require 'fileutils' require 'uri' require 'open3' require 'optparse' require_relative './navigation' # This build module was used to migrate the old Metasploit wiki into a format # supported by Jekyll. Jekyll was chosen as it was written in Ruby, which should reduce the barrier to entry for contributions. # # The build script took the flatlist of markdown files from the wiki, and converted them into the hierarchical folder structure # for nested documentation. This configuration is defiend in `navigation.rb` # # In the future a different site generator could be used, but it should be possible to use this build script again to migrate to a new format # # For now the doc folder only contains the key files for building the docs site and no content. The content is created on demand # from the `` folder on each build module Build # The files that are committed to Metasploit framework's repository WIKI_PATH = ''.freeze # A locally cloned version of - should no longer be required for normal workflows OLD_WIKI_PATH = ''.freeze RELEASE_BUILD_ARTIFACTS = '_site'.freeze # For now we Git clone the existing metasploit wiki and generate the Jekyll markdown files # for each build. This allows changes to be made to the existing wiki until it's migrated # into the main framework repo module Git def self.clone_wiki! unless File.exist?(OLD_WIKI_PATH) Build.run_command "git clone #{OLD_WIKI_PATH}", exception: true end Build.run_command "cd #{OLD_WIKI_PATH}; git pull", exception: true end end class ConfigValidationError < StandardError end # Configuration for generating the new website hierarchy, from the existing metasploit-framework wiki class Config include Enumerable def initialize(config) @config = config end def validate! configured_paths = all_file_paths missing_paths = { |path| path.gsub("#{WIKI_PATH}/", '') } - ignored_paths - existing_docs - configured_paths raise ConfigValidationError, "Unhandled paths #{missing_paths.join(', ')}" if missing_paths.any? each do |page| page_keys = page.keys allowed_keys = %i[old_wiki_path path new_base_name nav_order title new_path folder children has_children parents] invalid_keys = page_keys - allowed_keys raise ConfigValidationError, "#{page} had invalid keys #{invalid_keys.join(', ')}" if invalid_keys.any? end # Ensure unique folder names folder_titles = { |page| page[:folder] }.map { |page| page[:title] } duplicate_folder = { |_name, count| count > 1 } raise ConfigValidationError, "Duplicate folder titles, will cause issues: #{duplicate_folder}" if duplicate_folder.any? # Ensure no folder titles match file titles page_titles = to_enum.reject { |page| page[:folder] }.map { |page| page[:title] } title_collisions = (folder_titles & page_titles).tally raise ConfigValidationError, "Duplicate folder/page titles, will cause issues: #{title_collisions}" if title_collisions.any? # Ensure there are no files being migrated to multiple places page_paths = to_enum.reject { |page| page[:path] }.map { |page| page[:title] } duplicate_page_paths = { |_name, count| count > 1 } raise ConfigValidationError, "Duplicate paths, will cause issues: #{duplicate_page_paths}" if duplicate_page_paths.any? # Ensure new file paths are only alphanumeric and hyphenated new_paths = { |page| page[:new_path] } invalid_new_paths = new_paths.reject { |path| File.basename(path) =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\.md$/ } raise ConfigValidationError, "Only alphanumeric and hyphenated file names required: #{invalid_new_paths}" if invalid_new_paths.any? end def available_paths Dir.glob("#{WIKI_PATH}/**/*{.md,.textile}", File::FNM_DOTMATCH) end def ignored_paths [ ] end def existing_docs existing_docs = Dir.glob('docs/**/*', File::FNM_DOTMATCH) existing_docs end def each(&block) config.each do |parent| recurse(with_metadata(parent), &block) end end def all_file_paths { |item| item[:path] }.to_a end protected # depth first traversal def recurse(parent_with_metadata, &block) parent_with_metadata[:children].to_a.each do |child| child_with_metadata = with_metadata(child, parents: parent_with_metadata[:parents] + [parent_with_metadata]) recurse(child_with_metadata, &block) end end def with_metadata(child, parents: []) child = child.clone if child[:folder] parent_folders = { |page| page[:folder] } child[:new_path] = File.join(*parent_folders, child[:folder], '') else path = child[:path] base_name = child[:new_base_name] || File.basename(path) # title calculation computed_title = File.basename(base_name, '.md').gsub('-', ' ') if child[:title].is_a?