Round 3 of documentation

This commit is contained in:
wchen-r7 2015-04-22 17:01:31 -05:00
parent 39f206b31a
commit 6bac759a18
4 changed files with 283 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class RPC_Console < RPC_Base
# Creates a new framework console.
# @param [Hash] opts (Optional) See Msf::Ui::Web::Driver#create_console
# @param [Hash] opts See Msf::Ui::Web::Driver#create_console
# @return [Hash] Information about the new console, such as:
# * 'id' [Fixnum] The console's ID.
# * 'prompt' [String] The framework prompt (example: 'msf > ')
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class RPC_Console < RPC_Base
# Returns a list of framework consoles.
# @return [Hash] Console information.
# * 'consoles' [Array] consoles, each element is another hash that includes:
# * 'consoles' [Array<Hash>] consoles, each element is another hash that includes:
# * 'id' [Fixnum] The console's ID
# * 'prompt' [String] The framework prompt (example: 'msf > ')
# * 'busy' [TrueClass] The console's busy state, or
@ -151,6 +151,8 @@ class RPC_Console < RPC_Base
# * 'result' [String] A value that says 'failure'.
# If the console ID is valid, you will get the following that indicates the action was successful.
# * 'result' [String] A value that says 'success'.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'console.session_kill', 4)
def rpc_session_kill(cid)
cid = cid.to_s
return { 'result' => 'failure' } if not @console_driver.consoles[cid]
@ -164,10 +166,12 @@ class RPC_Console < RPC_Base
# @param [Fixnum] cid Framework console ID.
# @return [Hash] There are two different hashes you might get:
# If the console ID is invalid, you will get a hash like the following:
# * 'result' [String] A value that says 'failure'.
# If the console ID is valid, you will get the following that indicates the action was successful.
# * 'result' [String] A value that says 'success'.
# If the console ID is invalid, you will get a hash like the following:
# * 'result' [String] A value that says 'failure'.
# If the console ID is valid, you will get the following that indicates the action was successful.
# * 'result' [String] A value that says 'success'.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'console.session_detach', 4)
def rpc_session_detach(cid)
cid = cid.to_s
return { 'result' => 'failure' } if not @console_driver.consoles[cid]

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class RPC_Module < RPC_Base
# Returns a list of exploit names.
# @return [Hash] A list of exploit names.
# * 'modules' [Array] Exploit names, for example: ['windows/wins/ms04_045_wins']
# * 'modules' [Array<string>] Exploit names, for example: ['windows/wins/ms04_045_wins']
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
def rpc_exploits
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class RPC_Module < RPC_Base
# Returns a list of auxiliary module names.
# @return [Hash] A list of auxiliary module names.
# * 'modules' [Array] Auxiliary module names, for example: ['vsploit/pii/web_pii']
# * 'modules' [Array<string>] Auxiliary module names, for example: ['vsploit/pii/web_pii']
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
def rpc_auxiliary
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class RPC_Module < RPC_Base
# Returns a list of payload module names.
# @return [Hash] A list of payload module names.
# * 'modules' [Array] Payload module names, for example: ['windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp']
# * 'modules' [Array<string>] Payload module names, for example: ['windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp']
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
def rpc_payloads
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class RPC_Module < RPC_Base
# Returns a list of encoder module names.
# @return [Hash] A list of encoder module names.
# * 'modules' [Array] Encoder module names, for example: ['x86/unicode_upper']
# * 'modules' [Array<string>] Encoder module names, for example: ['x86/unicode_upper']
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
def rpc_encoders
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class RPC_Module < RPC_Base
# Returns a list of NOP module names.
# @return [Hash] A list of NOP module names.
# * 'modules' [Array] NOP module names, for example: ['x86/single_byte']
# * 'modules' [Array<string>] NOP module names, for example: ['x86/single_byte']
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
def rpc_nops
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class RPC_Module < RPC_Base
# Returns a list of post module names.
# @return [Hash] A list of post module names.
# * 'modules' [Array] Post module names, for example: ['windows/wlan/wlan_profile']
# * 'modules' [Array<string>] Post module names, for example: ['windows/wlan/wlan_profile']
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
def rpc_post
@ -280,17 +280,18 @@ class RPC_Module < RPC_Base
# @param [String] data Data to encode.
# @param [encoder] encoder Encoder module name. For example: 'x86/single_byte'.
# @param [Hash] options Encoding options, such as:
# * 'format' [String] Encoding format.
# * 'badchars' [String] Bad characters.
# * 'platform' [String] Platform.
# * 'arch' [String] Architecture.
# * 'ecount' [Fixnum] Number of times to encode.
# * 'inject' [TrueClass] To enable injection.
# * 'template' [String] The template file (an executable).
# * 'template_path' [String] Template path.
# * 'addshellcode' [String] Custom shellcode.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] Invalid format (Error 500).
