cask 'mactex-no-gui' do version '2020.0407' sha256 'a33af89de36c7c84a76050c9704d50d23892e9c2070f04f6a53e1c6d5a332f67' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version.no_dots}.pkg" appcast '', configuration: version.major name 'MacTeX' homepage '' conflicts_with cask: [ 'basictex', 'mactex', ] depends_on formula: 'ghostscript' depends_on macos: '>= :high_sierra' pkg "mactex-#{version.no_dots}.pkg", choices: [ { # Ghostscript 'choiceIdentifier' => 'org.tug.mactex.ghostscript9.50', 'choiceAttribute' => 'selected', 'attributeSetting' => 0, }, { # Ghostscript Dynamic Library 'choiceIdentifier' => 'org.tug.mactex.ghostscript9.50libgs', 'choiceAttribute' => 'selected', 'attributeSetting' => 0, }, { # GUI Applications 'choiceIdentifier' => "org.tug.mactex.gui#{version.major}", 'choiceAttribute' => 'selected', 'attributeSetting' => 0, }, { # TeXLive 'choiceIdentifier' => "org.tug.mactex.texlive#{version.major}", 'choiceAttribute' => 'selected', 'attributeSetting' => 1, }, ] uninstall pkgutil: "org.tug.mactex.texlive#{version.major}", delete: [ "/usr/local/texlive/#{version.major}", '/Library/TeX', '/etc/paths.d/TeX', '/etc/manpaths.d/TeX', ] zap trash: [ '/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local', "~/Library/texlive/#{version.major}", ], rmdir: [ '/usr/local/texlive', '~/Library/texlive', ] caveats <<~EOS You must restart your terminal window for the installation of MacTex CLI tools to take effect. Alternatively, Bash and Zsh users can run the command: eval "$(/usr/libexec/path_helper)" EOS end