(Proc) child[:title] = child[:title].call(computed_title) else child[:title] ||= computed_title end parent_folders = { |page| page[:folder] } child[:new_path] = File.join(*parent_folders, base_name.downcase) end child[:parents] = parents child[:has_children] = true if child[:children].to_a.any? child end attr_reader :config end # Extracts markdown links from into a Jekyll format # Additionally corrects links to Github class LinkCorrector def initialize(config) @config = config @links = {} end def extract(markdown) extracted_absolute_wiki_links = extract_absolute_wiki_links(markdown) @links = @links.merge(extracted_absolute_wiki_links) extracted_relative_links = extract_relative_links(markdown) @links = @links.merge(extracted_relative_links) @links end def rerender(markdown) links ||= @links new_markdown = markdown.clone links.each_value do |link| new_markdown.gsub!(link[:full_match], link[:replacement]) end fix_github_username_links(new_markdown) end attr_reader :links protected def pages @config.enum_for(:each).map { |page| page } end # scans for absolute links to the old wiki such as '' def extract_absolute_wiki_links(markdown) new_links = {} markdown.scan(%r{(https?://[\w().%_-]+))}) do |full_match, old_path| full_match = full_match.gsub(/[).]+$/, '') old_path = URI.decode_www_form_component(old_path.gsub(/[).]+$/, '')) new_path = new_path_for(old_path) replacement = "{% link docs/#{new_path} %}" link = { full_match: full_match, type: :absolute, new_path: new_path, replacement: replacement } new_links[full_match] = link end new_links end # Scans for Github wiki flavor links such as: # '[[Relative Path]]' # '[[Custom name|Relative Path]]' # '[[Custom name|relative-path]]' # '[[Custom name|./]]' def extract_relative_links(markdown) existing_links = @links new_links = {} markdown.scan(/(\[\[([\w\/_ '().:,-]+)(?:\|([\w\/_ '():,.-]+))?\]\])/) do |full_match, left, right| old_path = (right || left) new_path = new_path_for(old_path) if existing_links[full_match] && existing_links[full_match][:new_path] != new_path raise "Link for #{full_match} previously resolved to #{existing_links[full_match][:new_path]}, but now resolves to #{new_path}" end link_text = left replacement = "[#{link_text}]({% link docs/#{new_path} %})" link = { full_match: full_match, type: :relative, left: left, right: right, new_path: new_path, replacement: replacement } new_links[full_match] = link end new_links end def new_path_for(old_path) old_path = old_path.gsub(' ', '-') matched_pages = do |page| !page[:folder] && (File.basename(page[:path]).downcase == "#{File.basename(old_path)}.md".downcase || File.basename(page[:path]).downcase == "#{File.basename(old_path)}".downcase) end if matched_pages.empty? raise "Link not found: #{old_path}" end if matched_pages.count > 1 raise "Duplicate paths for #{old_path}" end matched_pages.first.fetch(:new_path) end def fix_github_username_links(content) known_github_names = [ '@0a2940', '@ChrisTuncer', '@TomSellers', '@asoto-r7', '@busterb', '@bwatters-r7', '@jbarnett-r7', '@jlee-r7', '@jmartin-r7', '@mcfakepants', '@Op3n4M3', '@gwillcox-r7', '@red0xff', '@mkienow-r7', '@pbarry-r7', '@schierlm', '@timwr', '@zerosteiner', '@zeroSteiner', '@harmj0y', ] # These tags look like Github/Twitter handles, but are actually ruby/java code snippets ignored_tags = [ '@harmj0yDescription', '@phpsessid', '@http_client', '@abstract', '@accepts_all_logins', '@addresses', '@aliases', '@channel', '@client', '@dep', '@handle', '@instance', '@param', '@pid', '@process', '@return', '@scanner', '@yieldparam', '@yieldreturn', '@compressed', '@content', '@path', '@sha1', '@type', '@git_repo_uri', '@git_addr', '@git_objs', '@refs', ] # Replace any dangling github usernames, i.e. `@foo` - but not `[@foo](http://...)