
80 lines
3.0 KiB

cask "zoom" do
arch = Hardware::CPU.intel? ? "" : "arm64/"
version ""
if Hardware::CPU.intel?
sha256 "e829ad0eedf75dfa010fce4253f10698e6f769e4dbfa28ded57a9d540969917a"
sha256 "87a5ef87af853b298980b12439a1eed8a5f9eef7a2db9215983382bfc64a517a"
url "https://cdn.zoom.us/prod/#{version}/#{arch}Zoom.pkg"
name "Zoom.us"
desc "Video communication and virtual meeting platform"
homepage "https://www.zoom.us/"
livecheck do
url "https://zoom.us/client/latest/Zoom.pkg"
strategy :header_match
# Do not add `auto_updates`. While supporting an auto-update mechanism, this software is more inconvenient than most
# See https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask/pull/93083
conflicts_with cask: "zoom-for-it-admins"
pkg "Zoom.pkg"
postflight do
# Description: Ensure console variant of postinstall is non-interactive.
# This is because `open "$APP_PATH"&` is called from the postinstall
# script of the package and we don't want any user intervention there.
retries ||= 3
ohai "The Zoom package postinstall script launches the Zoom app" unless retries < 3
ohai "Attempting to close zoom.us.app to avoid unwanted user intervention" unless retries < 3
return unless system_command "/usr/bin/pkill", args: ["-f", "/Applications/zoom.us.app"]
rescue RuntimeError
sleep 1
retry unless (retries -= 1).zero?
opoo "Unable to forcibly close zoom.us.app"
uninstall signal: ["KILL", "us.zoom.xos"],
pkgutil: "us.zoom.pkg.videomeeting",
launchctl: "us.zoom.ZoomDaemon",
delete: [
"/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ZoomUsPlugIn.plugin",
zap trash: [
"~/Library/Application Support/CloudDocs/session/containers/iCloud.us.zoom.videomeetings",
"~/Library/Application Support/CloudDocs/session/containers/iCloud.us.zoom.videomeetings.plist",
"~/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/zoom.us*",
"~/Library/Application Support/zoom.us",
"~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ZoomUsPlugIn.plugin",
"~/Library/Group Containers/BJ4HAAB9B3.ZoomClient3rd",
"~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~us~zoom~videomeetings",
"~/Library/Saved Application State/us.zoom.xos.savedState",