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cask :v1 => 'fenics' do
version '1.4.0'
sha256 'b0071fa25759fcef124e418c202cc81d297d12633b24385b70b9408af76c2bb5'
url "http://www.fenicsproject.org/pub/software/fenics/fenics-#{version}-osx10.9.dmg"
name 'FEniCS'
homepage 'http://fenicsproject.org/'
license :gpl
app 'FEniCS.app'
depends_on :macos => '>= :mavericks'
caveats do
FEniCS is designed to work with the OS X system Python (v. 2.7.5 in OS X 10.9).
If you are using a standard bash shell and system Python, you can make FEniCS
available when you start your shell by adding the following to the .profile
file in your home directory:
source #{staged_path}/FEniCS.app/Contents/Resources/share/fenics/fenics.conf
If you are using an alternate shell (e.g., zsh, csh) or a modified or brewed Python,
be sure to launch FEniCS using a clean (bash) shell.
Creating a new shell using the following command works well:
/bin/bash --rcfile #{staged_path}/FEniCS.app/Contents/Resources/share/fenics/fenics.conf