cask 'datadog-agent' do version '5.8.0-1' sha256 '7a9e0306519e067e8e35e96c8f52b1fa41147a1bb5b7410dd0d0e0c85bbfaf38' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url '' name 'Datadog Agent' homepage '' pkg "datadogagent-#{version}.pkg" preflight do require 'etc''/tmp/datadog-install-user', 'w') { |f| f.write(Etc.getlogin) } end uninstall pkgutil: 'com.datadoghq.agent' zap delete: '/opt/datadog-agent' caveats <<-EOS.undent You will need to update /opt/datadog-agent/etc/datadog.conf and replace APIKEY with your api key If you ever want to start/stop the Agent, please use the Datadog Agent App or datadog-agent command. It will start automatically at login, if you want to enable it at startup, run these commands: sudo cp '/opt/datadog-agent/etc/com.datadoghq.agent.plist' /Library/LaunchDaemons sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.datadoghq.agent.plist EOS end