
32 KiB



  • Casks
  • 17 Casks added (17 updated) by 24 contributors since 0.34.0
  • 1478 total Casks
  • Features
  • Fixes
  • #4229 Defend against unusual Homebrew setups (Tap migration improvement)
  • #4244 special case permissions when creating /opt
  • #4245 Moved garmin-express.rb to correct location <3 @ngs
  • #4226 handle nil @response_status
  • #4195 suppress email notifications from travis
  • Documentation
  • 4 doc commits since 0.34.0
  • Breaking Changes
  • none


  • Casks
  • 19 Casks added (42 updated) by 39 contributors since 0.33.1
  • 1460 total Casks
  • Features
  • #2427 Give the user help on checksum errors
  • #4169 automatically transition to new Tap name/location
  • #4163 update all references to new caskroom org home
  • Fixes
  • none
  • Documentation
  • none
  • Breaking Changes
  • The repository has moved under the Caskroom organization. We expect this to be a seamless transition for users.


  • Casks
  • 8 Casks added (14 updated) by 18 contributors since 0.33.0
  • 1441 total Casks
  • Features
  • none
  • Fixes
  • #4094 better handle renamed Casks in brew cask info
  • #4064 Remove issues_url from CLI helpdoc <3 @linc01n
  • #4095 add Tap path info to brew cask doctor
  • Documentation
  • 1 doc commit since 0.30.0 <3 @jcgay
  • Breaking Changes
  • none


  • Casks
  • 81 Casks added (163 updated) by 106 contributors since 0.32.0
  • 1433 total Casks
  • Features
  • none
  • Fixes
  • #4042 Adapt to Homebrew's move of the Tap directory
  • #4039 Avoid exit code with no Casks are installed
  • #2971 Redirect user to cask issues page on error <3 @voanhduy1512
  • Documentation
  • Breaking Changes
  • The default Tap directory was moved to accommodate a change in the Homebrew project.


  • Casks
  • 34 Casks added (64 updated) by 67 contributors since 0.31.1
  • 1352 total Casks
  • Features
  • #2706 suggest replacements on brew cask install fail
  • #3667 display artifact summary in brew cask info <3 @drew-gross
  • #3700 add assistive_devices to caveats DSL
  • #3699 add zsh_path_helper to caveats DSL
  • Fixes
  • #3647 bin/brew-cask.rb is meant to be required by Homebrew, not actually executed by the shell <3 @jasonkarns
  • #3668 rescue LoadError for optional require in cask_namer
  • #3662 make brew cask audit return error code on fail
  • Documentation
  • 2 doc commits since 0.31.1
  • Breaking Changes
  • none


  • Casks
  • 15 Casks added (9 updated) by 9 contributors since 0.31.0
  • 1318 total Casks
  • Features
  • none
  • Fixes
  • Documentation
  • none
  • Breaking Changes
  • none


  • Casks
  • 41 Casks added (94 updated) by 64 contributors since 0.30.1
  • 1303 total Casks
  • Features
  • #3422 add CurlPostDownloadStrategy <3 @pedros
  • #3443 new cask_namer script for Cask authors
  • #3217 accept multiple arguments to uninstall :pkgutil
  • #3106 Emoji and disk usage stats at install success
  • #3441 add developer script list_pkg_ids_by_regexp
  • Fixes
  • #3540 respect digits in search strings <3 @cgcai
  • #3500 preserve resource forks when unzipping
  • #3515 explicitly unload :launchctl service before remove
  • #3516 only set filesystem metadata if :target != source
  • #2672 don't try uninstall cleanup inside system dirs
  • #3518 fix erroneous uses of casecmp
  • #3459 prefer GNU xargs in developer scripts
  • #3541 update test suite to use sha256
  • Documentation
  • Breaking Changes
  • none


  • Casks
  • 1 Cask added (16 updated) by 3 contributors since 0.30.0
  • 1261 total Casks
  • Features
  • Fixes
  • #3335 test if lsar is nil before attempting split
  • #3327 devscripts: add new maintainers
  • #3324 remove constant HOMEBREW_TAP_FORMULA_REGEX
  • Documentation
  • Breaking Changes
  • none


