it is evaluated with Result object as argument. # === Return # Mysql::Result :: If result set exist. # nil :: If the query does not return result set. # self :: If block is specified. # === Block parameter # [ Mysql::Result ] # === Example # my.query("select 1,NULL,'abc'").fetch # => [1, nil, "abc"] def query(str, *params, &block) if params.empty? res = simple_query(str, &block) else res = prepare_query(str, *params, &block) end if res && block yield res return self end return res end def simple_query(str) # :nodoc: @affected_rows = @insert_id = @server_status = @warning_count = 0 @protocol.synchronize do begin @protocol.reset @protocol.send_packet Protocol::QueryPacket.new(@charset.convert(str)) res_packet = @protocol.read_result_packet if res_packet.field_count == 0 @affected_rows, @insert_id, @server_status, @warning_conut = res_packet.affected_rows, res_packet.insert_id, res_packet.server_status, res_packet.warning_count return nil else @fields = Array.new(res_packet.field_count).map{Field.new @protocol.read_field_packet} @protocol.read_eof_packet return SimpleQueryResult.new(self, @fields) end rescue ServerError => e @sqlstate = e.sqlstate raise end end end def prepare_query(str, *params) # :nodoc: st = prepare(str) res = st.execute(*params) if st.fields.empty? @affected_rows = st.affected_rows @insert_id = st.insert_id @server_status = st.server_status @warning_count = st.warning_count end st.close return res end # Parse prepared-statement. # If block is specified then prepared-statement is closed when exiting the block. # === Argument # str :: [String] query string # block :: If it is given then it is evaluated with Mysql::Statement object as argument. # === Return # Mysql::Statement :: Prepared-statement object # The block value if block is given. def prepare(str, &block) st = Statement.new self st.prepare str if block begin return block.call(st) ensure st.close end end return st end # Escape special character in MySQL. # === Note # In Ruby 1.8, this is not safe for multibyte charset such as 'SJIS'. # You should use place-holder in prepared-statement. def escape_string(str) str.gsub(/[\0\n\r\\\'\"\x1a]/) do |s| case s when "\0" then "\\0" when "\n" then "\\n" when "\r" then "\\r" when "\x1a" then "\\Z" else "\\#{s}" end end end alias quote escape_string # :call-seq: # statement() # statement() {|st| ... } # # Make empty prepared-statement object. # If block is specified then prepared-statement is closed when exiting the block. # === Block parameter # st :: [ Mysql::Stmt ] Prepared-statement object. # === Return # Mysql::Statement :: If block is not specified. # The value returned by block :: If block is specified. def statement(&block) st = Statement.new self if block begin return block.call(st) ensure st.close end end return st end # Get field(column) list # === Argument # table :: [String] table name. # === Return # Array of Mysql::Field def list_fields(table) @protocol.synchronize do begin @protocol.reset @protocol.send_packet Protocol::FieldListPacket.new(table) fields = [] until Protocol.eof_packet?(data = @protocol.read) fields.push Field.new(Protocol::FieldPacket.parse(data)) end return fields rescue ServerError => e @sqlstate = e.sqlstate raise end end end private # analyze argument and returns connection-parameter and option. # # connection-parameter's key :: :host, :user, :password, :db, :port, :socket, :flag # === Return # Hash :: connection parameters # Hash :: option {:optname => value, ...} def conninfo(*args) paramkeys = [:host, :user, :password, :db, :port, :socket, :flag] opt = {} if args.empty? param = {} elsif args.size == 1 and args.first.is_a? Hash arg = args.first.dup param = {} [:host, :user, :password, :db, :port, :socket, :flag].each do |k| param[k] = arg.delete k if arg.key? k end opt = arg else if args.last.is_a? Hash args = args.dup opt = args.pop end if args.size > 1 || args.first.nil? || args.first.is_a?(String) && args.first !~ /\Amysql:/ host, user, password, db, port, socket, flag = args param = {:host=>host, :user=>user, :password=>password, :db=>db, :port=>port, :socket=>socket, :flag=>flag} elsif args.first.is_a? Hash param = args.first.dup param.keys.each do |k| unless paramkeys.include? k raise ArgumentError, "Unknown parameter: #{k.inspect}" end end else if args.first =~ /\Amysql:/ uri = URI.parse args.first elsif args.first.is_a? URI uri = args.first else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid argument: #{args.first.inspect}" end unless uri.scheme == "mysql" raise ArgumentError, "Invalid scheme: #{uri.scheme}" end param = {:host=>uri.host, :user=>uri.user, :password=>uri.password, :port=>uri.port||MYSQL_TCP_PORT} param[:db] = uri.path.split(/\/+/).reject{|a|a.empty?