cask :v1 => 'programmer-dvorak' do version '1.2b9' sha256 '36e51a0ee3ece99de99f2983e14beb415f74d9ae4726093cb60463cc206295e9' url "{version.gsub('.','_')}" name 'Programmer Dvorak' homepage '' license :unknown # todo: change license and remove this comment; ':unknown' is a machine-generated placeholder pkg 'Programmer Dvorak v1.2.pkg' uninstall :pkgutil => ' Dvorak', :delete => [ '/Library/Keyboard Layouts/Programmer Dvorak.bundle/', # todo these will not work because the glob will not be expanded '/Library/Caches/*', '/System/Library/Caches/*', '/private/var/folders/*/*/-Caches-/*', ] if MacOS.release >= :mavericks postflight do # clear the layout cache before new layouts are recognized # todo this will not work because the glob will not be expanded system '/bin/rm', '-f', '--', '/System/Library/Caches/*' end end end