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] Failure to encode (Error 500).
# @option options [String] 'format' Encoding format.
# @option options [String] 'badchars' Bad characters.
# @option options [String] 'platform' Platform.
# @option options [String] 'arch' Architecture.
# @option options [Fixnum] 'ecount' Number of times to encode.
# @option options [TrueClass] 'inject' To enable injection.
# @option options [String] 'template' The template file (an executable).
# @option options [String] 'template_path' Template path.
# @option options [String] 'addshellcode' Custom shellcode.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] Error could be one of these:
# * 500 Invalid format
# * 500 Failure to encode
# @return The encoded data
# * 'encoded' [String] The encoded data in the format you specify.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:

View File

@ -3,8 +3,19 @@ module Msf
module RPC
class RPC_Plugin < RPC_Base
# Loads a framework plugin.
# @param [String] path The plugin filename (without the extension). It will try to find your plugin
# in either one of these directories:
# * msf/plugins/
# * ~/.msf4/plugins/
# @param [Hash] xopts Options to pass to the plugin.
# @return [Hash] A hash indicating whether the action was successful or not.
# * 'result' [String] A value that either says 'success' or 'failure'.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
# # Load the nexpose plugin
#'plugin.load', 'nexpose')
def rpc_load(path, xopts = {})
opts = {}
xopts.each do |k,v|
@ -35,6 +46,14 @@ class RPC_Plugin < RPC_Base
# Unloads a framework plugin.
# @param [String] name The plugin filename (without the extension). For example: 'nexpose'.
# @return [Hash] A hash indicating whether the action was successful or not.
# * 'result' [String] A value that either says 'success' or 'failure'.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'plugin.unload', 'nexpose')
def rpc_unload(name)
self.framework.plugins.each { |plugin|
# Unload the plugin if it matches the name we're searching for
@ -47,6 +66,13 @@ class RPC_Plugin < RPC_Base
# Returns a list of plugins loaded by framework.
# @return [Hash] All the plugins loaded.
# * 'plugins' [Array<string>] A list of plugin names.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
def rpc_loaded
ret = {}
ret[:plugins] = []

View File

@ -6,6 +6,27 @@ module Msf
module RPC
class RPC_Session < RPC_Base
# Returns a list of sessions.
# @return [Hash] Information about sessions. Each key is the session ID, and each value is a hash
# that contains the following
# * 'type' [String] Payload type. Example: meterpreter.
# * 'tunnel_local' [String] Tunnel (where the malicious traffic comes from).
# * 'tunnel_peer' [String] Tunnel (local).
# * 'via_exploit' [String] Name of the exploit used by the session.
# * 'desc' [String] Session description.
# * 'info' [String] Session info (most likely the target's computer name).
# * 'workspace' [String] Name of the workspace.
# * 'session_host' [String] Session host.
# * 'session_port' [Fixnum] Session port.
# * 'target_host' [String] Target host.
# * 'username' [String] Username.
# * 'uuid' [String] UUID.
# * 'exploit_uuid' [String] Exploit's UUID.
# * 'routes' [String] Routes.
# * 'platform' [String] Platform.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
def rpc_list
res = {}
self.framework.sessions.each do |sess|
@ -34,6 +55,13 @@ class RPC_Session < RPC_Base
# Stops a session.
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] Unknown session ID.
