class Hbc::FakeSystemCommand def self.responses @responses ||= {} end def self.expectations @expectations ||= {} end def self.system_calls @system_calls ||= end def self.clear @responses = nil @expectations = nil @system_calls = nil end def self.stubs_command(command, response='') responses[command] = response end def self.expects_command(command, response='', times=1) stubs_command(command, response) expectations[command] = times end def self.verify_expectations! expectations.each do |command, times| unless system_calls[command] == times fail("expected #{command.inspect} to be run #{times} times, but got #{system_calls[command]}") end end end def, options={}) command = Hbc::SystemCommand._process_options(command, options) unless responses.key?(command) fail("no response faked for #{command.inspect}, faked responses are: #{responses.inspect}") end system_calls[command] += 1, responses[command], '', 0) end def!(command, options={}) run(command, options.merge(:must_succeed => true)) end end module FakeSystemCommandHooks def after_teardown super Hbc::FakeSystemCommand.verify_expectations! ensure Hbc::FakeSystemCommand.clear end end class MiniTest::Spec include FakeSystemCommandHooks end