
27 lines
1.0 KiB

cask "kekaexternalhelper" do
version "1.1.3,1.2.59"
sha256 "a330bc6fcd00a93dfd95c52cdbdbbec5af0a0f091be0fc0efea58931906f43b6"
url "https://github.com/aonez/Keka/releases/download/v#{version.csv.second}/KekaExternalHelper-v#{version.csv.first}.zip"
name "Keka External Helper"
name "KekaDefaultApp"
desc "Helper application for the Keka file archiver"
homepage "https://github.com/aonez/Keka/wiki/Default-application"
# We can identify the version from the `location` header of the first
# response from https://d.keka.io/helper/ but we need to be able to either not
# follow redirections (i.e., omit `--location` from curl args) or iterate
# through the headers for all responses (not the hash of merged headers,
# where only the last `location` header is available).
livecheck do
skip "Cannot identify version without access to all headers"
app "KekaExternalHelper.app"
zap trash: [
"~/Library/Saved Application State/com.aone.KekaExternalHelper.savedState",