# @return [Hash] A hash indicating the action was successful.
# * 'result' [String] A message that says 'success'.
def rpc_stop( sid)
s = self.framework.sessions[sid.to_i]
@ -44,11 +72,26 @@ class RPC_Session < RPC_Base
{ "result" => "success" }
# Shell read is now a positon-aware reader of the shell's associated
# ring buffer. For more direct control of the pointer into a ring
# buffer, a client can instead use ring_read, and note the returned
# sequence number on their own (making multiple views into the same
# session possible, regardless of position in the stream)
# Reads a shell session (such as a command output).
# @note Shell read is now a positon-aware reader of the shell's associated
# ring buffer. For more direct control of the pointer into a ring
# buffer, a client can instead use ring_read, and note the returned
# sequence number on their own (making multiple views into the same
# session possible, regardless of position in the stream)
# @see #rpc_ring_read
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @param [Fixnum] ptr Pointer.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] An error that could be one of these:
# * 500 Session ID is unknown.
# * 500 Invalid session type.
# * 500 Session is disconnected.
# @return [Hash]
# * 'seq' [String] Sequence.
# * 'data' [String] Read data.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.shell_read', 2)
def rpc_shell_read( sid, ptr=nil)
# @session_sequence tracks the pointer into the ring buffer
@ -63,12 +106,37 @@ class RPC_Session < RPC_Base
return ring_buffer
# shell_write is pretty much totally identical to ring_put
# Writes to a shell session (such as a command).
# You may want to use #rpc_shell_read to retrieve the output.
# @note shell_write is a wrapper of #rpc_ring_put.
# @see #rpc_ring_put
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] An error that could be one of these:
# * 500 Session ID is unknown.
# * 500 Invalid session type.
# * 500 Session is disconnected.
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @param [String] data The data to write.
# @return [Hash]
# * 'write_count' [Fixnum] Number of bytes written.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.shell_write', 2, "DATA")
def rpc_shell_write( sid, data)
# Upgrades a shell to a meterpreter.
# @note This uses post/multi/manage/shell_to_meterpreter.
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @param [String] lhost Local host.
# @param [Fixnum] lport Local port.
# @return [Hash] A hash indicating the actioin was successful.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.shell_upgrade', 2, payload_lhost, payload_lport)
def rpc_shell_upgrade( sid, lhost, lport)
s = _valid_session(sid,"shell")
s.exploit_datastore['LHOST'] = lhost
@ -77,6 +145,17 @@ class RPC_Session < RPC_Base
{ "result" => "success" }
# Reads the output from a meterpreter session (such as a command output).
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] An error that could be one of these:
# * 500 Session ID is unknown.
# * 500 Invalid session type.
# @return [Hash]
# * 'data' [String] Data read.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.meterpreter_read', 2)
def rpc_meterpreter_read( sid)
s = _valid_session(sid,"meterpreter")
@ -88,6 +167,20 @@ class RPC_Session < RPC_Base
{ "data" => data }
# Reads from a session (such as a command output).
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @param [Fixnum] ptr Pointer.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] An error that could be one of these:
# * 500 Session ID is unknown.
# * 500 Invalid session type.
# * 500 Session is disconnected.
# @return [Hash]
# * 'seq' [String] Sequence.
# * 'data' [String] Read data.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.ring_read', 2)
def rpc_ring_read( sid, ptr=nil)
s = _valid_session(sid,"ring")
@ -98,6 +191,19 @@ class RPC_Session < RPC_Base
# Sends an input to a session (such as a command).
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @param [String] data Data to write.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] An error that could be one of these:
# * 500 Session ID is unknown.
# * 500 Invalid session type.
# * 500 Session is disconnected.
# @return [Hash]
# * 'write_count' [String] Number of bytes written.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.ring_put', 2, "DATA")
def rpc_ring_put( sid, data)
s = _valid_session(sid,"ring")
@ -108,11 +214,32 @@ class RPC_Session < RPC_Base
# Returns the last sequence.
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] An error that could be one of these:
# * 500 Session ID is unknown.
# * 500 Invalid session type.
# @return [Hash]
# * 'seq' [String] Sequence.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.ring_last', 2)
def rpc_ring_last( sid)
s = _valid_session(sid,"ring")
{ "seq" => s.ring.last_sequence.to_s }
# Clears the session.
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] An error that could be one of these:
# * 500 Session ID is unknown.
# * 500 Invalid session type.
# @return [Hash] A hash indicating whether the action was successful or not.
# * 'result' [String] Either 'success' or 'failure'.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.ring_clear', 2)
def rpc_ring_clear( sid)
s = _valid_session(sid,"ring")
