
38 lines
1.9 KiB

cask 'teamviewer' do
version '12'
sha256 :no_check # required as upstream package is updated in-place
url "https://download.teamviewer.com/download/version_#{version}x/TeamViewer.dmg"
name 'TeamViewer'
homepage 'https://www.teamviewer.com/'
auto_updates true
pkg 'Install TeamViewer.pkg'
uninstall pkgutil: "com.teamviewer.teamviewer#{version}(?!AuthPlugin|PriviledgedHelper).*",
delete: [
zap delete: [
'~/Library/Application Support/TeamViewer',
'~/Library/Saved Application State/com.teamviewer.TeamViewer.savedState',
caveats 'Performing a zap on this cask removes files pertaining to both teamviewer and teamviewer-host, so it should not be done if you only want to uninstall one of them.'