cask "squirrelsql" do version "4.1.0" sha256 "ab49aeb1f57ef857202972102e3d7cebe5f52d531a0198c193c4ecc782d9c2e8" # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version}/squirrel-sql-#{version}-MACOSX-install.jar" appcast "" name "SQuirrel SQL" homepage "" container type: :naked installoptions = "#{staged_path}/install-options.xml" preflight do # shim script (, "w") do |f| f.print <<~EOS #{appdir}/ EOS end end postflight do system_command "/usr/bin/java", args: ["-jar", "#{staged_path}/squirrel-sql-#{version}-MACOSX-install.jar", installoptions.to_s] end uninstall_preflight do system_command "/usr/bin/java", args: ["-jar", "#{appdir}/", "-f", "-c"] end uninstall delete: "#{appdir}/" zap trash: "~/.squirrel-sql" caveats do depends_on_java "8+" end end