cask 'subutaicontrolcenter' do version '7.1.1' sha256 '8613d1fb3237ec27ecb28d8a050aab91ccf18a381113ea5eefe9338444a336cb' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url '' appcast '' name 'Subutai Control Center' homepage '' auto_updates true pkg 'subutai-control-center.pkg' # This is a horrible hack to force the file extension. # The backend code should be fixed so that this is not needed. preflight do system_command '/bin/mv', args: ['--', staged_path.join('get'), staged_path.join('subutai-control-center.pkg')] end uninstall pkgutil: 'com.Subutai.Control.Center', delete: '/Applications/' end