47 lines
1.8 KiB
47 lines
1.8 KiB
cask "tastytrade" do
arch arm: "-aarch64"
version "2.12.9"
sha256 arm: "0e904527a1fb345630d6b7d4b7c4da67ca07c23e0ecbe190c85964b0f3717d5e",
intel: "edf08aca5d715d66416b5035fea64fb8f3bba1e3eabe55783da427d65d221b46"
url "https://download.tastytrade.com/desktop-#{version.major}.x.x/#{version}/tastytrade-#{version}#{arch}.dmg"
name "tastytrade"
desc "Desktop trading platform"
homepage "https://tastytrade.com/technology/"
# The version information is found in a random JSON file, which is referenced
# from another JSON file. We can't tell which file will contain the version
# information, so we check each until we find a match. As of writing, the
# first JSON file contains the version information but this check could
# involve further requests if the order of the JSON files changes or the
# structure of the target JSON file changes. The latter would cause the check
# to fetch all the JSON files before failing, which isn't ideal.
livecheck do
url "https://tastytrade.com/page-data/technology/page-data.json"
strategy :json do |json|
requests = 0
version = json["staticQueryHashes"]&.each do |static_hash|
requests += 1
break if requests > 4
content = Homebrew::Livecheck::Strategy.page_content("https://tastytrade.com/page-data/sq/d/#{static_hash}.json")
next if content.blank? || content[:content].blank?
hash_json = JSON.parse(content[:content])
version = hash_json.dig("data", "contentstackGlobalSettings", "tastyworksSoftware", "desktopVersion")
break version if version.present?
auto_updates true
app "tastytrade.app"
zap trash: [
"~/Library/Application Support/tastytrade",
"~/Library/Saved Application State/com.tastytrade.desktop.savedState",