res = s.ring.clear_data
@ -123,9 +250,20 @@ class RPC_Session < RPC_Base
# Sends an input to a meterpreter prompt.
# You may want to use #rpc_meterpreter_read to retrieve the output.
# Run a single meterpreter console command
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @param [String] data Input to the meterpreter prompt.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] An error that could be one of these:
# * 500 Session ID is unknown.
# * 500 Invalid session type.
# @return [Hash] A hash indicating the action was successful or not.
# * 'result' [String] Either 'success' or 'failure'.
# @see #rpc_meterpreter_run_single
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.meterpreter_write', 2, "sysinfo")
def rpc_meterpreter_write( sid, data)
s = _valid_session(sid,"meterpreter")
@ -145,6 +283,17 @@ class RPC_Session < RPC_Base
{ "result" => "success" }
# Detaches from a meterpreter session.
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] An error that could be one of these:
# * 500 Session ID is unknown.
# * 500 Invalid session type.
# @return [Hash] A hash indicating the action was successful or not.
# * 'result' [String] Either 'success' or 'failure'.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.meterpreter_session_detach', 3)
def rpc_meterpreter_session_detach(sid)
s = _valid_session(sid,"meterpreter")
s.channels.each_value do |ch|
@ -156,6 +305,17 @@ class RPC_Session < RPC_Base
{ "result" => "failure" }
# Kills a meterpreter session.
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] An error that could be one of these:
# * 500 Session ID is unknown.
# * 500 Invalid session type.
# @return [Hash] A hash indicating the action was successful or not.
# * 'result' [String] Either 'success' or 'failure'.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.meterpreter_session_kill', 3)
def rpc_meterpreter_session_kill(sid)
s = _valid_session(sid,"meterpreter")
s.channels.each_value do |ch|
@ -167,12 +327,38 @@ class RPC_Session < RPC_Base
{ "result" => "failure" }
# Returns a tab-completed version of your meterpreter prompt input.
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @param [String] line Input.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] An error that could be one of these:
# * 500 Session ID is unknown.
# * 500 Invalid session type.
# @return [Hash] The tab-completed result.
# * 'tabs' [String] The tab-completed version of your input.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
# # This returns:
# # {"tabs"=>["sysinfo"]}
#'session.meterpreter_tabs', 3, 'sysin')
def rpc_meterpreter_tabs(sid, line)
s = _valid_session(sid,"meterpreter")
{ "tabs" => s.console.tab_complete(line) }
# runs a meterpreter command even if interacting with a shell or other channel
# Runs a meterpreter command even if interacting with a shell or other channel.
# You will want to use the #rpc_meterpreter_read to retrieve the output.
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @param [String] data Command.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] An error that could be one of these:
# * 500 Session ID is unknown.
# * 500 Invalid session type.
# @return [Hash] A hash indicating the action was successful.
# * 'result' [String] 'success'
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.meterpreter_run_single', 3, 'getpid')
def rpc_meterpreter_run_single( sid, data)
s = _valid_session(sid,"meterpreter")
@ -184,16 +370,49 @@ class RPC_Session < RPC_Base
{ "result" => "success" }
# Runs a meterpreter script.
# @deprecated Metasploit no longer maintains or accepts meterpreter scripts. Please try to use
# post modules instead.
# @see Msf::RPC::RPC_Module#rpc_execute You should use Msf::RPC::RPC_Module#rpc_execute instead.
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @param [String] data Meterpreter script name.
# @return [Hash] A hash indicating the action was successful.
# * 'result' [String] 'success'
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.meterpreter_script', 3, 'checkvm')
def rpc_meterpreter_script( sid, data)
rpc_meterpreter_run_single( sid, "run #{data}")
# Returns the separator used by the meterpreter.
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @raise [Msf::RPC::Exception] An error that could be one of these:
# * 500 Session ID is unknown.
# * 500 Invalid session type.
# @return [Hash] A hash that contains the separator.
# * 'separator' [String] The separator used by the meterpreter.
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
# # This returns:
# # {"separator"=>"\\"}
#'session.meterpreter_directory_separator', 3)
def rpc_meterpreter_directory_separator(sid)
s = _valid_session(sid,"meterpreter")
{ "separator" => s.fs.file.separator }
# Returns all the compatible post modules for this session.
# @param [Fixnum] sid Session ID.
# @return [Hash] Post modules.
# * 'modules' [Array<string>] An array of post module names. Example: ['post/windows/wlan/wlan_profile']
# @example Here's how you would use this from the client:
#'session.compatible_modules', 3)
def rpc_compatible_modules( sid)
ret = []