fix formating, replace spaces for tabs

git-svn-id: file:///home/svn/framework3/trunk@12833 4d416f70-5f16-0410-b530-b9f4589650da
This commit is contained in:
Carlos Perez 2011-06-02 23:17:52 +00:00
parent a25ce9055e
commit 4499aa543d
3 changed files with 190 additions and 193 deletions

View File

@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ class Post
module Priv
include ::Msf::Post::Common
# Returns true if running as root, false if not.
def is_root?
root_priv = false
user_id = cmd_exec("/bin/id -u")
if user_id.to_i == 0
root_priv = true
# Returns true if running as root, false if not.
def is_root?
root_priv = false
user_id = cmd_exec("/bin/id -u")
if user_id.to_i == 0
root_priv = true
return root_priv
return root_priv
end # Priv
end # Post

View File

@ -6,121 +6,121 @@ class Post
module System
include ::Msf::Post::Common
include ::Msf::Post::File
include ::Msf::Post::File
# Returns a Hash containing Distribution Name, Version and Kernel Information
def linux_ver
system_data = {}
etc_files = cmd_exec("ls /etc").split()
# Debian
if etc_files.include?("debian_version")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
if kernel_version =~ /Ubuntu/
version = read_file("/etc/issue").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "ubuntu"
# Returns a Hash containing Distribution Name, Version and Kernel Information
def linux_ver
system_data = {}
etc_files = cmd_exec("ls /etc").split()
# Debian
if etc_files.include?("debian_version")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
if kernel_version =~ /Ubuntu/
version = read_file("/etc/issue").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "ubuntu"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
version = read_file("/etc/issue").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "debian"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
# Fedora
elsif etc_files.include?("fedora-release")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/fedora-release").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "fedora"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
# RedHat
elsif etc_files.include?("redhat-release")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/redhat-release").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "redhat"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
# Slackware
elsif etc_files.include?("slackware-version")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/slackware-version").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "slackware"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
# Mandrake
elsif etc_files.include?("mandrake-release")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/mandrake-release").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "mandrake"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
elsif etc_files.include?("SuSE-release")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/SuSE-release").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "suse"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
# Gentoo
elsif etc_files.include?("gentoo-release")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/gentoo-release").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "gentoo"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
# Others
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/issue").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "debian"
system_data[:distro] = "linux"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
# Fedora
elsif etc_files.include?("fedora-release")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/fedora-release").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "fedora"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
# RedHat
elsif etc_files.include?("redhat-release")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/redhat-release").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "redhat"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
# Slackware
elsif etc_files.include?("slackware-version")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/slackware-version").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "slackware"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
# Mandrake
elsif etc_files.include?("mandrake-release")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/mandrake-release").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "mandrake"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
elsif etc_files.include?("SuSE-release")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/SuSE-release").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "suse"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
# Gentoo
elsif etc_files.include?("gentoo-release")
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/gentoo-release").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "gentoo"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
# Others
kernel_version = cmd_exec("uname -a")
version = read_file("/etc/issue").gsub(/\n|\\n|\\l/,'')
system_data[:distro] = "linux"
system_data[:version] = version
system_data[:kernel] = kernel_version
return system_data
return system_data
# Returns an array of hashes each representing a user
# Keys are name, uid, gid, info, dir and shell
def get_users
users = []
cmd_out = cmd_exec("cat /etc/passwd").split("\n")
cmd_out.each do |l|
entry = {}
user_field = l.split(":")
entry[:name] = user_field[0]
entry[:uid] = user_field[2]
entry[:gid] = user_field[3]
entry[:info] = user_field[4]
entry[:dir] = user_field[5]
entry[:shell] = user_field[6]
users << entry
return users
# Returns an array of hashes each representing a user
# Keys are name, uid, gid, info, dir and shell
def get_users
users = []
cmd_out = cmd_exec("cat /etc/passwd").split("\n")
cmd_out.each do |l|
entry = {}
user_field = l.split(":")
entry[:name] = user_field[0]
entry[:uid] = user_field[2]
entry[:gid] = user_field[3]
entry[:info] = user_field[4]
entry[:dir] = user_field[5]
entry[:shell] = user_field[6]
users << entry
return users
# Returns an array of hashes each hash representing a user group
# Keys are name, gid and users
def get_groups
groups = []
cmd_out = cmd_exec("cat /etc/group").split("\n")
cmd_out.each do |l|
entry = {}
user_field = l.split(":")
entry[:name] = user_field[0]
entry[:gid] = user_field[2]
entry[:users] = user_field[3]
groups << entry
return groups
# Returns an array of hashes each hash representing a user group
# Keys are name, gid and users
def get_groups
groups = []
cmd_out = cmd_exec("cat /etc/group").split("\n")
cmd_out.each do |l|
entry = {}
user_field = l.split(":")
entry[:name] = user_field[0]
entry[:gid] = user_field[2]
entry[:users] = user_field[3]
groups << entry
return groups
end # System