  • Casks
  • 56 Casks added (667 updated) by 58 contributors since 0.29.2
  • 1260 total Casks
  • Features
  • #2970 add new command verb brew cask fetch <3 @voanhduy1512
  • #3079 add new command verb brew cask update (synonym for brew update)
  • #3131 provide command aliases such as brew cask dr for brew cask doctor, matching Homebrew
  • #2705 Divide search output into sections
  • #3014, #3039, #3040, #2744, #2467 support Bzip2, RAR, StuffIt, 7zip, and Adobe Air container types <3 @vmrob
  • #3011 add Cask DSL element container_type to override container auto-detect <3 @vmrob
  • #3107 add sha256 :no_check to Cask DSL (synonym for no_checksum)
  • #3073 write extended attributes to filesystem for :target links (to assist Spotlight and Alfred) <3 @tmonney
  • #3190 add "doutdated" example external command <3 @doits
  • #3105 add optional appcast stanza to Cask DSL (for future use; value currently ignored)
  • Fixes
  • Documentation
  • Breaking Changes
  • #2931 remove md5 checksum support
  • #3025 temporarily suppress searching the font Tap to reduce false positives


  • Casks
  • 36 Casks added (10 updated) by 15 contributors since 0.29.1
  • 1204 total Casks
  • Features
  • Fixes
  • #3044 Adjust arity on exception to match change in Homebrew
  • #3015 Add strip to link_checker. <3 @Red54
  • #2991 Make brew cask info work for packages with spaces in filenames <3 @skivvies
  • #2961 Enforce valid values for :stderr on command.run
  • Documentation
  • 1 doc commit since 0.29.1
  • Breaking Changes
  • none


  • Casks
  • 7 Casks added (1 updated) by 3 contributors since 0.29.0
  • 1168 total Casks
  • Features
  • Fixes
  • #2957 fix bugs with Subversion downloads
  • Documentation
  • Breaking Changes
  • none


  • Casks
  • 77 Casks added (99 updated) by 66 contributors since 0.28.0
  • 1161 total Casks
  • Features
  • #2759 new command brew cask cleanup
  • #2392 show managed links in brew cask list <3 @AlJohri
  • #1992 support for CAB container types
  • #2822 support for Subversion download URLs
  • #2761 add :must_succeed parameter for uninstall scripts <3 @juuso, @lgarron
  • #2637 add os_version_only to caveats DSL
  • #2739 :allow_untrusted modifier on install artifact <3 @tsantor
  • #2742 add before_install and before_uninstall blocks to Cask DSL <3 @tamird
  • #2923, #2850, #2787, #2786, #2785, #2784, #2783, #2782, #2725, #2724, #2689, #2698, #2809, #2807, #2803 scripts for developers and Cask authors: list_id_in_kext, list_ids_in_app, list_installed_launchjob_ids, list_loaded_launchjob_ids, list_payload_in_pkg, list_recent_pkg_ids, generate_changelog, generate_man_pages, and sample external commands
  • Fixes
  • #2624, #2623, #2613, #2851 MUCH more robust approach to external commands <3 @vmrob
  • #2719, #2840 Change default hash to SHA-256. <3 @lgarron
  • #2625, #2890, #2734 make Travis-CI test with the same Ruby we target on the desktop
  • #2841 restrict visibility of Cask namespace in Formula
  • #2820 exit with error code 1 when a list error occurs <3 @sgtpep
  • #2748 enforce: certain DSL elements may appear only once
  • #2741 make sure "after" blocks really run last
  • #2760 make sure directory HOMEBREW_CACHE_CASKS exists
  • #2732, #2875 improve messages from --debug and caveats
  • Documentation
  • Breaking Changes
  • artifacts may no longer be specified as a list (since 0.28.0). Instead the artifact should be repeated on multiple lines.


  • Casks
  • 24 Casks added (46 updated) by 39 contributors since 0.27.1
  • 1084 total Casks
  • Features
  • Fixes
  • Breaking Changes
  • none


  • Casks
  • 14 Casks added (14 updated) by 17 contributors since 0.27.0
  • 1060 total Casks
  • Features
  • #2496 improvements to brew search (still undocumented)
  • Fixes
  • #2496 restore functionality of brew search with no arguments
  • Breaking Changes
  • none


  • Casks
  • 47 Casks added (59 updated) by 45 contributors since 0.26.1
  • 1046 total Casks
  • Features
  • Fixes
  • Breaking Changes
  • In rare cases, the new caveats form may not be backward-compatible with old Casks which used undocumented features.


