cask 'squirrelsql' do version '3.7.1' sha256 '4ee542f0fc51489de5c529d242b5731140cb993beeba853ee7675c010cdc81e3' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version}/squirrel-sql-#{version}-MACOSX-install.jar" appcast '', checkpoint: '2bf738ab989998ed5a58b9239464120247b7adeba9ed3aff1acb9bb7b4113123' name 'SQuirrel SQL' homepage '' container type: :naked installoptions = "#{staged_path}/install-options.xml" preflight do # shim script (, 'w') do |f| f.print <<-EOS.undent #{appdir}/ EOS end end postflight do system_command 'java', args: ['-jar', "#{staged_path}/squirrel-sql-#{version}-MACOSX-install.jar", installoptions.to_s] end uninstall_postflight do system_command 'java', args: ['-jar', "#{appdir}/", '-f', '-c'] end zap delete: '~/.squirrel-sql' caveats do depends_on_java('6+') end end