View File

@ -6,100 +6,97 @@ class Post
module System
include ::Msf::Post::Common
include ::Msf::Post::File
# Return a hash with system Information
def get_sysinfo
system_info = {}
cmd_output = cmd_exec("/usr/bin/sw_vers").split("\n")
cmd_output.each do |l|
field,val = l.chomp.split(":")
system_info[field] = val.strip
system_info["Kernel"] = `uname -a`.chomp
system_info["Hostname"] = system_info["Kernel"].split(" ")[1]
return system_info
# Returns an array of hashes each representing a user on the system
# Keys are name, gid, uid, dir and shell
def get_users
cmd_output = cmd_exec("/usr/bin/dscacheutil -q user")
users = []
users_arry = cmd_output.split("\n\n")
users_arry.each do |u|
entry =
u.each_line do |l|
field,val = l.chomp.split(": ")
next if field == "password"
entry[field] = val.chomp
include ::Msf::Post::File
# Return a hash with system Information
def get_sysinfo
system_info = {}
cmd_output = cmd_exec("/usr/bin/sw_vers").split("\n")
cmd_output.each do |l|
field,val = l.chomp.split(":")
system_info[field] = val.strip
users << entry
return users
system_info["Kernel"] = `uname -a`.chomp
system_info["Hostname"] = system_info["Kernel"].split(" ")[1]
# Returns an array of hashes each representing a system accounts on the system
# Keys are name, gid, uid, dir and shell
def get_system_accounts
cmd_output = cmd_exec("/usr/bin/dscacheutil -q user")
users = []
users_arry = cmd_output.split("\n\n")
users_arry.each do |u|
entry = {}
u.each_line do |l|
field,val = l.chomp.split(": ")
next if field == "password"
entry[field] = val.chomp
return system_info
# Returns an array of hashes each representing a user on the system
# Keys are name, gid, uid, dir and shell
def get_users
cmd_output = cmd_exec("/usr/bin/dscacheutil -q user")
users = []
users_arry = cmd_output.split("\n\n")
users_arry.each do |u|
entry =
u.each_line do |l|
field,val = l.chomp.split(": ")
next if field == "password"
entry[field] = val.chomp
users << entry
next if entry["name"] !~ /^_/
users << entry
return users
return users
# Returns an array of hashes each representing non system accounts on the system
# Keys are name, gid, uid, dir and shell
def get_nonsystem_accounts
cmd_output = cmd_exec("/usr/bin/dscacheutil -q user")
users = []
users_arry = cmd_output.split("\n\n")
users_arry.each do |u|
entry = {}
u.each_line do |l|
field,val = l.chomp.split(": ")
next if field == "password"
entry[field] = val.chomp
# Returns an array of hashes each representing a system accounts on the system
# Keys are name, gid, uid, dir and shell
def get_system_accounts
cmd_output = cmd_exec("/usr/bin/dscacheutil -q user")
users = []
users_arry = cmd_output.split("\n\n")
users_arry.each do |u|
entry = {}
u.each_line do |l|
field,val = l.chomp.split(": ")
next if field == "password"
entry[field] = val.chomp
next if entry["name"] !~ /^_/
users << entry
next if entry["name"] =~ /^_/
users << entry
return users
return users
# Returns an array of hashes each representing user group on the system
# Keys are name, guid and users
def get_groups
cmd_output = cmd_exec("/usr/bin/dscacheutil -q group")
groups = []
groups_arry = cmd_output.split("\n\n")
groups_arry.each do |u|
entry =
u.each_line do |l|
field,val = l.chomp.split(": ")
next if field == "password"
entry[field] = val.chomp
# Returns an array of hashes each representing non system accounts on the system
# Keys are name, gid, uid, dir and shell
def get_nonsystem_accounts
cmd_output = cmd_exec("/usr/bin/dscacheutil -q user")
users = []
users_arry = cmd_output.split("\n\n")
users_arry.each do |u|
entry = {}
u.each_line do |l|
field,val = l.chomp.split(": ")
next if field == "password"
entry[field] = val.chomp
next if entry["name"] =~ /^_/
users << entry
groups << entry
return users
return groups
# Returns an array of hashes each representing user group on the system
# Keys are name, guid and users
def get_groups
cmd_output = cmd_exec("/usr/bin/dscacheutil -q group")
groups = []
groups_arry = cmd_output.split("\n\n")
groups_arry.each do |u|
entry =
u.each_line do |l|
field,val = l.chomp.split(": ")
next if field == "password"
entry[field] = val.chomp
groups << entry
return groups
end # System
end # Post
end # Msf