# # This plugin provides an msf daemon interface that spawns a listener on a # defined port (default 55552) and gives each connecting client its own # console interface. These consoles all share the same framework instance. # Be aware that the console instance that spawns on the port is entirely # unauthenticated, so realize that you have been warned. # require 'msf/core/rpc/v10/service' require 'fileutils' module Msf ### # # This class implements the msfd plugin interface. # ### class Plugin::MSGRPC < Msf::Plugin # # The default local hostname that the server listens on. # DefaultHost = ''.freeze # # The default local port that the server listens on. # DefaultPort = 55552 # # ServerPort # # The local port to listen on for connections. The default is 55552 # def initialize(framework, opts) super host = opts['ServerHost'] || DefaultHost port = opts['ServerPort'] || DefaultPort ssl = (opts['SSL'] && opts['SSL'].to_s =~ /^[ty]/i) ? true : false cert = opts['SSLCert'] user = opts['User'] || 'msf' pass = opts['Pass'] || ::Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(8) uri = opts['URI'] || '/api' timeout = opts['TokenTimeout'] || 300 print_status("MSGRPC Service: #{host}:#{port} #{ssl ? ' (SSL)' : ''}") print_status("MSGRPC Username: #{user}") print_status("MSGRPC Password: #{pass}") self.server = ::Msf::RPC::Service.new(framework, { host: host, port: port, ssl: ssl, cert: cert, uri: uri, tokens: {}, token_timeout: timeout }) server.add_user(user, pass) # If the run in foreground flag is not specified, then go ahead and fire # it off in a worker thread. unless opts['RunInForeground'] == true # Store a handle to the thread so we can kill it during # cleanup when we get unloaded. self.thread = Thread.new { run } framework.threads.register(thread, 'MetasploitRPCServer', true) end end # # Returns 'msgrpc' # def name 'msgrpc' end # # Returns the plugin description. # def desc 'Provides a MessagePack interface over HTTP' end # # The meat of the plugin, sets up handlers for requests # def run # Start the actual service server.start # Register framework.threads.register(Thread.current, 'MetasploitRPCServer', true) # Wait for the service to complete server.wait end # # Closes the listener service. # def cleanup server.stop if server thread.kill if thread self.server = nil super end # # The MSGRPC instance. # attr_accessor :server attr_accessor :thread, :users, :tokens end end