}.first if uri.query uri.query.split(/\&/).each do |a| k, v = a.split(/\=/, 2) if k == "socket" param[:socket] = v elsif k == "flag" param[:flag] = v.to_i else opt[k.intern] = v end end end end end param[:flag] = 0 unless param.key? :flag opt.keys.each do |k| if OPT2FLAG.key? k and opt[k] param[:flag] |= OPT2FLAG[k] next end unless OPTIONS.key? k raise ArgumentError, "Unknown option: #{k.inspect}" end opt[k] = opt[k].to_i if OPTIONS[k] == Integer end return param, opt end def set_option(opt) opt.each do |k,v| raise ClientError, "unknown option: #{k.inspect}" unless OPTIONS.key? k type = OPTIONS[k] if type.is_a? Class raise ClientError, "invalid value for #{k.inspect}: #{v.inspect}" unless v.is_a? type end end charset = opt[:charset] if opt.key? :charset @connect_timeout = opt[:connect_timeout] || @connect_timeout @init_command = opt[:init_command] || @init_command @read_timeout = opt[:read_timeout] || @read_timeout @write_timeout = opt[:write_timeout] || @write_timeout end # Field class class Field attr_reader :db, :table, :org_table, :name, :org_name, :charsetnr, :length, :type, :flags, :decimals, :default alias :def :default # === Argument # packet :: [Protocol::FieldPacket] def initialize(packet) @db, @table, @org_table, @name, @org_name, @charsetnr, @length, @type, @flags, @decimals, @default = packet.db, packet.table, packet.org_table, packet.name, packet.org_name, packet.charsetnr, packet.length, packet.type, packet.flags, packet.decimals, packet.default @flags |= NUM_FLAG if is_num_type? end # Return true if numeric field. def is_num? @flags & NUM_FLAG != 0 end # Return true if not null field. def is_not_null? @flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG != 0 end # Return true if primary key field. def is_pri_key? @flags & PRI_KEY_FLAG != 0 end private def is_num_type? [TYPE_DECIMAL, TYPE_TINY, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_LONG, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_DOUBLE, TYPE_LONGLONG, TYPE_INT24].include?(@type) || (@type == TYPE_TIMESTAMP && (@length == 14 || @length == 8)) end end # Result set class Result include Enumerable attr_reader :fields def initialize(mysql, fields) @fields = fields @fieldname_with_table = nil @index = 0 @records = recv_all_records mysql.protocol, fields, mysql.charset end def size @records.size end def fetch_row return nil if @index >= @records.size rec = @records[@index] @index += 1 return rec end alias fetch fetch_row def fetch_hash(with_table=nil) row = fetch_row return nil unless row if with_table and @fieldname_with_table.nil? @fieldname_with_table = @fields.map{|f| [f.table, f.name].join(".")} end ret = {} @fields.each_index do |i| fname = with_table ? @fieldname_with_table[i] : @fields[i].name ret[fname] = row[i] end ret end def each(&block) return enum_for(:each) unless block while rec = fetch_row block.call rec end self end def each_hash(with_table=nil, &block) return enum_for(:each_hash, with_table) unless block while rec = fetch_hash(with_table) block.call rec end self end end # Result set for simple query class SimpleQueryResult < Result private def recv_all_records(protocol, fields, charset) ret = [] while true data = protocol.read break if Protocol.eof_packet? data rec = fields.map do |f| v = Protocol.lcs2str! data convert_str_to_ruby_value f, v, charset end ret.push rec end ret end MYSQL_RUBY_TYPE = { Field::TYPE_BIT => :binary, Field::TYPE_DECIMAL => :string, Field::TYPE_VARCHAR => :string, Field::TYPE_NEWDECIMAL => :string, Field::TYPE_TINY_BLOB => :string, Field::TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB => :string, Field::TYPE_LONG_BLOB => :string, Field::TYPE_BLOB => :string, Field::TYPE_VAR_STRING => :string, Field::TYPE_STRING => :string, Field::TYPE_TINY => :integer, Field::TYPE_SHORT => :integer, Field::TYPE_LONG => :integer, Field::TYPE_LONGLONG => :integer, Field::TYPE_INT24 => :integer, Field::TYPE_YEAR => :integer, Field::TYPE_FLOAT => :float, Field::TYPE_DOUBLE => :float, Field::TYPE_TIMESTAMP => :datetime, Field::TYPE_DATE => :datetime, Field::TYPE_DATETIME => :datetime, Field::TYPE_NEWDATE => :datetime, Field::TYPE_TIME => :time, } def convert_str_to_ruby_value(field, value, charset) return nil if value.nil? case MYSQL_RUBY_TYPE[field.type] when :binary Charset.to_binary(value) when :string field.flags & Field::BINARY_FLAG == 0 ? charset.force_encoding(value) : Charset.to_binary(value) when :integer value.to_i when :float value.to_f when :datetime unless value =~ /\A(\d\d\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d)(?:.(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d))?