` or `` content.gsub(/(?\n\n" user_message = "#{USER_MESSAGE_PREFIX} This Wiki page should be viewable at [#{new_url}](#{new_url}). Or if it is no longer available, see this page's [previous history](#{history_link})**\n\n" deprecation_text = maintainer_message + user_message "#{deprecation_text}" end def self.remove(original_wiki_content) original_wiki_content .gsub(/^#{Regexp.escape(MAINTAINER_MESSAGE_PREFIX)}.*$\s+/, '') .gsub(/^#{Regexp.escape(USER_MESSAGE_PREFIX)}.*$\s+/, '') end end # Converts Wiki markdown pages into a valid Jekyll format class WikiMigration # Implements two core components: # - Converts the existing Wiki markdown pages into a Jekyll format # - Optionally updates the existing Wiki markdown pages with a link to the new website location def run(config, options = {}) begin config.validate! rescue puts "[!] Validation failed. Please verify navigation.rb is valid, as well as the markdown file" raise end # Clean up new docs folder in preparation for regenerating it entirely from the latest wiki result_folder = File.join('.', 'docs') FileUtils.remove_dir(result_folder, true) FileUtils.mkdir(result_folder) link_corrector = link_corrector_for(config) config.each do |page| page_config = { layout: 'default', **page.slice(:title, :has_children, :nav_order), parent: (page[:parents][-1] || {})[:title], warning: "Do not modify this file directly. Please modify metasploit-framework/docs/ instead", old_path: page[:path] ? File.join(WIKI_PATH, page[:path]) : "none - folder automatically generated", has_content: !page[:path].nil? }.compact page_config[:has_children] = true if page[:has_children] preamble = <<~PREAMBLE --- #{ { |key, value| "#{key}: #{value.to_s.strip.inspect}" }.join("\n")} --- PREAMBLE new_path = File.join(result_folder, page[:new_path]) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(new_path)) if page[:folder] && page[:path].nil? new_docs_content = preamble.rstrip + "\n" else old_path = File.join(WIKI_PATH, page[:path]) previous_content =, encoding: Encoding::UTF_8) new_docs_content = preamble + WikiDeprecationText.remove(previous_content) new_docs_content = link_corrector.rerender(new_docs_content) # Update the old Wiki with links to the new website if options[:update_wiki_deprecation_notice] new_url = options[:update_wiki_deprecation_notice][:new_website_url] if page[:new_path] != '' new_url += 'docs/' + page[:new_path].gsub('.md', '.html') end updated_wiki_content = WikiDeprecationText.upsert(previous_content, old_path: old_path, new_url: new_url) old_wiki_path = File.join(WIKI_PATH, page[:path]) File.write(old_wiki_path, updated_wiki_content, mode: 'w', encoding: Encoding::UTF_8) end end File.write(new_path, new_docs_content, mode: 'w', encoding: Encoding::UTF_8) end # Now that the docs folder is created, time to move the file out'docs/', '') end protected def link_corrector_for(config) link_corrector = config.each do |page| unless page[:path].nil? content =, page[:path]), encoding: Encoding::UTF_8) link_corrector.extract(content) end end link_corrector end end # Serve the release build at class ReleaseBuildServer autoload :WEBrick, 'webrick' def server = { Port: 4000 } ) server.mount('/', WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler, RELEASE_BUILD_ARTIFACTS) trap('INT') do server.shutdown rescue StandardError nil end server.start ensure server.shutdown end end def self.run_command(command, exception: true) puts "[*] #{command}" result = '' ::Open3.popen2e( { 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE' => File.join(Dir.pwd, 'Gemfile') }, '/bin/bash', '--login', '-c', command ) do |stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread| stdin.close_write while wait_thread.alive? ready =[stdout_and_stderr], nil, nil, 1) next unless ready reads, _writes, _errors = ready reads.to_a.each do |io| data = io.read_nonblock(1024) puts