cask 'logdna-agent' do version '1.4.1' sha256 '07bdde9b4908ab957ad31a9f7b7966d77c97aa849908c2941dc7abaed0df76cf' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version}/logdna-agent-#{version}.pkg" appcast '', checkpoint: 'd2fdf2e635bfe47eb692580b7d1bde205395a01738c645411aa8dfd9264f7e11' name 'LogDNA Agent' homepage '' pkg "logdna-agent-#{version}.pkg" uninstall pkgutil: 'com.logdna.logdna-agent', launchctl: 'com.logdna.logdna-agentd' caveats <<-EOS.undent When you first start logdna-agent, you must set your LogDNA API key with the command: sudo logdna-agent -k To always run logdna-agent in the background, use the command: sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.logdna.logdna-agent.plist EOS end