cask 'ealeksandrov-cd-to' do version '2.7.0' sha256 '979667c59da350e1a1f6288d20b8cf84ccf81a96b63f1585ad06fd82acc36684' url "{version.dots_to_underscores}/cd_to_#{version.major_minor.dots_to_underscores}.zip" appcast '', checkpoint: '64945ad97b2ff98dc41ec2cd05df9a71af6bf93faac41a75ff1f1a21a063e141' name 'cd_to' homepage '' app "cd_to_#{version.major_minor.dots_to_underscores}/terminal/" caveats <<-EOS.undent To complete installation: 1. Open the the Applications folder in finder. 2. Drag "" onto the Finder toolbar while holding down the command(⌘) and option(⌥) keys. To use, just click on the new button and instantly opens a new window. Only "cd" for has been added to the Applications folder. The iterm and x11_term versions are also staged. EOS end