cask 'wireshark-chmodbpf' do version '2.0.5' sha256 '9fe81f0738fb718cb7340ab4f08094d84cc6343d0f299df4dd56f153483446a5' url "{version}%20Intel%2064.dmg" name 'Wireshark-ChmodBPF' homepage '' license :gpl installer script: '/usr/sbin/installer', args: [ '-applyChoiceChangesXML', "#{staged_path}/chmodbpf_only.xml", '-package', "#{staged_path}/Wireshark #{version} Intel 64.pkg", '-target', '/', ] preflight do # shim script ( FileUtils.touch "#{staged_path}/chmodbpf_only.xml" chmodbpf_only = "#{staged_path}/chmodbpf_only.xml", 'w' chmodbpf_only.puts '' chmodbpf_only.puts '' chmodbpf_only.puts '' chmodbpf_only.puts '' chmodbpf_only.puts ' ' chmodbpf_only.puts ' attributeSetting' chmodbpf_only.puts ' 0' chmodbpf_only.puts ' choiceAttribute' chmodbpf_only.puts ' selected' chmodbpf_only.puts ' choiceIdentifier' chmodbpf_only.puts ' wireshark' chmodbpf_only.puts ' ' chmodbpf_only.puts ' ' chmodbpf_only.puts ' attributeSetting' chmodbpf_only.puts ' 0' chmodbpf_only.puts ' choiceAttribute' chmodbpf_only.puts ' selected' chmodbpf_only.puts ' choiceIdentifier' chmodbpf_only.puts ' cli' chmodbpf_only.puts ' ' chmodbpf_only.puts '' chmodbpf_only.puts '' chmodbpf_only.close end postflight do if Process.euid == 0 ohai 'Note:' puts <<-EOS.undent You executed 'brew cask' as the superuser. You must manually add users to group 'access_bpf' in order to use Wireshark EOS else system '/usr/bin/sudo', '-E', '--', '/usr/sbin/dseditgroup', '-o', 'edit', '-a', Etc.getpwuid(Process.euid).name, '-t', 'user', '--', 'access_bpf' end end uninstall script: { executable: '/usr/sbin/dseditgroup', args: ['-o', 'delete', 'access_bpf'], }, pkgutil: 'org.wireshark.ChmodBPF.pkg', delete: [ '/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.wireshark.ChmodBPF.plist', ], rmdir: [ '/Library/Application Support/Wireshark/ChmodBPF', '/Library/Application Support/Wireshark', ] caveats <<-EOS.undent This cask will install only the ChmodBPF package from the current Wireshark stable install package. An access_bpf group will be created and its members allowed access to BPF devices at boot to allow unpriviledged packet captures. This cask is not required if installing the Wireshark cask. It is meant to support Wireshark installed from homebrew or other cases where unpriviledged access to macOS packet capture devices is desired without installing the binary distribution of Wireshark. The user account used to install this cask will be added to the access_bpf group automatically. EOS end