bcook-r7 Brent Cook bcook-r7 bturner-r7 Brandon Turner ccatalan-r7 Christian Catalan cdoughty-r7 Chris Doughty dheiland-r7 Deral Heiland dmaloney-r7 David Maloney dmaloney-r7 David Maloney dmaloney-r7 dmaloney-r7 ecarey-r7 Erran Carey farias-r7 Fernando Arias hmoore-r7 HD Moore hmoore-r7 HD Moore jhart-r7 Jon Hart jlee-r7 jlee-r7 # aka egypt jvazquez-r7 jvazquez-r7 jvazquez-r7 jvazquez-r7 kgray-r7 Kyle Gray limhoff-r7 Luke Imhoff lsanchez-r7 Lance Sanchez lsanchez-r7 Lance Sanchez lsanchez-r7 Lance Sanchez lsanchez-r7 Lance Sanchez lsanchez-r7 darkbushido mbuck-r7 Matt Buck mbuck-r7 Matt Buck mschloesser-r7 Mark Schloesser mschloesser-r7 mschloesser-r7 parzamendi-r7 parzamendi-r7 pdeardorff-r7 Paul Deardorff pdeardorff-r7 pdeardorff-r7 sgonzalez-r7 Sonny Gonzalez shuckins-r7 Samuel Huckins todb-r7 Tod Beardsley todb-r7 Tod Beardsley todb-r7 Tod Beardsley trosen-r7 Trevor Rosen trosen-r7 Trevor Rosen wchen-r7 # aka sinn3r wchen-r7 wvu-r7 William Vu wvu-r7 William Vu wvu-r7 William Vu wvu-r7 wvu-r7 # Above this line are current Rapid7 employees. Below this paragraph are # volunteers, former employees, and potential Rapid7 employees who, at # one time or another, had some largeish number of commits landed on # rapid7/metasploit-framework master branch. This should be refreshed # periodically. If you're on this list and would like to not be, just # let todb@metasploit.com know. bannedit David Rude bcoles bcoles bcoles Brendan Coles brandonprry Brandon Perry brandonprry Brandon Perry brandonprry Brandon Perry bwall (B)rian (Wall)ace bwall Brian Wallace ceballosm Mario Ceballos Chao-mu Chao Mu Chao-mu chao-mu Chao-mu chao-mu ChrisJohnRiley Chris John Riley ChrisJohnRiley Chris John Riley corelanc0d3r corelanc0d3r corelanc0d3r Peter Van Eeckhoutte (corelanc0d3r) darkoperator Carlos Perez efraintorres efraintorres efraintorres et <> fab fab <> # fab at revhosts.net (Fabrice MOURRON) FireFart Christian Mehlmauer FireFart h0ng10 h0ng10 h0ng10 Hans-Martin Münch jcran jcran jcran jcran jduck jduck jgor jgor joevennix joevennix kernelsmith Joshua Smith kernelsmith Joshua Smith kernelsmith kernelsmith kost Vlatko Kosturjak kris kris <> m-1-k-3 m-1-k-3 m-1-k-3 m-1-k-3 m-1-k-3 m-1-k-3 m-1-k-3 Michael Messner Meatballs1 Meatballs1 mubix Rob Fuller nevdull77 Patrik Karlsson nmonkee nmonkee nullbind nullbind nullbind Scott Sutherland ohdae ohdae oj r3dy Royce Davis r3dy Royce Davis r3dy Royce Davis Rick Flores <0xnanoquetz9l@gmail.com> Rick Flores (nanotechz9l) <0xnanoquetz9l@gmail.com> rsmudge Raphael Mudge # Aka `butane schierlm Michael Schierl # Aka mihi scriptjunkie Matt Weeks scriptjunkie scriptjunkie skape Matt Miller spoonm Spoon M swtornio Steve Tornio Tasos Laskos Tasos Laskos timwr TomSellers Tom Sellers TrustedSec trustedsec zeroSteiner Spencer McIntyre # Aliases for utility author names. Since they're fake, typos abound Tab Assassin Tabassassin Tab Assassin TabAssassin Tab Assassin Tabasssassin Tab Assassin URI Assassin