\z/ raise "unsupported format date type: #{value}" end Time.new($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) when :time unless value =~ /\A(-?)(\d+).(\d\d).(\d\d)?\z/ raise "unsupported format time type: #{value}" end Time.new(0, 0, 0, $2, $3, $4, $1=="-") else raise "unknown mysql type: #{field.type}" end end end # Result set for prepared statement class StatementResult < Result private def recv_all_records(protocol, fields, charset) ret = [] while rec = parse_data(protocol.read, fields, charset) ret.push rec end ret end def parse_data(data, fields, charset) return nil if Protocol.eof_packet? data data.slice!(0) # skip first byte null_bit_map = data.slice!(0, (fields.length+7+2)/8).unpack("b*").first ret = fields.each_with_index.map do |f, i| if null_bit_map[i+2] == ?1 nil else unsigned = f.flags & Field::UNSIGNED_FLAG != 0 v = Protocol.net2value(data, f.type, unsigned) if v.is_a? Numeric or v.is_a? RbMysql::Time v elsif f.type == Field::TYPE_BIT or f.flags & Field::BINARY_FLAG != 0 Charset.to_binary(v) else charset.force_encoding(v) end end end ret end end # Prepared statement class Statement attr_reader :affected_rows, :insert_id, :server_status, :warning_count attr_reader :param_count, :fields, :sqlstate def self.finalizer(protocol, statement_id) proc do Thread.new do protocol.synchronize do protocol.reset protocol.send_packet Protocol::StmtClosePacket.new(statement_id) end end end end def initialize(mysql) @mysql = mysql @protocol = mysql.protocol @statement_id = nil @affected_rows = @insert_id = @server_status = @warning_count = 0 @sqlstate = "00000" @param_count = nil end # parse prepared-statement and return Mysql::Statement object # === Argument # str :: [String] query string # === Return # self def prepare(str) close @protocol.synchronize do begin @sqlstate = "00000" @protocol.reset @protocol.send_packet Protocol::PreparePacket.new(@mysql.charset.convert(str)) res_packet = @protocol.read_prepare_result_packet if res_packet.param_count > 0 res_packet.param_count.times{@protocol.read} # skip parameter packet @protocol.read_eof_packet end if res_packet.field_count > 0 fields = Array.new(res_packet.field_count).map{Field.new @protocol.read_field_packet} @protocol.read_eof_packet else fields = [] end @statement_id = res_packet.statement_id @param_count = res_packet.param_count @fields = fields rescue ServerError => e @sqlstate = e.sqlstate raise end end ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, self.class.finalizer(@protocol, @statement_id)) self end # execute prepared-statement. # === Return # Mysql::Result def execute(*values) raise ClientError, "not prepared" unless @param_count raise ClientError, "parameter count mismatch" if values.length != @param_count values = values.map{|v| @mysql.charset.convert v} @protocol.synchronize do begin @sqlstate = "00000" @protocol.reset @protocol.send_packet Protocol::ExecutePacket.new(@statement_id, CURSOR_TYPE_NO_CURSOR, values) res_packet = @protocol.read_result_packet raise ProtocolError, "invalid field_count" unless res_packet.field_count == @fields.length @fieldname_with_table = nil if res_packet.field_count == 0 @affected_rows, @insert_id, @server_status, @warning_conut = res_packet.affected_rows, res_packet.insert_id, res_packet.server_status, res_packet.warning_count return nil end @fields = Array.new(res_packet.field_count).map{Field.new @protocol.read_field_packet} @protocol.read_eof_packet return StatementResult.new(@mysql, @fields) rescue ServerError => e @sqlstate = e.sqlstate raise end end end def close ObjectSpace.undefine_finalizer(self) @protocol.synchronize do @protocol.reset if @statement_id @protocol.send_packet Protocol::StmtClosePacket.new(@statement_id) @statement_id = nil end end end end class Time def initialize(year=0, month=0, day=0, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, neg=false, second_part=0) @year, @month, @day, @hour, @minute, @second, @neg, @second_part = year.to_i, month.to_i, day.to_i, hour.to_i, minute.to_i, second.to_i, neg, second_part.to_i end attr_accessor :year, :month, :day, :hour, :minute, :second, :neg, :second_part alias mon month alias min minute alias sec second def ==(other) other.is_a?(RbMysql::Time) && @year == other.year && @month == other.month && @day == other.day && @hour == other.hour && @minute == other.minute && @second == other.second && @neg == neg && @second_part == other.second_part end def eql?(other) self == other end def to_s if year == 0 and mon == 0 and day == 0 h = neg ? hour * -1 : hour sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", h, min, sec else sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", year, mon, day, hour, min, sec end end end end