cask "far2l" do # NOTE: "2" is not a version number, but an intrinsic part of the product name version "2.5.0" on_mojave :or_older do url "{version}/far2l-#{version}-beta-MacOS-10.11.dmg" sha256 "475f1823652c6e59ff5fe4af448c27b6f88a8f38ac0f358a6620d8aaf5f43c99" end on_catalina :or_newer do url "{version}/far2l-#{version}-beta-MacOS-10.15.dmg" sha256 "9cdde68842f5bfd8e0eda9fdab6507e47eeda2b7a8a6941a8a5966fe89a97435" end name "far2l" desc "Unix fork of FAR Manager v2" homepage "" # This check should be updated to avoid unstable versions if/when stable # versions become available in the future. livecheck do url "" regex(%r{href=["']?[^"' >]*?/tree/[^"' >]*?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)(?:[._-]?(?:alpha|beta))?["' >]}i) strategy :page_match end depends_on macos: ">= :el_capitan" app "" zap trash: "~/Library/Saved Application State/com.far2l.savedState" end