cask 'cocoapods' do version '1.0.0.beta.5' sha256 '953f5ac33908b97fb5a370d6ab3db0b82e61f455875315bde95c6be7f45dda5a' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version}/{version}.tar.bz2" appcast '', checkpoint: '86d4ca53997c3bcbfb74629080800a32769c96fc5c186e8d89bd34c0ae9f6633' name '' homepage '' license :mit container type: :tar app '' binary '' postflight do # Because Homebrew-Cask symlinks the binstub directly, stop the app from asking the user to install the binstub. system 'defaults write org.cocoapods.CocoaPods CPDoNotRequestCLIToolInstallationAgain YES' end end