  • Features
  • Fixes
    • #2275 - Force a require of Homebrew's download_strategy
  • Breaking Changes
  • none


  • Features
    • New binary artifact for installing executables.
    • Start a brew cask doctor command to help with support.
  • Fixes
    • #2275 - Prepend brew cask to Ruby's load path
  • Breaking Changes
  • none


  • Features
  • Fixes
    • a clearer error message when an unexpected cask method is called; hopefully will help confusion around unreleased features
    • #2084 - handle CaskAlreadyInstalledError gracefully; helps Brewfile integration <3 @pstadler
  • Breaking Changes
    • #2100 - font Casks have been moved to their own tap at caskroom/fonts so that we can be more disclaimery about font licenses


  • Features
    • #2018 - add :quit key to uninstall
  • Fixes
    • #2019 - validate keys given to uninstall
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
    • #2012 - support --verbose flag for pkg installer
    • #2013 - support for installing widgets via the widget artifact
  • Fixes
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
    • support for installing fonts via the font artifact <3 @rolandwalker
    • casks can run arbitrary blocks after install/uninstall
    • casks without ruby files now show up in brew cask list and can be uninstalled
  • Fixes
  • Breaking Changes
    • the format of brew cask list has changed, we now include (!) after casks that don't have ruby files


  • Features
  • Fixes
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
  • Fixes
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
  • Fixes
    • #1765 - fix tapspath to work with non-standard homebrew location <3 @njam
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
    • #1417 - brew cask list, when given args, list installed files
    • Guard against unspecified casks in the CLI <3 @aah
    • brew cask info also reports cask caveats <3 @linc01n
  • Fixes
    • #393 - use non-zero exit code on error <3 @aah
    • #914 - more robust plist parsing with better error handling
    • #1035 - use exact matching when loading a cask
    • #1461 - remove empty app dirs from caskroom on uninstall
  • Breaking Changes
    • #1436 - new preferred sourceforge url style


  • Features
  • Fixes
    • #1274 - fix permissions problems on certain pkg uninstalls
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
  • Fixes
    • #1274 - various fixes to prevent evil from happening during certain pkg uninstall processes
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
  • Fixes
    • fix bug introduced in 0.19.1 where a double-install would result in a silent uninstall of a cask
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
  • Fixes
    • #954 - preserve environment when running sudo <3 @kdeldycke
    • #1247 - clean up on install failure; raise an explicit error when a command fail for better feedback
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
    • #602 - support for nested containers
  • Fixes
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
  • Fixes
    • #1168 - support systems that have ln overridden with GNU version <3 @wenbin1989
    • #1181 - fix a small bug that could stop the check link process <3 @andizzle
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
  • Fixes
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
    • adds --prefpanedir= option to link to a different location
  • Fixes
  • Breaking Changes
    • none

0.18.0 - Preference Pane Support

  • Features
    • adds support for Preference Pane linking
      • adds prefpane keyword in Cask dsl indicates a prefpane to by symlinked to ~/Library/PreferencePanes
    • internal refactor to Artifact system; opens up easier implementation path to supporting additional things like widgets
  • Fixes
  • Breaking Changes
    • removes old linkapps / unlinkapps commands
    • install and link keywords now must reference the relative path to their artifact


  • Features
  • Fixes
    • Bugfixes addressing (#1105)
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
  • Fixes
    • Fixes typo on Tar container, preventing tar-based Casks from being installed. (#1083)
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
    • naked pkg support
    • major internal Container refactor
    • Remove .DS_Store files when uninstalling packages
    • pkg uninstall: support kernel extension unloading
  • Fixes
    • fix a few bugs around recent changes
    • require tmpdir to fix container error
    • when uninstalling pkgs; sudo chmod before examining
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
  • Fixes
    • homebrew made some changes (#1015) that broke our integration; this bugfix release brings us back into parity with the mothership.
  • Breaking Changes
    • none

Thanks @billwanjohi for his work to fix this.


  • Features
    • Adds ability to install a cask directly from a URL: brew cask install http://example.com/casks/my-personal-app.rb
  • Fixes
    • Fixes overzealous cask create name matching
  • Breaking Changes
    • none


  • Features
    • Adds .pkg install/uninstall support
  • Fixes
  • Breaking Changes
    • none