cask "libreoffice" do version "6.4.5" sha256 "8f8561085a93186ddb5d7d7b5f990e9effbb3305b1197768960bf6c688bef678" # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version}/mac/x86_64/LibreOffice_#{version}_MacOS_x86-64.dmg" appcast "" name "LibreOffice" homepage "" conflicts_with cask: "libreoffice-still" app "" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" # shim script ( shimscript = "#{staged_path}/" binary shimscript, target: "soffice" preflight do IO.write shimscript, <<~EOS #!/bin/sh '#{appdir}/' "$@" EOS end zap trash: [ "~/Library/Application Support/LibreOffice", "~/Library/Application Support/*", "~/Library/Preferences/org.libreoffice.script.plist", "~/Library/Saved Application State/org.libreoffice.script.savedState", ] end