- [ ] Async - [ ] Resource - [ ] Suspense - [ ] Docs (and clippy warning to insist on docs) - [ ] Read through + understand... - [ ] `Props` macro - [ ] `component` macro - [ ] renderer - [ ] array reconciliation (bundle size?) - [ ] memory management of scopes - Reactive system improvements - [ ] Dispose of scopes properly - [ ] Effects should take `Option` and return `T` - [ ] Better `create_memo` implementation - [ ] `create_signal` return actual closures? - [ ] Scheduling effets/run effects at end of render - [ ] `batch()` - [ ] Examples - [ ] API fetch w/ Suspense - [ ] Router - [ ] Portals - [ ] SSR - [ ] Macro - [ ] Streaming HTML from server - [ ] Streaming `Resource`s - [ ] Loaders - [ ] Transitions - [ ] Tutorials + website - [ ] Scoped CSS