
33 lines
1.0 KiB

cask "lantern" do
version "7.8.1"
sha256 :no_check
url "https://s3.amazonaws.com/lantern/lantern-installer.dmg",
verified: "s3.amazonaws.com/lantern/"
name "Lantern"
desc "Open Internet For All"
homepage "https://lantern.io/"
# The first-party download page (https://lantern.io/download?os=mac) only
# links to an unversioned file, with no version information on the page. We
# check GitHub releases as a best guess of when a new version is released.
# Upstream has not marked recent releases as "latest", so we have to check
# multiple releases until upstream reliably marks releases as "latest" again.
livecheck do
url "https://github.com/getlantern/lantern"
strategy :github_releases
app "Lantern.app"
uninstall launchctl: "org.getlantern",
quit: "com.getlantern.lantern"
zap trash: [
"~/Library/Application Support/byteexec/lantern",
"~/Library/Application Support/byteexec/sysproxy-cmd",
"~/Library/Application Support/Lantern",