#!/bin/bash readonly program="$(basename "${0}")" readonly families=(flash navicat) # Needs to be in sync with the 'get_' functions readonly cask_family="${1}" readonly new_version="${2}" function usage { echo " Submit updates to a family of casks all at once. Usage: ${program} Example: ${program} flash '' Available families: ${families[*]} " | sed -E 's/^ {4}//' } function is_in_array { local string="${1}" for value in "${@:2}"; do [[ "${string}" == "${value}" ]] && return 0 done return 1 } function get_flash { brew search 'flash' | grep 'flash-[np]' } function get_navicat { brew search 'navicat' | grep 'navicat-[fp]' } if ! command -v 'cask-repair' &>/dev/null; then echo 'You need cask-repair to run this script' exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${new_version}" ]] || ! is_in_array "${cask_family}" "${families[@]}"; then usage exit 1 fi if [[ "${1}" =~ ^(-h|--help)$ ]]; then usage exit 0 fi brew update for cask in $(get_${cask_family}); do cask_version="$(brew cask _stanza version "${cask}")" if [[ "${cask_version}" == "${new_version}" ]]; then echo "${cask} was already updated" continue fi cask-repair --cask-version "${new_version}" --blind-submit "${cask}" done