require 'fileutils' require 'shellwords' require 'json' require 'uri' require 'open3' require 'optparse' # Temporary build module to help migrate the Metasploit wiki into a format # supported by Jekyll, as well as creating a hierarchical folder structure for nested documentation # # For now the doc folder only contains the key files for building the docs site and no content. The content is created on demand # from the metasploit-framework wiki on each build # # In the future, the markdown files will be committed directly to the metasploit-framework directory, the wiki history will be # merged with metasploit-framework, and the old wiki will no longer be updated. module Build WIKI_PATH = ''.freeze # For now we Git clone the existing metasploit wiki and generate the Jekyll markdown files # for each build. This allows changes to be made to the existing wiki until it's migrated # into the main framework repo module Git def self.clone_wiki! unless File.exist?(WIKI_PATH) run "git clone #{WIKI_PATH}", exception: true end run "cd #{WIKI_PATH}; git pull", exception: true end private_class_method def, exception: true) puts command stdout, status = ::Open3.capture2( { 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE' => File.join(Dir.pwd, 'Gemfile') }, '/bin/bash', '--login', '-c', command ) puts stdout if !status.success? && exception raise end stdout end end # Configuration for generating the new website hierachy, from the existing metasploit-framework wiki class Config include Enumerable def initialize @config = [ { path: '', nav_order: 1 }, { path: '', nav_order: 2 }, { title: 'Using Metasploit', folder: 'using-metasploit', nav_order: 3, children: [ { title: 'Getting Started', folder: 'getting-started', nav_order: 1, children: [ { path: '', nav_order: 1 }, { path: '', nav_order: 4 }, ] }, { title: 'Basics', folder: 'basics', nav_order: 2, children: [ { path: '', title: 'Running modules', nav_order: 2 }, { path: '', nav_order: 3 }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, ] }, { title: 'Intermediate', folder: 'intermediate', nav_order: 3, children: [ { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: 'msfdb:-Database-Features-&', new_base_name: '', title: 'Database Support' }, ] }, { title: 'Advanced', folder: 'advanced', nav_order: 4, children: [ { path: '' }, { title: 'Meterpreter', folder: 'meterpreter', children: [ { path: '', title: 'Overview', nav_order: 1 }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('Meterpreter ') }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('Meterpreter ') }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('Meterpreter ') }, { path: '' }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('Meterpreter ') }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('Meterpreter ') }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('Meterpreter ') }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('Meterpreter ') }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('Meterpreter ') }, { path: '' }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('Meterpreter ') }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('Meterpreter ') }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, ] }, ] }, { title: 'Other', folder: 'other', children: [ { title: 'Oracle Support', folder: 'oracle-support', children: [ { path: '' }, { path: '' }, ] }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, ] }, ] }, { title: 'Development', folder: 'development', nav_order: 4, children: [ { title: 'Get Started ', folder: 'get-started', nav_order: 1, children: [ { path: '', nav_order: 1 }, { path: 'dev/', nav_order: 1 }, { path: "Navigating-and-Understanding-Metasploit'", new_base_name: '', title: 'Navigating the codebase' }, { title: 'Git', folder: 'git', children: [ { path: '' }, { path: 'git/' }, { path: 'git/' }, { path: 'git/' }, { path: '' }, ] }, ] }, { title: 'Developing Modules', folder: 'developing-modules', nav_order: 2, children: [ { title: 'Guides', folder: 'guides', nav_order: 2, children: [ { path: '', title: 'Writing a post module' }, { path: '', title: 'Writing an exploit' }, { path: '', title: 'Writing a browser exploit' }, { title: 'Scanners', folder: 'scanners', nav_order: 2, children: [ { path: '', title: 'Writing a HTTP LoginScanner' }, { path: '', title: 'Writing an FTP LoginScanner' }, ] }, { path: '', title: 'Writing an auxiliary module' }, { path: '' }, { path: 'How-to-write-a-check()', new_base_name: '' }, { path: '' }, ] }, { title: 'Libraries', folder: 'libraries', children: [ { path: '', nav_order: 0 }, { title: 'Compiling', folder: 'compiling', children: [ { title: 'Compiling C', folder: 'c', children: [ { path: '', title: 'Overview', nav_order: 1 }, { path: '', title: 'XOR Support' }, { path: '', title: 'Base64 Support' }, { path: '', title: 'RC4 Support' }, ] }, ] }, { path: '', title: 'Logging' }, { path: '', title: 'Railgun' }, { path: '', title: 'Zip' }, { path: 'Handling-Module-Failures-with-`fail_with`.md', new_base_name: '', title: 'Fail_with' }, { path: '', title: 'AuthBrute' }, { path: '', title: 'Fileformat' }, { path: 'SQL-Injection-(SQLi)', new_base_name: '', title: 'SQL Injection' }, { path: '', title: 'Powershell' }, { path: '', title: 'SEH Exploitation' }, { path: '', title: 'FileDropper' }, { path: '', title: 'PhpExe' }, { title: 'HTTP', folder: 'http', children: [ { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '', title: 'BrowserExploitServer' }, ] }, { title: 'Deserialization', folder: 'deserialization', children: [ { path: '' }, { path: 'Generating-`ysoserial`', new_base_name: '', title: 'Java Deserialization' } ] }, { title: 'Obfuscation', folder: 'obfuscation', children: [ { path: '', title: 'JavaScript' }, { path: '', title: 'C' }, ] }, { path: '', title: 'TCP' }, { path: '', title: 'Reporting and Storing Data' }, { path: '', title: 'WbemExec' }, { title: 'SMB', folder: 'smb', children: [ { path: '' }, { path: '' }, ] }, { path: '', title: 'ReflectiveDLL Injection' }, ] }, { title: 'External Modules', folder: 'external-modules', nav_order: 3, children: [ { path: '', title: 'Overview', nav_order: 1 }, { path: '', title: 'Writing Python Modules' }, { path: '', title: 'Writing GoLang Modules' }, ] }, { title: 'Module metadata', folder: 'module-metadata', nav_order: 3, children: [ { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: 'Definition-of-Module-Reliability,-Side-Effects,' }, ] } ] }, { title: 'Maintainers', folder: 'maintainers', children: [ { title: 'Process', folder: 'process', children: [ { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '', title: 'Release Notes' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, ] }, { path: '' }, { title: 'Ruby Gems', folder: 'ruby-gems', children: [ { path: '', title: 'Adding and Updating' }, { path: '', title: 'Using local Gems' }, { path: '' }, ] }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' } ] }, { title: 'Quality', folder: 'quality', children: [ { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, ] }, { title: 'Google Summer of Code', folder: 'google-summer-of-code', children: [ { path: '', title: without_prefix('GSoC') }, { path: '' }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('GSoC') }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('GSoC') }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('GSoC') }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('GSoC') }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('GSoC') }, { path: '', title: without_prefix('GSoC') }, ] }, { title: 'Proposals', folder: 'propsals', children: [ { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '', new_base_name: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, ] }, { title: 'Roadmap', folder: 'roadmap', children: [ { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: '' }, { path: 'Metasploit-Data-Service-Enhancements-(Goliath).md', new_base_name: '', title: 'Metasploit Data Service' }, ] }, ] }, { path: '', nav_order: 5 }, ] end def validate! configured_paths = all_file_paths missing_paths = { |path| path.gsub("#{WIKI_PATH}/", '') } - ignored_paths - existing_docs - configured_paths raise "Unhandled paths #{missing_paths.join(', ')}" if missing_paths.any? each do |page| page_keys = page.keys allowed_keys = %i[path new_base_name nav_order title new_path folder children has_children parents] invalid_keys = page_keys - allowed_keys raise "#{page} had invalid keys #{invalid_keys.join(', ')}" if invalid_keys.any? end # Ensure unique folder names folder_titles = { |page| page[:folder] }.map { |page| page[:title] } duplicate_folder = { |_name, count| count > 1 } raise "Duplicate folder titles, will cause issues: #{duplicate_folder}" if duplicate_folder.any? # Ensure no folder titles match file titles page_titles = to_enum.reject { |page| page[:folder] }.map { |page| page[:title] } title_collisions = (folder_titles & page_titles).tally raise "Duplicate folder/page titles, will cause issues: #{title_collisions}" if title_collisions.any? # Ensure there are no files being migrated to multiple places page_paths = to_enum.reject { |page| page[:path] }.map { |page| page[:title] } duplicate_page_paths = { |_name, count| count > 1 } raise "Duplicate paths, will cause issues: #{duplicate_page_paths}" if duplicate_page_paths.any? end def available_paths Dir.glob("#{WIKI_PATH}/**/*{.md,.textile}", File::FNM_DOTMATCH) end def ignored_paths [ '', 'dev/', ] end def existing_docs existing_docs = Dir.glob('docs/**/*', File::FNM_DOTMATCH) existing_docs end def each(&block) config.each do |parent| recurse(with_metadata(parent), &block) end end def all_file_paths { |item| item[:path] }.to_a end protected # depth first traversal def recurse(parent_with_metadata, &block) parent_with_metadata[:children].to_a.each do |child| child_with_metadata = with_metadata(child, parents: parent_with_metadata[:parents] + [parent_with_metadata]) recurse(child_with_metadata, &block) end end def with_metadata(child, parents: []) child = child.clone if child[:folder] parent_folders = { |page| page[:folder] } child[:new_path] = File.join(*parent_folders, child[:folder], '') else path = child[:path] base_name = child[:new_base_name] || File.basename(path) # title calculation computed_title = File.basename(base_name, '.md').gsub('-', ' ') if child[:title].is_a?(Proc) child[:title] = child[:title].call(computed_title) else child[:title] ||= computed_title end parent_folders = { |page| page[:folder] } child[:new_path] = File.join(*parent_folders, base_name.downcase) end child[:parents] = parents child[:has_children] = true if child[:children].to_a.any? child end def without_prefix(prefix) proc { |value| value.gsub(/^#{prefix}/, '') } end attr_reader :config end # Extracts markdown links from into a Jekyll format # Additionally corrects links to Github / Twitter accounts class LinkCorrector def initialize(config) @config = config @links = {} end def extract(markdown) extracted_absolute_wiki_links = extract_absolute_wiki_links(markdown) @links = @links.merge(extracted_absolute_wiki_links) extracted_relative_links = extract_relative_links(markdown) @links = @links.merge(extracted_relative_links) @links end def rerender(markdown) links ||= @links new_markdown = markdown.clone links.each_value do |link| new_markdown.gsub!(link[:full_match], link[:replacement]) end fix_github_username_links(new_markdown) end attr_reader :links protected def pages @config.enum_for(:each).map { |page| page } end # scans for absolute links to the old wiki such as '' def extract_absolute_wiki_links(markdown) new_links = {} markdown.scan(%r{(https?://[\w().%_-]+))}) do |full_match, old_path| full_match = full_match.gsub(/[).]+$/, '') old_path = URI.decode_www_form_component(old_path.gsub(/[).]+$/, '')) new_path = new_path_for(old_path) replacement = "{% link docs/#{new_path} %}" link = { full_match: full_match, type: :absolute, new_path: new_path, replacement: replacement } new_links[full_match] = link end new_links end # Scans for substrings such as '[[Reference Sites|Git Reference Sites]]' def extract_relative_links(markdown) existing_links = @links new_links = {} markdown.scan(/(\[\[([\w_ '().:,-]+)(?:\|([\w_ '():,.-]+))?\]\])/) do |full_match, left, right| old_path = (right || left) new_path = new_path_for(old_path) raise "Mismatching new_path for #{old_path}" if existing_links[full_match] && existing_links[full_match][:path] link_text = left replacement = "[#{link_text}]({% link docs/#{new_path} %})" link = { full_match: full_match, type: :relative, left: left, right: right, new_path: new_path, replacement: replacement } new_links[full_match] = link end new_links end def new_path_for(old_path) old_path = old_path.gsub(' ', '-') matched_pages = do |page| !page[:folder] && page.fetch(:path).downcase.end_with?(old_path.downcase + '.md') end if matched_pages.empty? warn "Missing path for #{old_path}" return 'missing' end if matched_pages.count > 1 warn "Duplicate paths for #{old_path}" return 'missing' end matched_pages.first.fetch(:new_path) end def fix_github_username_links(content) known_github_names = [ '@0a2940', '@ChrisTuncer', '@TomSellers', '@asoto-r7', '@busterb', '@bwatters-r7', '@jbarnett-r7', '@jlee-r7', '@jmartin-r7', '@mcfakepants', '@red0xff', '@mkienow-r7', '@pbarry-r7', '@schierlm', '@timwr', '@zerosteiner', '@harmj0y' ] ignored_tags = [ '@harmj0yDescription', '@phpsessid', '@http_client', '@abstract', '@accepts_all_logins', '@addresses', '@aliases', '@channel', '@client', '@dep', '@handle', '@instance', '@param', '@pid', '@process', '@return', '@scanner', '@yieldparam', '@yieldreturn', ] # Replace any dangling github usernames, i.e. `@foo` - but not `[@foo](http://...)` or `` content.gsub(/(?