whoops. Use these, not the dhcpserv.cpp/h

git-svn-id: file:///home/svn/framework3/trunk@13633 4d416f70-5f16-0410-b530-b9f4589650da
This commit is contained in:
Matt Weeks 2011-08-25 01:41:57 +00:00
parent c8bb6a5fda
commit 53e43fa847
4 changed files with 2 additions and 361 deletions

View File

@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#pragma comment(lib,"wininet.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"Ws2_32.lib")
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
#include "dhcpserver.h"
#ifdef WIN32
typedef int socklen_t;
extern "C" {
void startDHCPServer(void * server){
*((int*)server) = 1;
void stopDHCPServer(void * server){
*((int*)server) = 0;
void* createDHCPServer(){
int* running = new int;
(*running) = 0;
return (void*)running;
void destroyDHCPServer(void * server){
delete ((int*)server);
void setDHCPOption(void * server, char* name, unsigned int namelen, char* opt, unsigned int optlen){
//Gets IP of default interface, or at least default interface to
unsigned int getLocalIp(){
//get socket
int smellySock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (smellySock == -1)
return 0; // -1=INVALID_SOCKET
//Se up server socket address
struct sockaddr_in server;
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_addr.s_addr = 0x08080808; //
connect(smellySock, (const sockaddr*) &server, sizeof(server));
struct sockaddr_in myaddr;
socklen_t size = sizeof(myaddr);
getsockname(smellySock, (struct sockaddr*)&myaddr, &size);
#ifdef WIN32
return ntohl(*((unsigned int*) & myaddr.sin_addr));
// Creates a DHCP option of format type length value
string dhcpoption(unsigned char type, string val){
string ret(1,type);
ret.append(1, (char) val.length()).append(val);
return ret;
// Creates a DHCP option with no value
string dhcpoption(unsigned char type){
string ret(1,type);
ret.append(1, '\x00');
return ret;
//convert long to IP binary string
string iton(unsigned int ip){
unsigned int source = htonl(ip);
string res((char *)&source,4);
return res;
// Runs the DHCP server; exits with 0 on normal shutdown, anything else on error
#ifdef WIN32
DWORD WINAPI runDHCPServer(void *keepRunningPtr){
if (WSAStartup(0x0202, &w) != 0)
return wsaStartupError; //should be running already
int runDHCPServer(void *keepRunningPtr){
int * keepRunning = (int*)keepRunningPtr;
//All IP-related options are in host byte order
unsigned int myIp = getLocalIp();
if(myIp == 0)
return localIpError; //No default route?
string ipString = iton(myIp);
unsigned int startIp = myIp + 1; //default start is just above our IP
unsigned int currentIp = startIp;
unsigned int endIp = (myIp | 0xFFFFFF00) + 0xFE; //last octet is .254
unsigned int netmask = 0xFFFFFF00; //default class C
//get ROUTER
unsigned int router = myIp; //we are default ROUTER
unsigned int dnsServer = myIp; //we are default DNSSERVER
unsigned int broadcast = INADDR_BROADCAST; //Mandatory for some clients
bool serveOnce = true;
//get PXE
bool servePXE = true;
string hostname; //hostname to give out
unsigned int servedOver = 0;
//get DHCP filename
string fileName("update1");
fileName.append(128 - fileName.length(), '\x00');
//get pxelinux conf filename
string pxeConfigFile("update2");
string pxePathPrefix("");
//get DHCP parameters
unsigned int leaseTime = 600;
unsigned int relayIp = 0; // relay ip - not currently suported
unsigned int pxeRebootTime = 2000;
//get socket
int smellySock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (smellySock == -1)
return invalidSocket; // -1=INVALID_SOCKET
//Se up server socket address
struct sockaddr_in server;
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_port = htons(dhcpServPort);
server.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; //a.k.a. INADDR_ANY
//Se up broadcast socket address
struct sockaddr_in broadcastAddr;
broadcastAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
broadcastAddr.sin_port = htons(68);
broadcastAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(broadcast); //a.k.a. inet_addr("")
int value = 1;
if(setsockopt(smellySock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char*)&value, sizeof(value)) != 0)
return setsockoptError;
// Bind address to socket
if (bind(smellySock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server)) != 0)
return bindError;
// Setup timeout
fd_set sockSet;
int n;
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 100;
// Setup tracker for served yet
set<string> served;
//Main packet-handling loop
while (true){
//Wait for request
FD_SET(smellySock, &sockSet);
n = select ( 1, &sockSet, NULL, NULL, &tv ) ;
if ( n == 0) //Timeout
else //we're done!
else if( n == -1 )
break; //Error
//Get request
char receiveBuf[bufferSize];
struct sockaddr client;
socklen_t clientLength = sizeof(client);
