cask 'google-cloud-sdk' do version :latest sha256 :no_check url '' name 'Google Cloud SDK' homepage '' license :apache installer script: 'google-cloud-sdk/', args: %w[--usage-reporting false --bash-completion false --path-update false --rc-path false], sudo: false binary 'google-cloud-sdk/bin/bq' binary 'google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud' binary 'google-cloud-sdk/bin/', target: 'git-credential-gcloud' binary 'google-cloud-sdk/bin/gsutil' caveats do "#{token} is installed at #{staged_path}/#{token}. Add your profile: for bash users source '#{staged_path}/#{token}/' source '#{staged_path}/#{token}/' for zsh users source '#{staged_path}/#{token}/' source '#{staged_path}/#{token}/' for fish users set fish_user_paths #{staged_path}/#{token}/bin set -x MANPATH #{staged_path}/#{token}/help/man /usr/local/share/man /usr/share/man /opt/x11/share/man Run fish_update_completions to generate completions for fish based on the man pages" end end