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Release Standards

Here's where we document how homebrew-cask is released.


We attempt to follow Semantic Versioning as much as possible.

Since we are still pre-1.0, this essentially means that we bump the PATCH number when we fix bugs, and we bump the MINOR number when we add features. Pretty simple.

The script ./developer/bin/get_release_tag can tell you the latest release tag that exists and/or calculate the proposed next release tag. Docs are at get_release_tag -help.

Release Process

We'll get this scripted someday, but until then it's better to have it written down than floating in a brain somewhere.

  1. Be running on a checkout of master which is up to date and git status clean.

  2. cd to the project root.

    $ cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
  3. Re-compile the man page by running ./developer/bin/generate_man_pages. Run git diff to see if the compiled man page has updates other than the datestamp. If so, check in the changes. If not, discard the changes:

    $ git checkout -- ./doc/man/brew-cask.1    # to discard changes
  4. Do a git log to see what changed since the last release. You can scope it to lib to just pick up code changes. Like this:

    $ git log "$(./developer/bin/get_release_tag)"..HEAD -- lib
  5. Decide whether to bump the minor or patch fields in the next release tag, based on whether or not features were added. Run the shell command

    $ export NEW_RELEASE_TAG="$(./developer/bin/get_release_tag -next)"; echo "$NEW_RELEASE_TAG"    # or use -next -patch

    and make sure the value in $NEW_RELEASE_TAG is what you want.

  6. Bump the HOMEBREW_CASK_VERSION string which is stored in the file lib/cask/version.rb:

    $ ./developer/bin/bump_version "$NEW_RELEASE_TAG"

    The version string in the Ruby code should match $NEW_RELEASE_TAG, except that the leading v character should be removed.

  7. Generate a draft changelog for the new release by running

    $ ./developer/bin/project_stats release  >| /var/tmp/draft_release_changelog.md
    $ ./developer/bin/generate_changelog     >> /var/tmp/draft_release_changelog.md
  8. Edit the draft changelog, following the patterns used in doc/CHANGELOG.md. When complete, insert the new release changelog near the beginning, just after the first line in doc/CHANGELOG.md.

  9. Make a commit on master with the modifications to doc/CHANGELOG.md and lib/cask/version.rb:

    $ git add doc/CHANGELOG.md lib/cask/version.rb
    $ git commit -m "cut $NEW_RELEASE_TAG"
  10. Tag that commit. Make certain that you provide a -m message so the we get an annotated tag in the git history:

    $ git tag -m "$NEW_RELEASE_TAG" "$NEW_RELEASE_TAG"
  11. Push that commit and the tag:

    $ git push --follow-tags

    Depending on your git configuration, you may need to append <repository> <refspec> to the above command, for example: git push --follow-tags upstream master

  12. Unset the shell variable $NEW_RELEASE_TAG; you don't need it anymore.

    $ unset NEW_RELEASE_TAG
  13. Open your browser to https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/releases . Click the link for your newly-pushed tag. Click the "Edit Tag" button in the top right corner of that page.

  14. Paste the markdown summary from doc/CHANGELOG.md into the textarea on that page. The ## <version number> heading line from the changelog should not be included. The Release title field on the GitHub web form may be left blank.

  15. Click "Publish Release".

  16. Rejoice! Have a 🍪.

Things to Consider

The way brew update works, users will always be tracking HEAD in their tap. This means that the latest updates to Casks are going to trickle out immediately after push. This means there are times when we need to be thoughtful about how we push out new or breaking functionality. As a pre-1.0 project we can still break backwards compatibility, but sometimes there might be decisions we can make about releasing to make things easier on our users.

In general: go easy on the users!