int receiveSize = recvfrom(smellySock, receiveBuf, bufferSize, 0, &client, &clientLength);
if (receiveSize <= 240) break; //Error would be -1, DHCP packet must be at least 240
//String-ize it!
string receivedPacket(receiveBuf,receiveSize);
char type = receivedPacket.at(0);
char hwtype = receivedPacket.at(1);
char hwlen = receivedPacket.at(2);
char hops = receivedPacket.at(3);
string txid = receivedPacket.substr(4,4); //like buf[4..7]
string elapsed = receivedPacket.substr(8,2);
string flags = receivedPacket.substr(10,2);
string clientip = receivedPacket.substr(12,4);
string givenip = receivedPacket.substr(16,4);
string nextip = receivedPacket.substr(20,4);
string receivedRelayip = receivedPacket.substr(24,4);
string clienthwaddr = receivedPacket.substr(28,hwlen);
string servhostname = receivedPacket.substr(44,64);
string filename = receivedPacket.substr(108,128);
string magic = receivedPacket.substr(236,4);
if(type != Request || magic.compare(DHCPMagic) != 0)
continue; //Verify DHCP request
unsigned char messageType = 0;
bool pxeclient = false;
// options parsing loop
unsigned int spot = 240;
while (spot < receivedPacket.length() - 3){
unsigned char optionType = receivedPacket.at(spot);
if (optionType == 0xff)
unsigned char optionLen = receivedPacket.at(spot + 1);
string optionValue = receivedPacket.substr(spot + 2, optionLen);
spot = spot + optionLen + 2;
if(optionType == 53)
messageType = optionValue.at(0);
else if (optionType == 150)
pxeclient = true;
if (pxeclient == false && servePXE == true)
continue;//No tftp server request; ignoring (probably not PXE client)
// prepare response
ostringstream pkt;
pkt << Response;
pkt << receivedPacket.substr(1,7); //hwtype, hwlen, hops, txid
string elaspedFlags("\x00\x00\x00\x00",4); //elapsed, flags
pkt << elaspedFlags;
pkt << clientip;
if (messageType == DHCPDiscover){
// give next ip address (not super reliable high volume but it should work for a basic server)
currentIp += 1;
if (currentIp > endIp)
currentIp = startIp;
pkt << iton(currentIp);
pkt << ipString; //next server ip
pkt << iton(relayIp);
pkt << receivedPacket.substr(28,16); //client hw address
pkt << servhostname;
pkt << fileName;
pkt << DHCPMagic;
pkt << "\x35\x01"; //Option
if (messageType == DHCPDiscover){ //DHCP Discover - send DHCP Offer
pkt << DHCPOffer;
// check if already served based on hw addr (MAC address)
if (serveOnce == true && served.count(clienthwaddr) > 0)
continue; //Already served; allowing normal boot
}else if (messageType == DHCPRequest){ //DHCP Request - send DHCP ACK
pkt << DHCPAck;
// now we ignore their discovers (but we'll respond to requests in case a packet was lost)
if ( servedOver != 0 ) // NOTE: this is sufficient for low-traffic net
servedOver += 1;
continue; //ignore unknown DHCP request
// Options!
pkt << dhcpoption(OpDHCPServer, ipString);
pkt << dhcpoption(OpLeaseTime, iton(leaseTime));
pkt << dhcpoption(OpSubnetMask, iton(netmask));
pkt << dhcpoption(OpRouter, iton(router));
pkt << dhcpoption(OpDns, iton(dnsServer));
string pxemagic(PXEMagic,4);
pkt << dhcpoption(OpPXEMagic, pxemagic);
pkt << dhcpoption(OpPXEConfigFile, pxeConfigFile);
pkt << dhcpoption(OpPXEPathPrefix, pxePathPrefix);
pkt << dhcpoption(OpPXERebootTime, iton(pxeRebootTime));
if ( hostname.length() > 0 ){
ostringstream sendHostname;
sendHostname << hostname;
if ( servedOver != 0 )
sendHostname << servedOver;
pkt << dhcpoption(OpHostname, sendHostname.str());
pkt << dhcpoption(OpEnd);
string sendPacket = pkt.str();
//Send response
int sent = sendto(smellySock, sendPacket.c_str(), sendPacket.length(), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&broadcastAddr, sizeof(broadcastAddr));
if (sent != sendPacket.length())
break; //Error
#ifdef WIN32
return 0;

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
const int bufferSize = 4096;
const int dhcpServPort = 67;
const unsigned char Request = 1;
const unsigned char Response = 2;
const unsigned char DHCPDiscover = 1;
const unsigned char DHCPOffer = 2;
const unsigned char DHCPRequest = 3;
const unsigned char DHCPAck = 5;
const char * DHCPMagic = "\x63\x82\x53\x63";
const unsigned char OpDHCPServer = 0x36;
const unsigned char OpLeaseTime = 0x33;
const unsigned char OpSubnetMask = 1;
const unsigned char OpRouter = 3;
const unsigned char OpDns = 6;
const unsigned char OpHostname = 0x0c;
const unsigned char OpEnd = 0xff;
const char * PXEMagic = "\xF1\x00\x74\x7E";
const unsigned char OpPXEMagic = 0xD0;
const unsigned char OpPXEConfigFile = 0xD1;
const unsigned char OpPXEPathPrefix = 0xD2;
const unsigned char OpPXERebootTime = 0xD3;
enum errCodes{
localIpError = 1,
#ifdef WIN32
DWORD WINAPI runDHCPServer(void * keepRunningPtr);
int runDHCPServer(void *keepRunningPtr);

View File

@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@