cask 'sencha' do version '' sha256 '8b8ef41800055722698229561575db5d7c62359c87556f3b0a8b77a9b426dc89' url "{version}/jre/SenchaCmd-#{version}" name 'Sencha Cmd' homepage '' license :freemium installer script: "SenchaCmd-#{version}", args: ['-Djava.awt.headless=true', '-q', '-dir', "/opt/Sencha/Cmd/#{version}"], sudo: true postflight do set_ownership '/opt/Sencha' end uninstall script: { executable: "/opt/Sencha/Cmd/#{version}/.install4j/Sencha Cmd", args: ['-Djava.awt.headless=true', '-q'], sudo: true, } caveats do <<-EOS.undent Installing this Cask means you have AGREED to the Sencha Cmd License Sencha Cmd appends 1 line to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile file: export PATH="/opt/Sencha/Cmd:$PATH" If you are a zshell user, append both lines to your .zshrc file. EOS end end