data result += data rescue EOFError, Errno::EAGAIN # noop end end if !wait_thread.value.success? && exception raise "command #{command.inspect} did not succeed, exit status #{wait_thread.value.exitstatus.inspect}" end end result end def Git.clone_wiki! if options[:wiki_pull] # Create a new branch based on the commits from to move # Wiki files into the metasploit-framework repo if options[:create_wiki_to_framework_migration_branch] starting_branch = run_command("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").chomp new_wiki_branch_name = "move-all-docs-into-folder" new_framework_branch_name = "merge-metasploit-framework-wiki-into-metasploit-framework" begin # Create a new folder and branch in the old metasploit wiki for where we'd like it to be inside of the metasploit-framework repo Dir.chdir(OLD_WIKI_PATH) do # Reset the repo back run_command("git checkout master", exception: false) run_command("git reset HEAD --hard", exception: false) run_command("rm -rf", exception: false) # Create a new folder to move the wiki contents into FileUtils.mkdir_p("") run_command("mv *[^]*", exception: false) # Create a new branch + commit run_command("git branch -D #{new_wiki_branch_name}", exception: false) run_command("git checkout -b #{new_wiki_branch_name}") run_command("git add") run_command("git commit -am 'Put markdown files into new folder in preparation for migration'") end # Create a new branch that can be used to create a pull request run_command("git branch -D #{new_framework_branch_name}", exception: false) run_command("git checkout -b #{new_framework_branch_name}") run_command("git remote remove wiki", exception: false) run_command("git remote add -f wiki #{File.join(Dir.pwd, OLD_WIKI_PATH)}", exception: false) # run_command("git remote update wiki") run_command("git merge -m 'Migrate docs from to main repository' wiki/#{new_wiki_branch_name} --allow-unrelated-histories") puts "new branch #{new_framework_branch_name} successfully created" ensure run_command("git checkout #{starting_branch}") end end if options[:copy_old_wiki] FileUtils.copy_entry(OLD_WIKI_PATH, WIKI_PATH, preserve = false, dereference_root = false, remove_destination = true) # Remove any deprecation text that might be present after copying the old wiki Dir.glob(File.join(WIKI_PATH, '**', '*.md')) do |path| previous_content =, encoding: Encoding::UTF_8) new_content = WikiDeprecationText.remove(previous_content) File.write(path, new_content, mode: 'w', encoding: Encoding::UTF_8) end end unless options[:build_content] config = migrator =, options) end if options[:production] FileUtils.remove_dir(RELEASE_BUILD_ARTIFACTS, true) run_command('JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build') if options[:serve] end elsif options[:serve] run_command('bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config_development.yml --incremental') end end end if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ options = { copy_old_wiki: false, wiki_pull: false } options_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename(__FILE__)} [options]" opts.on '-h', '--help', 'Help banner.' do return print( end opts.on('--production', 'Run a production build') do |production| options[:production] = production end opts.on('--serve', 'serve the docs site') do |serve| options[:serve] = serve end opts.on('--[no]-copy-old-wiki [FLAG]', TrueClass, 'Copy the content from the old wiki to the new local wiki folder') do |copy_old_wiki| options[:copy_old_wiki] = copy_old_wiki end opts.on('--[no-]-wiki-pull', FalseClass, 'Pull the Metasploit Wiki') do |wiki_pull| options[:wiki_pull] = wiki_pull end opts.on('--update-wiki-deprecation-notice [WEBSITE_URL]', 'Updates the old wiki deprecation notes') do |new_website_url| new_website_url ||= '' options[:update_wiki_deprecation_notice] = { new_website_url: new_website_url } end opts.on('--create-wiki-to-framework-migration-branch') do options[:create_wiki_to_framework_migration_branch] = true end end if ARGV.length == 0 puts exit 1 end options_parser.parse! end